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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    You can go to hell... with a thumbs up.
  2. Is it a figure? A model kit? With Figure-rise Labo, why not both?
  3. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    How do you want the size to be? Small figure, big VF? Vice versa? "Zentraedi-scale" figure with the VF? If you want a small figure, I second @Slave IV's recommendation. The Playmax minimum factory 1/20 kits are the smallest you'll get for Macross Delta (the line also has Ranka/Sheryl for Frontier and Minmay for SDFM). They're roughly 8cm tall. There are also the Tamacolle acrylic keychain stands. I don't think that's what you're looking for, though: https://hlj.com/product/BANN07938 For Frontier, I've seen some ~10cm mini-figures around. Ebay link has a set of them for ~$36 shipped: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Bandai-Macross-F-CharaColle-5Figures-Sheryl-Klan-Ranka-Alto-Mini-Figure-Japan/292479178752?hash=item44191e1800:g:JU0AAOSw9uBal2ww More Frontier - "Half Age Girls" (dat name... ): https://myfigurecollection.net/entry/50492 @no3Ljm's Figure-rise bust recc is solid, too, if you're willing to put up with half a figure. I believe @Saburo has taken a bunch of pictures of various VF-31s with their respective SQ Figure/Figuarts Zero figures, and the size might not be as equitable as you think. Look through the VF-31 toy thread, that should get you an idea of how well they work together. (He's also paired them with... I think it's Space Battleship Yamato figures, and those look faaaantastic.) If you're looking for small VFs with big figures, you can get inexpensive non-scale (~1/200) Mecha Collection kits of the Delta VFs (eg. https://hlj.com/product/BANN06311) and 1/100 kits of the Frontier VFs (https://hlj.com/product/BAN967079) and match them with the various SQ Figures/Figuarts/etc. And lastly, search for "Ichiban Kuji" prize figures, those might be to your liking as well. I don't know the size myself, though I believe they're the same as SQ Figures. Get the Klan Klang one next to Michel's VF-25G and you can even pretend they're the same scale! https://www.amazon.com/Premium-Macross-prize-premium-figure/dp/B003NVN3DY This is all just me dumping all the searches I've done the past week or so; I've been trawling through the Macross figure cesspool as well, lol. Forgive the half-dozen links. EDIT: Oh, also this might be a thing in the future: "Figure-rise Labo," the line is called. Yes, that is a model kit.
  4. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Certainly not enough to meet demand... at least not on time. With stores dripfeeding shipments to customers, perhaps Bandai are producing as quickly as they can and divvying up produce between everyone. ...which begs the question of why they even bothered with making this P-Bandai, because again the whole point of it is so that they can judge how many to make.
  5. I haven't played an AC since 3, and even then I only got like 50% through the game. Got sidetracked catching animals in the forest and finding things to spend money on, but eventually I started making so much more than I spent that the game got boring. I couldn't even find the secondary/tertiary pistol holsters when people I knew had it from like 15% on or so. Since then I haven't found the desire to play The Ubisoft Sandbox Game at all, though I do admit Far Cry 5 has my interest piqued.
  6. Yeah, I've just always headcanon-ed that it's actually a run of the mill GM encased in chobham armor. hahah hahahah no EDIT: Is it a figure? A model kit? With Figure-rise Labo, why not both?
  7. I didn't even realize the GP01 had a chobham armor design. Nice. (I've always wondered what the GM Cannon II looks like with its armor removed, whether its base is a GM Custom, Powered, Kai, etc.)
  8. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    TOM = Tokyo Otaku Mode. I remember it being mentioned way back when we were still placing preorders. I don't remember if BBTS had the Kairos either, just threw it out there because it popped in my mind as a possibility. Dunno if anyone ordered this from them, but I remember the discussion thread on them: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/44352-is-kurama-shop-hobbysitebandaionlinecom-legit/ Gotcha both, thanks. Gotta say, for being my first DX purchase, I sure did choose the wrong one for smoothness of transaction...
  9. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So just to hopefully summarize the last few pages/days, let me know if I'm wrong: - NY: Many customers still have yet to get shipping notifications, a few have had their shipped(?) - CDJ: Same - Loopaza: Most everyone who's ordered has had theirs shipped - Mykombini: I haven't gotten a response since 3/23, and they have refunded at least one preorder - Any BBTS? - Any TOM?
  10. This guy knows what's up. *high five!*
  11. Phew. I thought that last part was gonna go someplace weird, and instead it just went somewhere a little bit unfortunate. I feel like I dodged a bullet there.
