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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. The TG3 gets the same contrivance, losing its railgun from one battle to the next. You can assume that when it lands on Earth the Preventers re-prep it, but none of the Gundams have facilities on Earth (or in space, now I think about it) to accomplish the same feat. I know you're supposed to suspend your disbelief, but on this particular point I never could, even at 12.
  2. Got my alt pods in the mail today. @Sanity is Optional, you weren't kidding about the fine details on the shell pieces! I'm glad that snafu with them happened that forced me to go with FUD. A head's up for modelers: Both @Sanity is Optional's missile pod and @Xigfrid's speaker pod have holes designed to accept the pegs on the 1/60 DXes' central rotating platform. I think the 3D models were just shrunk down and said hole not redesigned to fit the 1/72 Bandai kits' pegs. If this is the case, you'll probably have to drill the proper size hole for the 1/72 peg. I'd tell you what the correct size is and whether things fit, but I don't have a Bandai kit on me. If I get one in the near future (preferably if Bandai announces an E or A variant), I'll see what the fit is like and get back to you all. On the Hasegawa kit, the default charging pod doesn't actually peg into the central platform at all. Instead it just slides in from the rear of the fighter, with small tabs on either side of the pod that fit into matching slots on the insides of the legs. In order to mod these pods to fit on the Hasegawa kits, you'll either have to add those same tabs to the pod or, probably the simpler route, cut off the slots on the legs and glue the pod into place. Anyway, thanks again for the amazing work you two did.
  3. I like dry transfers, too. They, like stickers and waterslides, have their own advantages and disadvantages. I'd love to see someone try to do a complex multi-color emblem or something as a dry transfer. Their Macross kits come with waterslides by default, too, though I almost - ALMOST - think the effort goes wasted, because Bandai's waterslide decal quality is routinely... well, bad is putting it too lightly. I haven't built any of their SW kits, but if they're anything like Macross kits, then I might strongly consider just masking even the most laborious areas and filching a set of marking decals from a Fine Molds/Revell kit instead. I mean, it's a nice gesture to the more "traditional" modelers that probably gravitate more easily to Macross and Star Wars from scale aircraft than Gundam, but still...
  4. I suggested more battroid mode kits, with the following preferences: - YF-19 - YF-21 - VF-11B/C - (R)VF-25F/G/S - VF-31J/C/E/F/S/A ...followed by a VF-4G Lightning III in any mode.
  5. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Haven't looked at this yet, just saw it as a recommended article. Life-sized Ranka/Sheryl figures: http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2018/03/02-1/macross-frontier-sheryl-ranka-to-get-their-life-size-figures
  6. How dare you not buckle that baby in!?!? I'm gonna report you for child endangerment!!!!
  7. While I'm not nearly at the same level as you two, I did watch a clip of the Leatherback/Otachi battle and the difference in the level of visual finesse between the first film and second is undeniable. Holy cow, I'd forgotten how beautiful the film was.
  8. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Was there never a DX Lil Drakens set/bundle? Odd that they'd wait this long... For that matter, did the Ba ever see a release and/or announcement?
  9. I don't recall "IRL" Gipsy being 6 feet tall. Most likely they've used human/character scales as a comparison or guide. The SoC Gipsy would be around the same height as, say, a 1/4-scale Iron Man. The official stats, at least from a quick google, say that Gipsy Danger is 260 feet tall. Good to know. Thanks.
  10. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Left katakana says [Mikumo] "Guynemer," right says "Freyja Wion," from what I remember of katakana. ギンヌメール = gi-n-na-me-e-ru フレイヤ・ヴィオン = fu-re-i-ya vi-o-n
  11. Which is better, the SoC or the Neca 18" toy?
  12. I'm talking to a friend on FB about the new BattleTech game (the one that had been hit by HG's lawsuit a while back), and writing about it really put into stark relief just how little HG have done with Robotech since the 80s. Macross and BattleTech both have managed to move on and evolve themselves over the years despite dealing with HG's legal shenanigans; meanwhile Robotech just languishes, having made no substantial moves in 35 years to take the franchise beyond the original chimera show, or really even just the SDFM portion of the show. All it does is subsist on the goodwill of an aging and dwindling fan base. At this point, considering how much they seem to want to divest themselves of the Macross baggage, I don't understand why HG don't just wipe the entire franchise clean and start from scratch. ...anyway. That has only the most tangential relation to this, but just... wow.
  13. Same. The backers of this particular Kickstarter might know what they're doing, but so many of the others I've seen - including the failed one I was a part of - complain about not getting the game/product they preordered, and I have to fight to keep from pulling my hair out.
  14. That's about... 9-9.5" tall? That puts it at roughly 1/350, 1/325 scale? I wonder how it sits next to the 1/350 Plamax model kits...
  15. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Looking back through the FMP thread, there seem to be three specific changes to the new MB Laevatein: - added shoulder swivel - new articulated storage compartment in chest for hand grenades - extra joint arm for the demolition gun and
  16. Is that a name worth knowing? (EDIT: Watch it be the guy's name and I'm a complete idiot.)
  17. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That doesn't necessarily mean that the proxies will get them around that same time, right? So it'll probably take a few days to get to them, then a few days more as they sort and prep.
  18. Well, that changes the dynamic a bit...
  19. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

  20. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yep, this. Learned my lesson from the MB Arbalest preorder. Also, search link again: https://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?Word=vf-31+dx&range=nameonly&SeriTxt1=&GenreCode=All&MacroType=All&Maker1=&Scale=All&Skill=&Dae=All&Dis=-2&Code=&janCode=&x=0&y=0
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