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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. They're not going with the comic book design?
  2. The first Macross toys were 1/55 scale IIRC, and Yamato's first VFs were 1/72 scale. The only reason companies have settled on ~1/60 is because that makes for a similar size product to other toys. Model kits, similarly, have settled on 1/72 because that works best for everyone. 1/144 is too small for most collectors, and 1/48 is too big. Hasegawa et al COULD make 1/60 kits, but those kits would be wildly out of scale with their other kits, and would only satisfy the smallest of niches. The number of toy collectors who would be willing to put in the effort to build a model kit is very low. Some might say that defeats the whole purpose of collecting toys in the first place.
  3. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    When did the 25G wear Tornado parts in the movie? I thought that was just a quirky "we did it because we wanted to" thing on Bandai's part, like the Ozma/Isamu/Roy YF-29s. There's the flimsy excuse that they were featured in Macross 30, sure, but still... So pilot-specific armored parts aren't TOO outside the realm of possibility.
  4. Ah, I see. Okay, I've gone ahead and contacted Shapeways, hopefully they'll add it back to the order in FUD. Thanks much!
  5. @Sanity is Optional I placed an order for the missile rack earlier today. Shapeways informed me that the shell parts can't be printed as is. Is it a material thing? Maybe I'll try in FUD instead of WSF?
  6. ~38,000 yen, at least from this indication. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1634344926780505/permalink/2069315059950154/
  7. HLJ and HS say the kit's been pushed back YET AGAIN to March. Anyone else saying this?
  8. I figured it was just to avoid collateral... at least from what little I remember of the movie. The gas was burned up by the fire (again at least from what I recall), meaning nothing harmful to dissipate at all. (And even if it's "dissipated," there's no guarantee where it will dissipate to or in what concentration. It's rather really foolish and potentially dangerous reasoning. Spread it over a wider area and if it's denser than air and still lethal, you've just killed even more people. Even if it's not, its corrosive nature can't possibly be any measure of good even if exposed to it in small quantities.) If he'd blown it up on base, WW and co. would have died as well, so flying it up there was his way of protecting her/them... I think? I dunno, I'm probably wrong.
  9. Happy to see that. I petitioned HLJ to look at the VF-4 in one of their Gunpla TV episodes, and they made the (understandable) point that it would depend on whether the kit is snap-build or not, since they wouldn't have enough time in a week to do a traditional Hasegawa kit. This reveal ups the chance that it'll be getting a gander.
  10. Here's an idea for a new series: First episode starts with a flashback to Zero/pre-SDFM-era. An astrologist points out a specific star in the sky, spouts some sort of speculative nonsense about said star that will eventually reveal itself to be true (or does it???), then cut to present future day where an emigration fleet is starting on its way to explore that system. Rest of the series spends its time exploring planets along the way, all while gathering small clues as to the true nature of said final planet. Idols if you have to, alien antagonists if you have to, but mostly it's just Macross-style Star Trek. I dunno, I'd dig the change of pace.
  11. Found in FB. Apologies, link is for mobile. https://m.facebook.com/MacrossFanCentral/photos/a.334777553272293.78093.334036913346357/1668400766576625/?type=3&source=48 1/20 VF-1 weapons set
  12. I went from "Ew, no..." at the beginning to "Hm, actually..." in the middle to "Yeah... Yeah...! Yeah, I like this idea!" at the end. Shinkai does a lot of beautiful imagery, which no doubt influenced the work of Satelight, and he would certainly give the new generation of Macross characters some meticulous, beautiful feet. Beyond that... I think VF combat would have to take on a totally different tone. Not bad different, just... different. Slower, more contemplative, maybe.
  13. It was positioned as the diametric opposite of Delta (and, strangely, Frontier), and my only intent was to point out that the two are more similar than perhaps the person would like to admit. I did this, too. To be fair, the story up 'til then you can sort of keep up with, but you go from "time to FAEB the island" to "everyone's aboard the ships, time for all-out WAR!!!" in the span of a credits sequence.
  14. It's the first instance of Korean rap that didn't instantly make my ears bleed. So... top marks for that alone. Like what? I thought he was a compelling villain, in that a lot of the ideas he embodied were strong counters to those of the protagonist... I dunno, I think Michael B Jordan had already sufficiently cushioned himself off from those train wrecks with Creed. Or did that come out before Fant-4-stic?
  15. ...so which one of you is Yellow Panther, then? Watching the credits as I write this. I keep waiting for one of these Marvel movies to be just straight up bad... Seems I'll have to keep waiting. Dug the music. For all the complaints about hip hop/rap, there wasn't actually all that much in there.
  16. We discussed this in the anniversary model threads, too, but I think the anniversary schemes are just hit or miss. The 25th looks really nice, but the 30th was... Nascar ugly. Have there been any others? There's the Messer VF-1, but I don't know if that's an "official" scheme or Bandai just wanted to capitalize on Delta and Messer's (confounding) popularity.
  17. Separate canopy frame. Interesting. Removable(?) cockpit. Also interesting. Snap assembly? Triple interesting...
  18. Ugh, you want to talk about wasting perfectly good plots, the whole Kaname/Arad angle was dropped even more quickly than the love triangle was, and to throw salt on the wound, they opted to put in its place the worst "tragic romance" ever. I will never not be super salty.
  19. Oh god yes, I totally forgot about that. Something like that, I'd kill half a dozen wallets for.
  20. Don't you folks ever get tired of the same old VF-1? Gets kind of boring when all you ever see are head variants, paint jobs, and the same three armament packs. I'd love if they did some super custom VF-1, keeping the same transformation maybe but redesigning the wings, limbs, etc. Maybe with a unique Super pack to go with it, some outlandish thing with giant gatling guns on the arms a la the Armored VF-31 and new drones/missiles/lasers that attach to the underwing pylons or something...
  21. That's pretty cute. If this had come out while I was still a fan of MLP, I'd have jumped all over it. :/
  22. The seated pilot figure was shown off a while back. There are prototype Hikaru and Misa "minimum factory" standalone kits in the works, and the previously released Minmei kit in the same scale and line. The members of Walkure got 1/20 kits as well.
  23. Gaudy paint jobs certainly didn't stop the regular-release VF-31s from selling like hotcakes. Snark aside, I quite like this scheme. I said from the first reveal of the 35th anniversary scheme that it would look better without all that lettering, and I'm glad to see Arcadia prove me right. Shame that the rest of the markings aren't tampo'ed on, but if they include them as decals (and not stickers, please not stickers), then I might be tempted to get my first Arcadia VF...
  24. Hm, now that you mention it, all of the recent WIP photos have been of the Gerwalk. I wonder what happened to the original fighter mode kit?
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