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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Did the update happen automatically? What happens during the repair loop? Do you see anything on-screen? Is it a repair loop or an update loop? Former = problematic, latter = maybe not. Updates sometimes cause my PC to restart several times. Since you're going from 7 to 10, it might just be going through a whoooooole bunch of these. A couple things you might try to do: 1 - Go straight to the BIOS and change the boot hierarchy, put USB or CD-Rom as first (whichever you're using to boot externally from). (Maybe you already did this, but the post didn't specifically mention it so I'm going to assume otherwise). Assuming you can boot to the external medium, you might be able to repair Windows that way. Or if it's a Linux distro, you can use that to at least transfer your files to an external drive before... 2 - Fresh install Windows 10. Move the hard drive to a different computer/external enclosure/use Live USB distros to get any important data off of it, then format the drive and insert it back into the system and install a fresh copy of Windows 10. Searching up all the drivers to install afterwards will be a pain, but Dell's site SHOULD provide a comprehensive set of drivers for the main hardware. EDIT: adding quote so people don't have to skip back a page
  2. Further performance analysis of PUBG, this time after the second and latest performance patch:
  3. As dizman says, it starts and ends a hot mess. It's being made into a compilation movie with more scenes and showing in theaters alongside the Thunderbolt... movie? I think, yes. The movie poster had the Tristan getting real close to French kissing the Atlas Gundam, I remember... I think the final runtime for it is something like 20 minutes? If you want a good Gundam story in less than an hour's time, just watch Gundam Seed: Stargazer instead. For my part, I think UC in general is a bit too in love with its "war is hell" theme. Some shows work with the theme better than others, but a lot of the new UC stuff is so self-serious. Thunderbolt reminds me of Yukikaze, where literally every character is a morose, cynical douchebag and/or is literally framed in a morose, cynical douchebag light in pursuit of the coveted "Best 'War is Hell' Treatise" Award. IBO has its faults, and I did lose touch with it midway through season 1, but the bit I saw (and from what I've gleaned about the rest of the show) did a more... honest? job of exploring its thematic pillars (ie child soldiers and the unique traumas inflicted upon and by them) than Thunderbolt did with its. But I mean, really, I disliked Thunderbolt because its music was terrible, and didn't dislike IBO because its music wasn't terrible.
  4. Finished up the Shantae: 1/2-Genie Hero DLCs. I heard a lot of complaining from fans that Pirate Queen's Quest was just a second trip through the base game as a different character, and while they're not wrong... I don't get why that fact elicits a negative response. People love that same feature in other games. Maybe the fact that you have to pay for it here? I dunno, maybe. I certainly had fun with it, and I certainly think it was worth the money. The Friends to the End DLC is pretty much just that as well, this time featuring the Bolo/Sky/Rottytops trio, and I had just as much fun with that. Some of the new mechanics weren't particularly well-implemented, but it was still a lot of fun. Eh... /shrug Also I just played through Journey. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkkkkkk yeeeeeeeessssssssssssss EDIT: Oh duh, also the reason why I came here in the first place. Anyone here played this game? Looks neat but not sure how much coding I'd need to know.
  5. He's the source of a lot of the problems of the source Norse mythology, too. So you're not wrong to say he's the true "villain," but boiling him down to that simple dichotomy misses out on a lot of what makes him a good character. How did it "promulgate" which "agendas"? The only thing I remember is maybe there being some income inequality subtext mainly because of the nature of where the story took place. The movie also maybe, MAYBE hints at Valkyrie's non-heterosexuality, but the hints if they were there were super subtle and the movie didn't do anything substantive with it anyway.
  6. Hm... Let me see now... In the back I have 2x USB 2.0, 4x 3.0. Both USB 2.0s are used by keyboard/mouse, one USB 3.0 to external hard drive, another to a 4-port hub to augment the front set of 2x USB 3.0s, and the others... have been unused since I built this computer. Maybe I should get a Bluetooth adapter and throw it in back there, I dunno...
  7. Wait what? It hasn't been released in China? What's the reasoning there? But also this is a way better movie than Rogue One, so... color me not disappointed. EDIT: Gonna go see it a second time today. I feel like my likes and dislikes will probably be magnified this time around. Looking forward to seeing what my ultimate impressions are.
  8. Reviving this thread just to say, once again, FUUUUUUUUUUUCK APPLE PRODUCTS. Even the simplest things like transferring media to a PC they turn into a two-hour headache. Every time I touch my mom's iPad I feel myself die a little inside.
  9. Thanks. Aren't all of these recently-revealed designs general release items? Or are some of them P-Bandai? EDIT: Nvm. Seems the Efreet Nacht has been confirmed to be P-Bandai exclusive, so... Well, then again, the regular Byarlant IS a bit more mainstream than the other Byarlant variants and the Efreet variants, so perhaps it will see a general release.
