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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. The more I see this trailer, the more I like it. It's the music, the editing. A good trailer. The movie itself still looks underwhelming, but the trailer is good.
  2. http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-42492807 EDIT: Also this: Mark Hamill Pays Tribute to Carrie Fisher One Year After Her Death: 'No One's Ever Really Gone'
  3. http://www.slashfilm.com/the-morning-watch-dunkirk-compared-to-real-history-ghost-in-the-shell-featurette-more/ Tangentially related is this page that Google recommended. The SW part is a time-lapse build of the Death Star, but more interesting to me are the Dunkirk and GitS videos - the former comparing it to archival footage and the latter being a look at Weta's special effects work (for which apparently the movie has been nominated for an Oscar).
  4. https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2017/12/26/mark-hamill-regrets-criticizing-luke-skywalkers-character-last-jedi/983326001/ Haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I wonder if his supposed regrets have less to do with their content and more with the reaction to them. I've seen them as just kind of honest expressions of conflicting feelings, but I know others have twisted them into a dig at the movie and the new trilogy as a whole. Edit: Eh, turned out to be more mundane than I thought. Seems he was just upset he expressed himself so publicly. I can appreciate that sentiment. I can also appreciate that he did make it public. Eh.
  5. Hm... a cursory google turns up nothing, but this was what I was talking about. I seem to remember seeing them in diecast too. Maybe chrome plating? I dunno. https://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Vehicle-Height-Speeder-Plastic/dp/B06XCBMGY5
  6. There were some small scale model kits of the AT-ST plus snow speeder... maybe that? I forget if they're metal or not.
  7. Relevant thread here, maybe more pictures. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/43719-aoshima-vfg/
  8. Speaking of anime BDs, All the Anime (https://shop.alltheanime.com/collections) is having a 20% off sale on anything in the store. Use discount code BOX!NGCLEVER. I'm eyeing Your Name myself, as well as some other stuff. They do ship to the States, as I bought their Escaflowne box set way back when. Hoping the stuff I want is still in stock come Friday.
  9. I still don't understand why they couldn't have used... like, actual Delta characters. This would be way more interesting with Freyja or Mirage or literally anyone from Walkure.
  10. You're doing parenting right. Your daughter is also doing daughtering right. By the by, what sort of special arrangements have to go into these high-sensitivity showings? Do they dim the screen, keep the lights on, other things?
  11. After the Wii, they would have been financially solvent for a good 5-10 years, so the Wii U is hardly the nosedive that people might think it is. Certainly not so much that the Switch is a "turn around" in fortunes.
  12. Eh, I remember the days when Boba Fett survived the pit and/or had a whole bunch of clones. Or at least that was what I remember from hearsay. And then of course the prequel trilogy skirted character death by having Jango Fett be cloned en masse as well. So I suppose it's not too hard to imagine someone surviving... whatever it was they survived in TFA.
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