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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. In the Gundam Figures thread someone spoke of this release having a new shoulder joint so the shoulder armor can move. EDIT: By the by, "IV" stands for "Invisible Victory," the subtitle of the new anime season. It's a play on it also being the fourth season of FMP.
  2. Full idol action, scissoring... phew, getting awful hot in here wink nudge
  3. Sigh... This new rendition is very much a mixed bag. I'm glad to see a new mold, but the only down and out improvement is the shield no longer having that bulky adapter for the arm. And maybe the cannon's separation of parts. It's nice that the shoulders have been fixed, but I hate the ball style joint. Most everything is only as good as or worse than the older kit. Bandai seem to have majorly regressed when it comes to their kits' hands. This and the Leo are prime examples of that.
  4. Many thanks for the pricing and scale info. Definitely gonna have to get my hands on these.
  5. Speaking of CGI pics, here's the Leo's: https://imgur.com/a/ZyuzJ
  6. That was one of Del Toro's ideas for a sequel in the first place. Specifically, he noted that a Drift goes both ways, and that kaiju have a hive mind, and that two humans have drifted with kaiju.
  7. USA Gundam Store has a 10% off coupon as well: Zakuaurelius10.
  8. Thanks for the confirmation, you two. And thanks Sanity for the head's-up.
  9. I'll be placing an order for both the missile launchers and speakers in 1/72 this weekend. Just wanted to make sure on recommended materials: - @Xigfrid WSF for the shell, FUD (FED?) for the speakers? - @Sanity is Optional WSF for the bottom shell, top shell, missile inserts; FUD (FED?) for the missiles and doors? This'll be my first time ordering anything from Shapeways. Any other advice for first-time setup/working with 3D-printed materials?
  10. Oh, I see. Cool to see it (and CLAMP?) coming back, I remember this/them being pretty popular back in the day.
  11. Is there a new run of Cardcaptor Sakura or something? Not my thing, but I keep seeing new-looking images around the web and she's in the same outfit in each one. I'm curious.
  12. Seems to me like one of the manga adaptations/alternate universes. IIRC, the VFs received some exclusive Super packs like these, same as the manga-exclusive packs in Macross The First.
  13. Stealing this from another forum: Also, Full Metal Panic kits were previewed a couple months ago, can't remember if they were already shared here or not. Scale and release date have not been stated; promo materials have listed the heights at around 14cm. With the 1/60 Laevatein by Kotobukiya coming in around 15.5cm, that suggests that the Bandai kits will be roughly 1/72.
  14. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    No, IIRC all of them are outfitted with the speaker pods.
  15. That said, I'm not sure if I'll be getting the Laevatein. I've always thought it a bit too flashy compared to those two. Maybe I'll just stick with the model kits this time around. Speaking of which, the full list of model kits (ignoring only the short-lived Mode Lock line by Kotobukiya) for those interested:
  16. Ah, I'm sure you've got it down pat; I was just remembering it wrong, as @wmkjr's screenshot made clear. 1/72, closed and open fixed mode, would be great but I'd hate to make you do much more work. What's the risk in a "simple" scale-down of the preexisting model?
  17. Anyone else checking out the AGDQ streams? I didn't realize they had them already but have been catching a bunch of the runs on Youtube. Great stuff as always. This is what I've got on right now:
  18. Gave myself to the halfway point of the new Devilman show. I kept hoping it would get better, but it didn't. It starts off with forgettable storytelling but some... provocative... imagery, both of which you kind of expect going into something called Devilman. But it never moves beyond that; I kept waiting to learn more about the world, and never got what I wanted. Animation style aside, it's also pretty low quality. They try to get by on shock value, which only gets you so far. Oh well. Just wanted to give you a thumbs up for pulling the P-Chan avatar. I dunno anyone who still remembers Ranma 1/2.
  19. Nice video! Is this an accurate recreation of the in-show speaker pod? I don't doubt it is, but I seem to remember there being extra speaker kibble coming off the top of the largest speaker section. Also, apologies if someone's already asked, but any chance this gets recreated in 1/72?
  20. It's way different from your typical Godzilla movie, isn't it? All that "overly complicated exposition" sounds like setup for a space adventure series, not a two-part OVA monster flick. I mean in the end it's well worth it, but yeah, I'm still struck by how different it is. I also really liked that post-credits scene, sets up nicely for the follow-up. I've heard some generally good press for this... show? OVA? movie? I think I'll check it out tonight, see what it's about. I remember the old Devilman commercials when I think Manga Entertainment was releasing it. Check out all that cheese!
  21. This was re-released just a couple months ago too, right? Wonder why Hasegawa's going on this spree all of a sudden... Not that I mind, of course. EDIT: According to my HLJ orders, it was about a year ago, so a bit longer ago than I thought, but still... keep it up, Hasegawa. Maybe some of the Ace Combat stuff next?
  22. The flaw being intentional is... well, not bad per se, but I do think it's missing the forest for the trees. Personally, I always figured the design flaw was a result of someone overlooking something or it was a cost-cutting measure, or a confluence of any number of similar human errors. The point is we never needed to know WHY it exists, just that it does. (The Empire either ignoring it or being woefully unaware of it also speaks to the level of hubris among those in charge. All part of being comically evil.) If it's an intentional thing, then... that's fine, too, I guess. That could work as a plot device. That they felt the need to establish another "royal family of Star Wars" around whom the major story beats turn is what gets to me. There was no need for that, and in fact I'm fairly certain the story would have been better off without it.
  23. Likely it was meant only for its Japanese storefront for its Japanese customers.
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