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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. use the jolly rogers paint layout with a low saturation pink in place of the grey, and a teal or turqoise for the black. Round it off with a bright pink heart for the emblem and name them the "Dainty Ladies" Lace and stockings for the wings and legs are optional but encouraged.
  2. VF-1A? 1/48?? what??
  3. the X-wing fighter was pretty much the only thing or person to survive lucas's "reimaginations" of the original trillogy and the prequils with out being made into a blithering wussy. Seriously i've lost all respect for Vader; all of the mystery around boba fett is ruined; Yoda is lost to bizzare character inconsistency; han shoots first and is a patsy now; Jedi's turned out to be a bunch of incompetent nit-wits; storm troopers are clone troopers and aparently are all jango fetts... the list goes on. Pretty much Lando Calrisian (sp) and X-wing fighters are the only thing to remain cool in the starwars universe.
  4. when the thundercats were young, they wore no clothes and were missing all genitals. episode 1 was a confusing time for thunder-fans.
  5. I've always loved blue with white trim, but since max already did that, i'll have to go with something else.. I'm liking the light grey with read trim.. though that smacks of a "hot topic" squadron. I might try the CF pattern, with a light tan in place of the white, and a rich green color in place of the brown
  6. dude that's hot. is anyone going for a second 300 viewing?
  7. i can name 300 very obvious reasons a woman might like this movie, not to mention the fact it's neat looking, relatively smart and interesting and VIOLENT. what's not for woman to like?
  8. for serious, ALL i want is the wings and big dual bladed thing, i could give a "poo" about throwing knives, weird swords and even the Lance of Longinus. I had a space all set up at work for my unit 02 to square off with 9 landing MP's. I guess 02 will have to make due fighting her team mates.
  9. *** see my next post ***
  10. that is exactly the mix i was not hoping for. i may not be buying any now
  11. while i'm not against banning nude images on this board, the idea that doing so will somehow stop any paticular 13yearold from seeing porn during his stay on the internet is laughable.
  12. tonight we dine in heck! http://i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=22520
  13. I think the "real" inflexibility was trying new tactics. The phalanx was a powerful way to wage some war on some guys directly in front of you. but it's not good for everything, and it seems like the greeks tried to use it for every little battle they could. Yeah the phalanx itself was sort of not flexible, but thats not why the greeks started loosing. They'd done so well for so long with their phalanx's that they probably figured they didn't need to come up with new stratagies. iirc the romans themselves used phalanx tactics when the battle called for it, but they were themselves flexible and didn't rely on it as their sole tactic.
  14. I'm netflixing a documentary called The Spartans . I'll let you know how it is. You know, I was thinking. I really like how this movie is bringing up a facination with the actual history behind the event. Not just here, most people I know who've seen this are inthralled by the story and very hungry for the "actual events." I think this is the best possible responce to a "historical event" movie and the team behind it should be proud. Also I'm fairly proud of the general public for seeming to understand the somewhat complex relationship this movie has with real life: it's a real event, told in a fantastic way, yet retaining the general idea of what happend... most moive makers would be very happy to just confuse the audience in order to sell their stuff. I'm glad this film has stirred up a desire to "get the real story" Very cool.
  15. even as a complete non-fan of Ghost in the Shell, i gotta say those are some pretty damn rad looking figures.. (the spider bot and girl inside) I always have thought those spiderbots were a oddly utilitarian design. very cool.
  16. i didn't think that was boring at all. I love the story about "if" i'd just read that the other day, pure gold.
  17. man, when is the white eva coming out? i'd like to know when the final versions of it are announced so i can make plans as to how to buy them. I soooo hope they don't make two versions.
  18. if the rhino hadn't been felled to a javalen toss, could a spartan.. or any phalanx stand up to a charging rhino? Seems maybe they could, but they might want to try and deflect it rather than absorb the brunt force of it. it's questionable wether the whole phalanx had the dexterity to adapt to a charge like that though.
  19. I think a lot of those countries don't understand our free press too. Iran probably thinks that because a movie is made in the US it must be propaganda made by the US. Sorry, its just the views of a comicbook nerd named miller with a tendancy towards 13 yearold-kid fantasies of violence and women. In reality xerxes was actually a pretty interesting guy. He had a similar policey that the Romans had, where they would overtake a culture relativly peacefully, allow them to retain their beleifs and social structure, and they became a part of his empire. If Iran were smart they'd just say "persia was a crazy place a few thousand years ago" and move on. It'd be like the US getting bent out of shape if someone made a movie about gnomes , dragons and trolls fighting in the civil war and mentioned "the u.s. had slaves". It's just make beleive and especially in this case, not even trying to be realistic. Even if the movie was trying to be historical, the "Persian Empire" covered what like 2/3 of the known world, it's pretty arrogant for modern day Iran to think they can speak for the representation of all the peoples shown in the film. It'd be like Germany saying "hey, don't talk about neandertals like that, those are our forefathers." Seriously, choose your battles.
  20. i'm starting to see why so many people go as storm troopers. It's excellent protection from pastey white nerd flesh.
  21. ugh. nothing like a untanned fat man in a cape and no clothes to make me think "comics just arn't worth it this year"
  22. imho dont' worry about hijacking as 300 spawned this conversation, anyone who wants to steer it back to 300 related topics is perfectly welcome to do so at any time :-) thats amazing footage there js, you think that was a happy accedent or you think they tried hard to get the "look" right? Also thanks so much for the pics of the helms meh cd, thats exactly what i was looking for.
  23. wow, he got the real deal? so an actual corinthian or spartan warrior probably wore the helmet your cousin now owns? that would blow my mind. actually i can see how it was confusing but i'm not looking to buy, i just want to see an image of one. I've seen quite a few authentic-ish looking ones but they're all reproductions. I'm just looking to see what a helment from that era would actually look like.
  24. I stand corrected sir. you know, reguarding spartan gear, i know it's not movie related but i've been looking for an authentic real spartan helmet, since there seems to be so much variation. you guys know where someone could find a pic of a authentic spartan helm?
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