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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Let's see... Exia, Exia R1, 00 Raiser, Exia R2, 00 Raiser GN Condenser Version, then 00 Quanta... then 00 Quanta ELS Version? And that's just the animated ones. Exia R3 and Avalanche, 00 SS/G, Quanta Full Saber, the Astraeas too... He'll never complete the family!
  2. Ick... I'm avoiding these latest trailers ever since that Imax one I shared. These movies are all about the fights, and these latest trailers look to be spoiling all of that. The merch looks awesome. But I'm again re-watching the first movie and the difference in quality is still night and day. (get it because the first movie was almost all night fights and this one takes place in the day) The lighting, colors, vibrancy, all was awesome in the first movie. The rain and water effects complement the Jaegers spectacularly. Del Toro goes into a lot of detail about working with ILM on the first film, directing the lighting and the shot composition, and... Man, he really deserved that Oscar. This one still looks like fun, but... not Oscar-quality fun. Kind of sad that my waning enthusiasm has less to do with the movie itself and more with how much it pales (in some ways literally) in comparison to its predecessor.
  3. Considering they did seemingly the bare minimum post-production just to get it to this showable state, I think it's fair to say that a "final cut" of this scene would have had better ADR/sound mixing/etc.
  4. After the last Hokuto no Ken game, I was very unsure this would be any good. Seeing this... I'm still not sure it'll be any good, but I'm also sure I'm going to get it. I'm playing through the KH series again and right now slogging my way up Castle Oblivion in CoM. Godddddd I hate the card system so much. I thought I'd be able to warm up to it now that I'm an adult, but noooope it's still as annoying as it ever was. It's become bearable now that I'm higher up in the tower and have devoted the majority of my level-ups to boosting the battle deck size, but they could have and should have just stripped the cards away altogether and thrown this into the KH1 combat system. Which wouldn't even be that much of a stretch, since this game is basically just "KH1 Lite," and the two games already share so many assets. I'm not sure if I want to replay this to get the other half of the story. I'm half-convinced to just watch one of those cutscene compilations instead and move onto KH2.
  5. Huh..... I'd heard people talking about it. I thought what was in the movie was fine if not particularly great, but this... Yeah, I like this. Is it canon? Hm... I think I'll treat it like the DYRL of Star Wars.
  6. Ah yes, the different striping. Forgot about that.
  7. Macross already did mimic modern stealth "shapes" in Plus and Seven. Considering that 6th-gen fighters just look like takes on the contours originally sported on the F-22 and YF-23 three decades ago, I don't know how much inspiration there is to draw from them, and moreover I don't think Kawamori would find it very stimulating to revisit those design trends. He would more likely dig into aviation history again like he did for the SV-262, like he's done since the beginning of the franchise. Or draw from outside fighter jets: helicopters and tilt-rotors, space vehicles, the natural world...
  8. I take it that there's been no DX Ba announced yet? Not even with the movie release? It would be pretty easy to release a single Ba with decals to cover all the individual families. IIRC, the family insignias only show up on the wings on an unpainted section of the hull, no? Whatever the case, a Bandai Ba would be warmly welcomed. They've already released a Ba, or are you talking specifically about a pearlescent version? And yet here we are with still no VF-31A...
  9. Had anyone asked Hasegawa USA, I wonder? It's a long shot, but it's a shot. Sorry to hear about the situation. Hope the damage to the rest of your stuff is limited.
  10. In case anyone's looking to spend money today, Ebay's 20% off coupon has been live since ~6 hours ago. Some good deals to be found on gunpla. I found PG GP01 and 00 Raiser for $200 shipped, Exia (w/o lighting) for $160, Hi-Res Wing around $90. HGUC Dendrobium can be had for less than $200 shipped. $320 shipped for HGUC Neo Zeong. I had planned on spending something, but there's nothing I desire particularly strongly.
  11. All my years in gunpla and I've never paid attention to this very prominent item. I'm gonna have to give this thing a look-see.
  12. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They're considered the best DXes thus far. If you like the designs, yes. That, I wouldn't be able to answer you. Thus far there's no talk of a Renewal, and since it's only been a year... I think there was a 3-4 year span between the 1.0 VF-25s and the Renewals? I've been seeing them up in the FS sections for $200-275 USD. There was an SV-262 that sold for ~$125 on Yahoo Auctions Japan, but I think it's safe to say that's a lucky (for the customer) outlier. Yes. VF-31s have Super Packs (with Armored Pack and Lil' Drakens Pack teased). SV-262s have Lil' Drakens + Missile Pods packs.
  13. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, I just bought a model kit last night that'll cost ~$100 once it ships (which is no $900, but still ), and I could've used this coupon and gotten it State-side for ~$75. Oh well, there's other things I can still use it for.
  14. As long as you don't lay it on super thick, you should be fine to still transform it. I don't know if those who've actually clear-coated their Valks have any specific tips, but some general tips: - Don't use on clear plastic. Whether you're using a flat, gloss, whatever finish, they will actually cause clear plastic to fog up. I and others have used clear floor polish on canopies and it works really well. - If you can, disassemble the toy somewhat to get better coverage. - Figure out which areas don't need top coating and mask them off. I'm thinking of Gerwalk joints specifically, since they usually don't have any important surface details (and recede into the legs anyway), and any top coat will only gunk up the joints making them stiffer (though that may be a good thing, depending).
  15. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Go F360 Go! Spam all the threads!
  16. One of the games announced is "Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido." "-do" uses the kanji 道, meaning "the way." The subtitle is literally "The way of the way of sushi."
  17. I'm pretty sure I've asked this before and it's been answered before, but the Arcadia VF-1 is just a re-release of the Yamato VF-1 V2, right?
  18. Add a hundred more points if you have a foot fetish.
  19. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Could also be explained away as mutations.Even if they're using cloning tech, that many clones across that many generations is bound to have a glitch or two or five hundred.
  20. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    She's three years old. (I will never be able to let that go...)
  21. You mean the Clash of the Bionoids outfits.
  22. I don't really know the scale range of Figma/Figuarts figures. How tall are they on average, and how tall is this?
  23. Turns out I do have a Bandai VF-31F. Huh. Anyway, I took a couple pics illustrating fit issues. As I suspected, the hole in the pod is slightly too big for the 3mm peg. Easy enough to fix with tape, glue, etc. Apologies for the phone camera as always. The speaker pod:
  24. Whoa, I didn't even know this existed! Definitely gonna have to search for one myself now. Congrats on the vacation and the HMR. That Juri, though... I didn't like her when she first came out, but the artwork and figures of her have won me over handily. I really wish they'd bring back that costume for SFV.
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