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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    An FYI as well to remind you that Xigfrid has the speaker pod up on Shapeways, and Sanity is Optional has the missile launcher pod there as well.
  2. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Those who have preordered from MyKombini before, do they charge you the outstanding balance on the order when they receive the item in stock? Or do they expect you to proactively pay the remainder?
  3. I actually don't think any of the art in this new run is bad at all, despite the ribbing I'll gladly give it. Above and beyond anything else, it carrying the Robotech name is reason enough to hate it, rather than any individual effort made in producing it.
  4. pfahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH If anything else about the characters were also similar, I'd say you're onto something there, but no one will remember Bogue ten years from now whereas Dilandau's "Moeru moeru!" is eternal. Also the music isn't as good.
  5. It's the being inspiration for apparently a bunch of other anime songs that really intrigues me. I wonder if that piece is taught a lot in Japanese orchestra classes or something.
  6. Luckily for me I STILL can't tell the difference between any of the Seed suits.
  7. Kiwami 2, Western release in August. https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2018/3/17/17134560/yakuza-kiwami-2-launch-date-west-ps4
  8. So the Wikipedia article for the M+ soundtracks says that its main theme, "Voices," is based on Gabriel Faure's "Sicilienne," a classical music piece for cello and piano. Anyone know if the creators have talked about musical inspirations in the movie/OVA? Apparently the same piece has spawned other anime music as well, judging by the comments.
  9. Kids will like them just fine. /shrug
  10. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Was the photo frenzy this... well, frenzied with the other 31s? I don't know, but whatever the case I'm still super excited for mine to arrive. Hopefully this spells good news for the secondhand market if I ever decide to get rid of mine.
  11. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm really glad I preordered one of these now.
  12. The Zakus has been covered, IIRC. The J variant (later retconned as the Js), distinguished by the spikes on its shields, had said shield incorporated in one HGUC variant or another, and the Zaku Is were P-Bandai kits. I forget if the RD-4 came out before the Origin Zakus or not, but it definitely shares parts with them. The line art for the RD-4, though, is definitely based on the Origin art and not the other way around. You can find the original line art of the RD-4, which lacks the new (Dom?) backpack of the P-Bandai kit and the panel lines on the thighs. I believe the GM and Ball from that same battle have gotten P-Bandai releases, too. And the Gouf Flight Type got another moment in the spotlight:
  13. https://io9.gizmodo.com/korra-and-asamis-love-has-been-immortalized-as-an-adora-1823806015/amp I wasn't enamored with the series, but I loved these two, individually and together. Definitely gonna get this. Early 2019 release, preorders close March 30. EDIT: Store link: https://mondotees.com/products/korra-asami
  14. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just got an email from MyKombini saying their release date is 3-17. Dunno if that's when they'll get it or when Bandai will start shipping the toys to them, but fyi.
  15. I just bought Nier Automata again myself, for the PS4 this time. That final ending was truly something around the game's launch, looking forward to hearing your thought once you get there.
  16. That's really good news. Hopefully things pull through, on this and all the other damage - especially the room itself. Mold, ick. He's saying thanks for not coddling him.
  17. I spy with my little eye a hidden M9 looking pretty darn fly.
  18. I'm going to pretend this is fake for the ten seconds before I check the news.
  19. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Speaking of Mirage's -262, does she have a Ba or Hs model?
  20. I notice it's been up on Netflix for a couple weeks now. Check it out, still highly recommended.
  21. You don't so much play with the Toynami VF-1s as you fumble helplessly while they crumble apart in your hands.
  22. You joke, but a peace-time Macross where the conflict is more personal or smaller scale, and we get to see a different, civilian side to VF tech would be awesome. Establish a star system of sea worlds (like Ragna). The locals have developed enthusiast VFs designed to land on and take off from water, some designed after helicopters, others after seaplanes. Or the competing airshows idea, again like what Kawamori originally envisioned Delta to be. VFs based on old airshow biplanes, triplanes, quadruplanes... It's a match made in heaven.
  23. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I want them to release a video of themselves making out with a 31A just to spite you.
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