  10. - Deep Striker I'm not a big fan, so it's a wash. The most insightful commentary I've seen was when @electric indigo noted its phallic design. - MG F91 2.0 People seem to have mixed reaction to this. Me, I don't care too much for the design, so it's a wash. - RE/100 Vigna-Ghina More interesting design-wise than the F91, but still meh to me because the movie(?) it's in never caught my interest. - HGUC Gouf Flight Type Definitely looks to be based on Gouf Custom instead of a brand new mold. Not a bad decision at all; the newer kits have all had some really terrible design choices, whereas the older kits all hold up really well. Leading to... - HGUC Revive Ground Gundam Copy-pasta my response at GE: It's almost definitely reusing Blue Destiny parts, which itself used Ground GM parts... which ITSELF used parts from the HGBF Leopard Da Vinci (from what I hear, anyway; haven't looked at any of those kits myself). - The chest triangle appears to be molded on. I don't think that was present on the original HGUC. - I wonder if it'll include alternate shoulder parts similar to the MG. The ones in the pic appears to be the same as the Ground GM's which have rounded corners on the tie-down bar; the alternate depiction (used on the earlier HGUC) have more trapezoidal sides. - Elbow joints are probably Leopard parts. - Hands look like hot garbage. Old HGUC easily wins in this department. - Shield seems to have the same prop-up gimmick as the old HGUC, dunno if its design/parts has changed since 2007. - Gets rid of the old ball-joint thigh-to-crotch joint of the old HGUC, probably uses the same swiveling peg as the Ground GM. - Feet likely reuse Ground GM parts. A shame, too; the older HGUC is a major step up from this (though this is itself a major step up from the Ez8. Shudder.) - It better come with the machine gun, rocket launcher, and missile launcher as well to make it at all worthwhile. - HGUC Efreet Nacht Looks good. I really enjoyed the RE/100 Custom, and this looks just as good if not a little better. Shame it's only HGUC, though. (EDIT: Confirmed to be P-Bandai.) - HGUC Byarlant Looks good. I still don't know what the differences are because I don't pay enough attention; will need a side by side comparison and/or someone's detailed observations. - HG Pixy Gundam - I know nothing about it, but it looks like a decent, no fuss no muss Gundam design and kit. I'm reminded of the 0 Gundam. I dug that, and I'm almost certain I'll dig this, too. EDIT: Invision really needs to fix their tagging software or whatever it is. Its convenience features screw up my posts as often as they help them.
  11. There's also - MG F91 2.0 - HGUC Gouf Flight Type (probably based on Gouf Custom?) - HGUC Revive Ground Gundam (unexpected but unsurprising, but also dubious that they'll be able to one-up the original release) - HG Pixy Gundam - and of course the Deep Striker (will get pics later, on phone now)
  12. Speaking of Rose's interest in Finn, I like to think that her kiss is a chaste one, not necessarily one depicting romantic interest. I think it fits more in line with her character arc; she inherits the older sister role from her sister. Of course, it could just be wishful thinking. I don't particularly dig the idea of the romance, but I don't dislike it enough to muster up a strong reaction.
  13. Ah, that reminds me why I came back to this thread in the first place: was the Elysion a Quarter or full-size Macross? Less bread, more pineapples! wait...
  14. The newest trailer has impressively made me LESS hype for the movie. I think it has to do with a certain Messer getting a dumb upgrade, AND it's just rehashing the dumbest upgrade from the series, too. I never liked those Lil' Drakens docking onto the wing roots. And just to keep it alive: Less Itanos, more Circuses!
  15. Maybe I missed it @Falcon but did you say what shipping service you selected/they offered?
  16. I think you may have accidentally misspoke. Surely you meant the 1/72 Mechea Hurricane.
  17. Finally bingeing Kill La Kill. I dug it before, I dig it now.
  18. This should give you an idea of the size of a Metal Build Dendrobium: That's 1.3 meters from rear fin to barrel tip. Source: http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2011/09/scratch-build-1100-gp03d-dendrobium-w.html
  19. To be fair, it IS a fantasy story. Like why don't they just use the eagles? et al. And for what it's worth, it seems those of us with children can attest that our children enjoyed the movie for the most part. At least that's what I remember from the few posts I saw mentioning kids. My two nephews thought it was awesome. My niece... didn't care so much, but she's in that edgy phase of middle school going on high school. This Star Wars isn't meant for us. I wonder what our parents (or grandparents?) must have thought of the original trilogy when they first saw it. I can't imagine there wasn't a similar (maybe lesser) sense of "i can't believe I have to sit through this entire thing..."
  20. Quick question: Was it confirmed through supplementary materials or whatnot that the red guards are Kylo Ren's Knights of Ren? Are they just an evolution of the same red-clad Emperor's guards (my guess)? I see a lot of speculation that it's the former, but I don't know what's coming from "canon" and what's just headcanoning.
  21. Yeah man, I hate people who call people names: Others have voiced opinions about the movie regardless of where they land on the like it/dislike it spectrum, but literally no one in this thread except you is in the habit of calling people names to insult them. You're so super super salty. You specifically. You're not the pot calling the kettle black. You're a burnt pot in a burnt house in a burnt forest calling a kettle store black. The number of times you name-call the characters (they're not real, they can't hurt you) nearly triples this list's size. Mixed with the casual racism you like to throw around, it's kind of hard to take your complaints about "people being mean about my Star Wars" very seriously.
  22. Not sure who said it but confirmed it's reusing the old S Gundam.
  23. Getting flashbacks to the Heavyarms Custom's impossible missiles...
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