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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. I'd say... yes? Cautiously. It uses that super fluid cel-shaded CGI style that I don't particularly like, but the quality of the art is great. The characters don't really have a lot to them, which isn't exactly a criticism in a Godzilla movie, but they almost feel wasted here. The world feels incredibly fleshed out and could have made for a great standalone sci-fi series in the vein of Star Trek. The choreography could have used some improvement as you don't really get a proper sense of the scale of Godzilla. Oh, and it uses the (new) American design of Godzilla, too, for whatever that's worth to you. I think it's a perfectly fine design, so I had no issues with it here. So... Yeah, color me impressed. Definitely not what I was expecting, but definitely good.
  2. This must be the season of surprises, because I just went into the new(?) Netflix Godzilla anime movie expecting a Godzilla anime movie and got a hard sci-fi drama with one of the bleakest, most abjectly terrifying portrayals of Godzilla ever. They REALLY play up the force of nature angle here. Holy crap, that was a ride. They make sure to take into account time dilation, that's how hardcore the sci-fi is here. The human-alien coalition has been wandering space for 20 years, meanwhile back on Earth they estimate that nearly 1,000 years have passed. Just holy what the frakk this movie. I still can't believe what I just saw.
  3. Eh, well I was never a big Vader fan, so I s'pose the magic was lost on me. Ever since they did in Maul like a chump, I think I must've resigned myself to the fact that Star Wars would never be my source for pure badass antagonist.
  4. It does a bit, if only because my fanon assumption about the opening of ANH was always that Leia's ship was caught unawares by Vader's just moments before the opening shot. They were smuggling the Death Star plans to Yavin IV (or Dantooine? wherever it was supposed to go if not there) and got caught. Rogue One makes it so that Leia and co. are taking an active, visible part in the battle to steal the plans and from the beginning are mounting a desperate escape. Don't get me wrong, the scene itself is a fun little thing - the darkness, then breathing, then the lightsaber ignites and the curbstomp begins - but it's just more fanservice in a movie all about fanservice and very little else. EDIT: oh my god you're such a nerd
  5. "What... What the frakk is going on?" - Me, every single Yakuza game
  6. Okay, good to know. I just remember it being mentioned the past few pages or so and didn't know if it was A Thing or not. Seems like not. Re: Rogue One, that Vader/finale was the cherry on top for me, or perhaps more accurately the straw that broke the camel's back. The whole movie is already a slog for me, and that scene recontextualizing the entire opening of ANH nearly made me throw up my arms in exasperation.. Or actually at first I thought it was neat, but as I thought on it more I liked it less and less. Could the whole of TLJ be considered a space battle? If so, that'd be my "better than RoTJ."
  7. Random on-topic tangent: Why were people upset about Rey in the water in TLJ? Something about her not being able to swim? Did TFA establish that she doesn't know how to swim or something?
  8. Watched Miss Hokusai yesterday. It wasn't what I expected - more a bunch of short stories than a historical drama - but still, I liked it for what it was. It doesn't use the medium to much effect - you can tell it's almost a direct lift of the manga, panel to cel, for better and for worse - but the art is strong and the characters likeable and their lives are interesting. The lack of a central plot makes for an almost meditative experience. You don't have to expend effort trying to keep up with the story, you just let yourself live in their world for a little while. Recommended? ...yes, but with the caveat that you have to be in the mood for it. Here's the trailer:
  9. Since it's Robotech, it got posted in the general Sci-Fi section. Discussion on this specific toy started around here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/44143-kitz-concept-robotech-toy-line/?do=findComment&comment=1364999
  10. I hated the Tolkien books because they used single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") for people talking. :/ Oh god, I vaguely remember people throwing fits about this. I also vaguely remember others defending the move with preexisting lore about Force-resistant creatures, like Waddo and... something that secretes mucus that resists the Force? I forget.
  11. *mind blows* 8-year old me thought it was the bees' knees. I always thought she was cool though because afterwards she didn't bother with a prosthetic, just one-armed everything and was still stone cold Space Wonder Woman badass. There was something about the movies and Clone War being the immovable objects of the canon, but I don't know if that was only their rationale for getting rid of the EU, or if that's their policy moving forward as well so that even any new comics/books/etc. are nebulous canon-wise. I dunno. Again, it's arcane. Did they do a hyperspace jump from a planet in TFA? Or was that Rogue One? What hyperspace shenanigans was troubling in TFA? I'm trying to think of examples to prove this statement wrong, because there HAS to be something better, it's not like RotJ's was THAT good, and yet... I heard that she ended up marrying Jacen Solo, and then he went and became uber-powerful Sith Lord and killed her? I'm digging this trip through memory lane.
