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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Resurrecting this zombie because really that's the only apt metaphor to use. https://heroichollywood.com/jason-fuch-teases-robotech-film/
  2. Eh, implications and one-sided pining are all that there ever seem to be, sadly. The most blatant they ever got about it was Makina and Reina, but even then they hardly depicted them being any more intimate close friends might be. Alto and Sheryl downright fraked, and that was while the bounds of their triangle were still somewhat murky. I suspect that Macross will never openly endorse/depict an LGBTQ couple for fear of upsetting Japanese social customs. They'll need to delegate that to the next Revolutionary Girl Utena or something.
  3. Good to know. I've been thinking of checking it out myself. I'm noticing that most of my anime viewage nowadays comes from Netflix. I don't go on there often as it is, but it's just too convenient whenever I do that I don't bother with other streaming services like Crunchyroll. I should probably browse more on Crunchyroll, though... and Funimation? Weren't they going to get their own streaming service? 1) Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan makes me extra glad I never got into this franchise. 2) Short fights in Dragonball? My mind cannot possibly handle all this innovation!
  4. Who voices the Imouto? Also, that music. I wonder if there's a rash of Radwimps clones over there right now, with Your Name's success. Or maybe that style of sound is just getting popular in general.
  5. That's giving waaaaay too much credit to Justice League. The thing is that JJ Abrams doesn't do anything other than retread earlier movies But Worse. His inability to look past nostalgia hampers each and every film he has ever directed. Star Trek was the closest he ever came to doing something original, and one movie later he turned it into Wrath of Khan But Worse. It took Simon Pegg taking over to right the ship. TFA is... fine... overall, but he chains it to the OT just like he chained Super 8 to ET, like MI3 to MI, like Into Darkness to Wrath of Khan. Their road map for the franchise once it got going was always to have the main trilogy be "safe" movies and the standalones be the "experimental" ones. With the first of those two respectively being the exact opposite of what was planned, who knows what they're going to do. Solo still looks totally uninteresting, and IX being helmed by Abrams stokes zero fires in me, but if this is it for me and this particular franchise, I'm totally fine with having gotten this surprisingly beautiful and thoughtful movie out of it.
  6. I legitimately can't tell if there's some subtle sass here or not. Are you surprised that he was a good actor because he's Clint Eastwood's son and thus should be a bad actor (because Clint Eastwood is a bad actor?)? Or are you surprised that he was a good actor just in general, and your response to me was bewilderment at me not knowing who he is (though I do)? Some bits of acting were better, storyline was... kiiind of better, I dunno. CGI was certainly VASTLY improved from the trailers. Yes and yes. Coincidentally, I rewatched Power Rangers the other day and god those suits and mecha are overdesigned. Blegh. Yeah, I thought that was a good decision, too. Didn't hurt that Idris Elba is also British(?). Eh, China's where the audience and the money is, or is going to be. I mean hell, it's only thanks to Chinese box office receipts that we're getting this sequel at all. Plus the financiers are a lot of Chinese companies, so... Pandered? It's not at American levels, I'll say that. Related question: Were the subtitles accurate? I always like seeing my language with English subtitles and knowing how accurate/inaccurate they're being. --- Some general thoughts after seeing it with the kids:
  7. What hits me hardest is that the modeler replaced those godawful gorilla paws with decent-sized hands. (They look to be... 1/100 hands, maybe B-Club resin VF-25/27 hands. EDIT: Yep, from WIP pics it's B-Club, either 1/100 Deathscythe Hell EW hands or 1/72 VF-25G/VF-27Beta hands specifically.) Are the DX's hands roughly the same size as these relative to the rest of the body, or are they larger?
  8. Well, I'm glad my experience helped inform more people, at least. This is good to know, especially as I (probably) ramp up my physical music collection. I need me a Macross Plus deluxe box set that includes all four soundtracks on it now.
  9. Is he supposed to be bad or something? I don't get it...
  10. True true, I think we're both in agreement that slaginpit's got a hate boner on for this thing. My biggest plus is that it looks competently made, which is more than can be said of any other (American) giant robot movie in recent memory *notverysubtlecoughTransformerscough* and a good number of giant monster movies too, while I'm at it. I swear to god though, if it ends in a big giant laser shooting into the sky... Agreed, and that is absolutely the WRONG reason to green-light a sequel of this kind. No amount of "streamlining" would ever make this kind of thing super popular in the States, it just doesn't have those kinds of legs. If they were going to greenlight a sequel, it would have to be on the condition that they DON'T try to franchise it, they just do it because they're friggin' nerds and if it makes money it makes money. Merchandising the Jaegers was a good decision, striking model and toy deals with Japanese companies was super smart, but they're fools if they think that this will ever become Transformers... and really, they shouldn't want it to.
  11. I was wondering about that, too. I mean, it certainly isn't the DUMBEST thing to ever be inked and colored... ...but still.
  12. I was really hoping for the ending to be the arm letting go.
  13. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    How much is the shipping total for you guys? I'd expect it to be roughly the same for everyone, no? Right around 2000-2500 yen for registered SAL unless going with something faster? I dunno where the various stores are located, so of course I could be totally off base here. As for me, it was right around the 2500 mark.
