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  1. Finished Frieren last week. Enjoyed the same things I enjoyed in the first half, hated the same things I hated in the first half. I can't believe there was an honest to god tournament arc. I really would rather have just spent time with Frieren and her companions past and present. The world itself is monumentally uninteresting.
  2. I didn't look too much into the numbers, I'm assuming those are with marketing, but 🤷‍♂️.
  3. Based on the numbers on Wikipedia, for "Phase 5" we've got... Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania - $388m budget, $476m BO The Marvels - $374m budget, $206m BO Deadpool and Wolverine - $200m budget, $1.3b BO Captain America: Brave New World - $180m budget, $373m BO ...which is a 1:2.06 ratio. Granted, you remove the DaW outlier, that ratio drops precipitously to about 1:1.2, so... still better than breaking even, but I get your point, but that's still not enough of a liability to hold back what is assuredly a wildly (if inexplicably) popular run of LA movies. Apparently Lion King made $1.65 BILLION. I... I don't get it.
  4. Oh they have money. They have money because the live action movies have consistently made them money.
  5. Dunno if this deserves its own thread or going into the May'n thread or what, but An auto-translate of the description. Seems to be a Best Hits album, wonder if that's the entire tracklist:
  6. The Jarrod'sTech YT page just uploaded a video about this. Tl;dr - Publicly, Nvidia says laptop chips aren't affected; behind the scenes, they're asking laptop makers to check laptop GPUs (in some cases on completed, boxed, to-be-shipped laptops) for missing ROPs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pou_chA9FZE Additionally, KitGuruTech wrote about a potential scam where at least one store are withholding RTX 5000 stock from those who have already paid for them and/or claiming there's a RTX 5000 recall, so that they can mark them up and sell them for more. https://www.kitguru.net/components/graphic-cards/zardon/bought-an-rtx5090-be-aware-of-etailer-price-hiking-scams/
  7. Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification.
  8. By the by, the composer/lyricist for the song is フワリ (Fuwari). I wonder if that makes them the main composer for the show as well, or if it'll be a collab effort, etc.
  9. I wasn't super enamored with the song. Then I heard this May'n take. Then I went back to the Suzuki Minori take. And now I dig it.
  10. Anyone know what Satelight are up to right now? Maybe they're working on an OVA while Sunrise do the show, which would allow them to explore other music genres as has been the case in the past.
  11. Is it them missing an opportunity? 9070 XTs have sold out at MSRP, the only ones you can find are $700+ with new stock expected to be relatively expensive as well; 5070 Tis are $900+ so immediately out of the question; and 5070s are expected to have incredibly limited stock and also immediately skyrocket in price. 9070s will be comparatively in stock and at MSRP while everything else is marked up and/or out of stock. If it's all that's available, and it actually holds somewhat to MSRP, then... 🤷‍♂️ ??? (EDIT: Of course, expecting them to hold to MSRP is a big ask...) Given the GPU market is this way and has been this way for forever now, I think I'm extra convinced to just grab that Framework Desktop Strix Halo board instead.
  12. Watched the first half of Frieren. I gotta say, I think it's been a bit overhyped. Through 14 episodes, it's... don't get me wrong, it's not bad. It's decent, which isn't the diminished praise it might seem like. It just doesn't hit me the way I think it seems to have hit a lot of people. A couple nitpicks: I hate the generic fantasy world. I hate how artificial the job classes feel. "I can't do antivenom magic because I'm a mage, not a monk--" Why? Why does that make a difference? You call yourself a magician, you study magic, you've spent a lifetime collecting magical spells. Why? I hate the in-fight commentary. I had hoped that the limited fights, being so infrequent, would be snappy and slick when they happened. Instead it's *do move**do countermove* "I see I underestimated you. You were hiding your skill level all along, blah blah blah, <padding out the runtime here>..." "Indeed, I knew you would do this and so I yap yap yap <padding out the runtime there>..." It reeeaaally dragged down the pace of that city-making-peace-with-demons sequence, especially when they started explaining to each other exactly the thing they just spent two episodes explaining to YOU, argh... I think I may have been spoiled by other stories that already dealt with similar subject matter. Love, mutual and unrequited, across time in 5 Centimeters Per Second. The slow but inevitable passage of time and opportunity in The Remains of the Day. Looking back on one's life in Millennium Actress. And so on. That last one especially, ugh, it never fails to pull at my heartstrings... I hope, now that characters seem to be established and roles filled, the second half of the season really starts going in interesting directions with all of them.
  13. Don't worry, that live-action movie is coming out any day now. Any day now...
  14. So I'm finally starting on Frieren after all the hype. I didn't realize it was an old-school 26 episodes long. I thought it would be the usual nowadays 12-14 episodes only. Did it release in two seasons? On Netflix it shows all 26 episodes as a single season.
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