  12. Reviving for: https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/films/905281/Justice-League-Batman-solo-movie-Jake-Gyllenhaal-Ben-Affleck-sour-Matt-Reeves/amp Jake Gyllenhaal to replace Ben Affleck.
  13. Agreed, which is actually part of the reason why I like TLJ more than TFA, now that I think about it. TFA and Rogue One were unabashed nostalgia trips, whereas TLJ isn't as concerned about restarting the Rebels vs Empire... thing. It just uses that as a necessary backdrop to explore other interesting subjects. What are the editing and effects changes? I'll be honest, I looked up a couple clips of this show just because I wanted to see what they did with Maul, and his brother(?)'s lackluster lightsaber handling made me dismiss the show then and there. Impossible? Only a Sith deals in absolutes... Oh, I dunno, I've heard the KOTOR games praised to high heaven, and they're now non-canon. And I remember the old Young Jedi Knights series and having a major crush on... who was it? Tenel Ka? Something like that? Isn't it the case that the "new canon" literally only consists of the movies and the Clone Wars show? So any tech that gets explained in supplementary materials, even if it's produced after Disney bought the rights, is only "pseudo-canon" at best? I dunno, the ins and outs of Star Wars canon is arcane and dumb.
  14. Oh cool, I thought only Bandai was coming out with an anniversary -31. I'm glad I didn't bother forking out for that version.
  15. Speaking of RotJ, what has the general impression of RotJ been like since it released? Speaking only for myself, I remember liking it just a little bit less than ESB, but I haven't watched any of the OT more than... probably three times? Which is sadly less than I can say for Phantom Menace, which I have to have seen over a dozen times now. A rough tally would go something like: Episode 1: 10+ Episode 4/6: 3 Episode 5/8: 2 Episode 2/3/7: 1
  16. This showed up in my feed today. I've said before I'm not a big fan of Moviebob, but I know some people here are, and sharing his videos seems to have made Google think I'm among them. Oh well, here's food for thought. Also there's this guy, Folding Ideas, whose higher-production videos I like quite a bit. "So what did you think? ...doesn't matter. I liked it." *snort*
  17. On the other hand, if you're going to not bother entertaining anyone anyway - so you've just X'ed out the story checkmark whole - you may as well look at the rest of what you've got and knock some of those off, no? If diversity has to be forced - assuming that it isn't and doesn't have to be - it may as well be done so in order to make the industry healthier than not. It's not like diversity can't apply to the cardboard cutout roles, too. I mean, I happen to think the casting was fine and that TLJ was entertaining and that TFA was actually the disappointing one, so... eh. Either way, I don't think anyone's going to argue that diversity is BAD for the industry.
  18. I hate BoJack Horseman, but I also love it. It doesn't get enough credit for how clever its jokes are, and its poignant moments are also a bit too real. There's an episode that takes place completely underwater, and at the emotional climax of the episode there's a crowd of angler fish photographers, and what are they using for camera flashes? Their glowing fishing rods. I finally caught up on Black Mirror last night. All around great series, the comparisons to Twilight Zone are totally apt. That said, I went in expecting each episode to be completely standalone, and yet it's clear that there's the show takes place in a single cohesive universe, with each episode being separate stories from separate times within that universe. I dig it quite a lot.
  19. This would be a godsend as, knowing my skill or lack thereof, I'd end up messing up and spending like four of these on a single kit.
  20. Whoops, my fault. If it didn't even touch Australian soil, then that is a cause for concern. Has there been a status update since? I've had some packages list when it goes into customs (Inbound Into Customs), though not all the time. Sometimes there won't be a scan at all until the package gets into the sorting facility. This is using the USPS tracking system, of course. If I'm tracking the same package on Japan Post, it does as you say.
  21. Ewok tartare sounds awful. I'm imagining it as just ground squirrel, with chunks of bone and other bits mixed in because they just threw the whole thing into the grinder, didn't bother butchering it properly...
  22. Woops, knew I'd get that one wrong as I wrote it. Even better.
  23. By TWINE do you mean The World Ends With You (TWEWY)? The Switch library easily looks strongest out of all of the three consoles, and it's only a couple years old.
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