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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Nope, but I'm refreshing this search page. https://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?Word=vf-31+dx&range=nameonly&SeriTxt1=&GenreCode=All&MacroType=All&Maker1=&Scale=All&Skill=&Dae=All&Dis=-2&Code=&janCode=&x=0&y=0 I'm not even planning on getting it, but maybe I'll be able to post the link in time for the rest of you to get in on it.
  2. Yeah, part of me is of this thinking as well. You're investing in something, and a result or reward from that investment is not at all guaranteed. I kickstarted an indie game about two years ago and the last update was January 1... of 2017. I reported them to Kickstarter in hopes of stopping them from starting another Kickstarter project in the future without some major vetting, but I don't know what else I should expect to receive (or take) from them save for... unfinished character sketches, animation gifs, other project files?
  3. God damn it, I knew I shouldn't have come into this thread... Some of the cameo designs, too? Maybe the unused ones, too? Pretty pretty please?
  4. If any of you are fans of FF7, Kotaku (of all places) has a guy going through the game exploring the differences between the Japanese and English scripts. One interesting tidbit from the latest episode: Aeris may have had an unrequited love for Zack in the original script.
  5. IIRC, the VR gameplay is a separate set of missions from the main campaign(/multiplayer?), so omitting it entirely from the PC/XB1 releases might be a possibility, making any workaround even more difficult...
  6. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Nice. In case you also collect the DXes and/or Yamcadia 1/60 toys, Xigfrid has her in 1/60 as well. By itself: https://www.shapeways.com/product/YKNGGQDSR/sharon-standing-on-the-floor?optionId=58658275&li=marketplace Hacking into the Ghost X-9: https://www.shapeways.com/product/JKSS9ZZJR/sharon-hacking-into-the-x-9-ghost?optionId=58652104&li=marketplace
  7. Anyway, anyone notice that the kid in the car looks familiar? The comments were saying kid Moana, but my first thought was the girl who adopts the toys from Toy Story 3.
  8. My one major gripe with their ZoE kits is that they're oddly- and over-engineered, though that's also rather apropos given the subject matter. What do they need to finish the line? Maybe the Ardjet/Nephtis from ZoE2, Neith from ZoE1, and... the final battle Jehuty/Anubis? Their Armored Core kits are absolute gold. Lots of super small parts and lots of everything not necessarily needing but definitely needing glue. But the finished product is so well worth the effort. I'm feeling the itch to get another one now, maybe the Aaliyah to pair with the Alicia Unsung I already have. Or the White Glint VOB that's been perpetually on my to-get list.
  9. I like the first movie too, I just saw the big ol "EBAY" logo and started thinking of the Instagram world and the Dance world and whatever the Stream was and... Just blegh.
  10. oh you can go to hell -______________________- I'll be honest, I didn't really like the design at first either, and I still don't like it as much as its predecessor design, but the kit itself played a big role in winning me over.
  11. I'm getting flashes to that excrementatious Emoji movie, but that extended gag at the end... that did make me giggle.
  12. Plamax 1/20 model kits are pretty decent (EDIT: they also have kits of the members of Walkure, too): http://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/5574/PLAMAX+MF+04+minimum+factory+Lynn+Minmay+Do+You+Remember+Love+Ver.html http://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/6669/PLAMAX+MF+20+minimum+factory+Lynn+Minmay+Chinese+Dress+Ver.html
  13. I knew it was only a matter of time before they reissued this. Kotobukiya 1/60 ARX-8 Laevatein Model Kit Reissue https://hlj.com/product/KBYKP-453/Sci If you haven't gotten this, I strongly - STRONGLY - recommend it. Aside from being a fan of the design, I think the kit itself is absolutely fantastic to build. It does a better job executing on Bandai's gunpla trends than Bandai does, while also being perfectly at home with other Kotobukiya kits. Everything came together perfectly with this kit, figuratively and literally. It's largely the reason that I've warmed up to the Laevatein's design as much as I have. ...by the way, do we have a dedicated Kotobukiya thread?
  14. I knew it was only a matter of time before they reissued this. Kotobukiya 1/60 ARX-8 Laevatein Model Kit Reissue https://hlj.com/product/KBYKP-453/Sci If you haven't gotten this, I strongly - STRONGLY - recommend it. Aside from being a fan of the design, I think the kit itself is absolutely fantastic to build. It does a better job executing on Bandai's gunpla trends than Bandai does, while also being perfectly at home with other Kotobukiya kits. Everything came together perfectly with this kit, figuratively and literally. It's largely the reason that I've warmed up to the Laevatein's design as much as I have.
  15. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Before physical merchandise and close-up shots of the 31s came out, I had hoped that the F would look something like the Aaliyah from Armored Core 4. I was disappointed when the F turned out to have a more... bug-like face, with two distinct eyes instead of a visor. And yeah, that horn. It's a blight on the YF-29, too; get rid of it, and they both have at least passable head designs.
  16. No, the show art. The only lineart I've seen of any SDFM are for the mecha. Can HG et al even USE design sketches?
  17. To be fair, these are way more accurate to the source material than perhaps we'd like to think. Still, I wouldn't mind seeing a Minmay figure based on her Macross the First design. Because... reasons.
  18. Uuuuuuuugh that thing looks too good. I'm really angry with myself now for never having gotten it.
  19. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    March 1st, not May 1st. Pro-order would be the day after it releases. Because y'know.
  20. You're talking about... the Robotech comic?
  21. Speaking of updates, there's been no word of a release date for this game, has there?
  22. Yo, that updated Minmay (or who I assume is her, anyway) is... wow. Be still, my beating heart.
  23. Yeah, I figured I was just mixing bits and pieces of the lore together. I almost wrote that Minmay was the half-American one, too, and suspected she was really half Chinese/Japanese.
  24. To be fair, the original Robotech was a whitewashing attempt against Macross. To be fair to that, the original Macross had its fair share of explicitly white primary/supporting characters. Fokker, Max(?), Global, even Hikaru/Misa I believe were supposed to be half-white American?
  25. IIRC, Bandai's Star Wars kits have a choice between a clear canopy or just the frame without any windows, which is significantly different from what this Wave kit does, ie separate frame and window parts.
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