  14. Holy crap, it kind of does...
  15. Yep, attached pics are mine. Shame, I shoulda known the deal was too good to be true. Thanks for the info.
  16. I forget, the Hummingbird is basically the "Deep Striker" of the Zeta Pluses, yes?
  17. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Is this different from previous P-Bandai releases? This is my first, so I wouldn't know, but it seems reasonable that Bandai ships out from their warehouses release date, then stores and customers get it over the course of 1-2 weeks depending on shipping, then stores sort out for international customers and the international shipping happens which takes anywhere from 1 week to several months(?).
  18. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Glad you guys enjoyed my trolling. More seriously, I just got notification from Mykombini and paid the rest of the preorder, so with any luck I'll be able to take pics of the actual thing within a month or so.
  19. If people feel strongly about something, who's to say that they shouldn't be able to express themselves? That said, I was surprised at the lengths @slaginpit was willing to go to indulge in his strong negative feelings. Oh, gonna have to agree to disagree there. The first IS literally dumb fun, yes, but there's a whole lot of craft that went into it, something that I'm not seeing in this one (at least from the trailers). The first film's use of color, for instance, is pretty remarkable. Red rarely makes up part of a scene's color profile, so when it does, it tends to starkly relief against the rest of the shot, and it sticks in your mind. Young Mako's red shoe, the red blood stain on Raleigh's all-white suit when he stumbles out of Gipsy, the scene immediately preceding that when Gipsy's arm gets ripped off and the cockpit immediately shows a glaring red warning, the same thing at the end when Raleigh's walking around an all-red cockpit... The red helps inform the scene. It's the color of desperation, of impending doom. Not even Crimson Typhoon has red armor quite like desperate red. Its armor looks more like lacquer, and never disrupts a scene like true red does. There's a neat use of neon blue during the Otachi fight as well; when Gipsy is searching for it in Hong Kong, there's a brief shot where a building reflects the lights of the building across from it and looks like the kaiju blue stripes of Otachi. There's just a moment of foreshadowing as Gipsy looks at it, and then Otachi bursts through it. It's a small detail, but it's a really fun one. The sequel, on the other hand, seems to have thrown all that out. The shift from ILM to a lesser effects talent certainly didn't help. The daytime shots have the unfortunate side effect of needing daytime lighting, and there's less ways to manipulate that than there is at night, where the lighting is completely at your control. The Jaegers may sport different colors but they all have the same dull, monotonous overtone to them. The only other deliberate use of color I can see from the trailers is the same "Orange/Blue Contrast" that seems to be the staple of blockbuster movies nowadays. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OrangeBlueContrast) And the sequel being a love letter to the high-speed robot action and monster anime that came in their wake isn't necessarily a bad thing. That said, I have my doubts that this movie is any such love letter. It appears to have too much of mainstream blockbuster Hollywood in its veins.
  20. Har har bloody har. You get a thumbs up for that. But seriously, go into it without a lick of knowledge of Robotech or Macross - and since this is supposed to be a reboot comic, that's definitely the intended audience - and the comic looks fine... for the most part. Someone who knows nothing about the VF-1 will probably have the same reaction to these as we did to the originals in SDFM. And lest we not forget, the VF-1s in SDFM were subject to MUCH worse quality control standards. The characters are kind of generic-looking, but that shot people like to post of Minmei complaining about something in her teeth (I think?) isn't actually a bad drawing, it just doesn't portray her as cute. It's an expression that plenty of people make, and it's one that's been drawn plenty of times and it's looked just as good/bad as it does here. Someone a page back or so compared this to the manga art from Macross the First and I'm like... They're two totally different works going for two totally different aesthetics aimed at two totally different audiences. There's also something to be said about the Titan Minmei being much more... "believable" than Manga Minmay, in that she looks more like how a person would look, crazy-hot idol or no, whereas Manga Minmay is best described as "distilled moe." There's no room for her to NOT be cute and sexy. But then again, I'm assuming that the only people who buy Titan Robotech are Robotech (and maybe some Macross?) fans, which defeats the whole purpose of a fresh start...
  21. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

  22. As someone's who had to seriously fight my own purchasing decisions in the past, I really have to caution you, @Shizuka the Cat, about spending beyond your means. Everyone here WILL encourage your purchasing decisions because a big part of this place is showing off your haul, but if you're as strapped for cash as you say you are, and considering your admission of exorbitant spending in the past, I cannot stress how much I recommend that you stop for now and let yourself recover. Impressing us here with the $1000s in VFs you've bought will certainly get you oohs and aahs, but... we aren't your friends, and we won't have your best interests at heart. Don't take @Slave IV and @no3Ljm's words to heart, because this is all fun and games until you actually start starving yourself to feed your addiction (your word, not mine). But I mean, if things are actually totes okay, then frakk me I guess.
  23. SDFM Claudia has a small afro, right? Or no? The art itself is again fine (yes, even that battroid), but there's something to be said about beauty standards here too...
  24. I wasn't planning on seeing this movie anyway except if the kids want me to take them (which they seem to do), and I have a feeling they're not going to care one way or another how the posters look. So... yeah. Get your knickers in a twist one way or the other, I suppose; this is by far the least of my concerns.
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