  12. *raises hand* You're not the only one. I remember there was a reward for filling out >98% of the bestiary or something, and THAT grind was so obtuse I almost deleted the game. There was one SPECIFIC type of helicopter robot that I needed to encounter in the desert, and the chances of it spawning are something like 1 to 10,000, AND the time it took to load the checkpoint and trek over there was like 180 seconds, which doesn't seem like a lot, but when you're doing it over and over AND OVER... But yeah, great game, I'm glad you liked it.
  13. Kingdom Hearts progress report: I'm a fair ways through KH2 now. Gonna tackle Pride Rock tonight. I didn't bother with the "second half" of Chain of Memories, just watched a summary online, because fuuuuuudge that card combat. Now that I understand the story a thousand times better than when the series was scattered across half a dozen consoles, I gotta say: The protagonists are pretty fraked up. They moralize so much, yet had no qualms scheming against an innocent person in order to get her killed; and kidnapping another innocent person, trapping him in a digital simulation of the real world, eventually killing him as well; both of them blood sacrifices in a twisted ritual to resurrect their lord and savior Sora. Like... at the end of the KH2 prologue, Roxas is just completely mentally and emotionally bludgeoned into submission. He fights to be his own person so hard, yet is absolutely powerless to stop what's to happen to him. And then Sora wakes up and it's just a grand ol' adventure again; that's pretty fraked.
  14. Strictly from hearsay, so take this with a grain of salt, but I remember seeing some WIPs (from loooong ago, I don't even remember where now) use the white decals and being surprised at how well they worked. If push comes to shove, you can at least use the decal as a masking guide and paint over it. It wouldn't be ideal, of course, but it is what it is. For my part, I'd probably ignore as many of the decals as I can, the stripes at the very least. I'd give the kit an undercoat of white, then mask the stripes and maybe the UNS kite circle, then spray the red on. But that's talking hypothetically. Ideally, I/they would create a "DYRL" Milia VF-1 scheme. Maybe the VF-1EX Mirage pattern but in red.
  15. The high-ish price was perplexing for the longest time, but knowing that it's snap-fit now, that cost ties neatly into all the extra plastic needed.
  16. Yep, what @anime52k8 said. It's the closest resemblance, but it doesn't actually look like either the TV or EW versions of any Maganac variant.
  17. Same, straight into PW. EDIT: By the by, it was Order Stop leading up to release date, but HLJ shows it has plenty in stock, so if you're still looking to get one, now's your chance.
  18. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The Arad 31S is a general release item, meaning there SHOULD be more produced of it, certainly enough for all the retailers to stock it.
  19. Ah, yeah, I must have forgotten about scenes like that. I suspected as much even while writing that post. Be that as it may, Japanese popular media (or at least that which I see) still skirts around the issue, pushing homosexuality to the background in favor of developing heterosexual relationships. Ranka obviously got hot and bothered by Sheryl, but they always portray Alto as her ultimate romantic goal. Bobby has the biggest crush on Ozma and Nanase on Ranka, but those are never deemed "worth" devoting any significant runtime to exploring. More happened with the freaking May-December romance, and the franchise was more willing to endorse borderline pedophilia and incest than two people of the same gender, age, and social groups acting on their attraction to each other. Even Reina and Makina's relationship doesn't really get any development beyond "it exists." As far back as Cardcaptor Sakura (and I'm sure earlier than that as well), Tomoyo Daidouji's obvious romantic interest in Sakura and the ho yay between Touya and Yuki/Yue is never treated as being romantically "legitimate." They end the series with Tomoyo saying she's happy and content if the one she loves is happy, which is... fine... but it FEELS like such a cop-out. Japan may not be "stuffy" about it like America is, but it's like... homosexuality can't move beyond being a fetish. Like Japanese pop culture is saying, "You can have heterosexual and homosexual attractions, buy you can only have heterosexual romances." I'm being hyperbolic, of course, but I don't think by much. Growing up with what I think is similarly esoteric cultural practices, I think I'm at least mildly accurate about the state of Japanese sexual politics.
  20. At first I thought this was a promo for a Hase VF-4 and I was like HNNNNNNNGGGGGHHH TAKE ALL MY MONEY but this is nice too
  21. Bucket head and Maganac are the best of the bunch, but still don't match the rest of the body like the original Leo head does.
  22. Hey man, you say that but I was immediately whisked back to the glorious mid- to late-90s and the years of reading Ranma 1/2 and learning how to laugh at boobs.
  23. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Well, if it turns out even the reliable sources are having trouble getting supply, then Bandai damn well better get started on a second run. I thought the whole point of the web exclusive was so they could more exactly meet demand. Still no reply from Mykombini either way for mine...
  24. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That really sucks. I ordered through them and haven't gotten a shipping notice yet either, if this doesn't work out I'll gladly swear them off forever.
  25. 65 million in China: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/pacific-rim-2-strong-65m-china-opening-1097192 Plus merchandising, it MUST be a success already.
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