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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. is it "unlikely" or "unknown" if they will release the rest of the evas in the style of the one i have. the o2 that i have is EXTREEMLY poseable, everything from standing up nice and strait to the stylized pose i pictured above, and nearly any pose you can come up with, though the arms are just a tad limited. i'd love to have all 3 plus maybe the eva 06+/02 combo with the eva all trashed up. now i digress... so is it simply not known if the rest of the serise will be released? and what should i call mine? serise 2 ? gen 2?
  2. here is the figure, again any help is appreciated.
  3. hi, i bought a eva -02 at the comic shop the other day, very cool, i think its poses are so hard core, but what i want is to get all three evas. i've been looking around online and i'm having trouble figuring out wich ones are the same brand as what i have. the one i have seems to be made or distributed by Kaiyodo. www.kaiyodo.co.jp/ i can't find anything in english about the company and navigating their website in japanise is next to imposible for me. where can i find more info on this companys line of evas? the back of the box has the following names on it: kaiyodo sinka xebec and says the eva was originally sculpted by yamaguchi katsuhisa. any info, like always, is super appreciated! thanks here is a pic of the box:
  4. what would something like that be for? i'm being serious, is the main market for people who want to dress up? or is it intended for display? is there a big market in japan for life sized stuf like this?
  5. if you find the peices, go to a crafts store and buy a hot glue gun, don't use super glue it will mess up the plastic.
  6. they left out the part about being killed instantly from the ungodly high amounts of radiation in outerspace, you'd be so dead, so so so dead before any thing else had a chance to happen
  7. Why not go outside and play instead? Go to the pool with some friends, get some sun. ride your bike. its summer for gods sake, don't spend the last few bits of it in the dark watching anime! youve got plenty of time to become a psycopathic macross junky, you only get to be a kid once.
  8. That's a horrible excuse. this all reminds me of the road Final Fantasy went down. it started out as a story driven franchise that happend to have nice visuals. Now-a-days everything becomes secondary to the eye candy.
  9. He's using 'robotechnollogy' to defy physics and reason. c'mon guys, the storyboarder thought "here is a cool kill schene" and the technical guy said "but the gun is on backwards" the storyboarder replyed "do you think anyone will notice?" technical guy thinks a moment "nah, no body would notice that, they'd have to look frame by frame, and no ones THAT big of a geek"
  10. i'd always liked macross because its giant robots served a purpose: to fight giant aliens hand to hand. Giant robots designed to fight other humans in giant robots for the sake of fighting in giant robots is lame. Mac Zero is systematicly destroying my love of macross. neat design, its just not for macross imho
  11. Yeah i did put this in the wrong section, oups. musta clicked on the wrong link and not noticed
  12. The fact that the VF-0 is considerably technologicaly superior than the VF-1's really really bugs me, does this bother anyone else? they should have made them less fancy in an attemt to actually make the fighter look like a predesessor. this just makes no sence and seems very uncreative.
  13. Its not perfect, but here is my attempt at coloring it.
  14. the article says its shockwave, i guess the guys drawing got a little confused. parts of him ARE purple. Here is the Ad.
  15. lol, hey for a bootleg that thing looks pretty nice... one thing though: who comes up with the placement of these lights?? why the cockpit? why on toynami did they put it in the head? why not in the tip of the gun or inside the legs to simulate after burners or something. the places they put the lights are so rediculous. hehe
  16. cool! thanks for the info.. thats got to be one of the worst representations of both a valkyrie and shockwave ever created. very intresting.
  17. To what capacity did Jetfire show up in the Transformers universe? when he was in the show, did he look like a valkyrie? i remember seeing Skyfire, but from what i understand, jetfire is not skyfire and is a diffrent character. soooo..... anyone have a picture or something of jetfire in Transformers?
  18. whats a haro? pics?
  19. e-gad that thing is hideous.
  20. FLCL's run is over as of the 21st i beleive. AdultSwim.com they have a schedual up that is pretty through, looks like fooly cooly's day in the sun in the US is over unfortunately. they aired all six episodes twice. as for the other shows, i'm into futurama and family guy. the rest of their stuff i'm not all that into: i dont' like alot of their choice in anime. and stuff like aquateen hunger force, sea lab, and home movies, just are totally not my thing. the black and white babble they put up inbetween the commercials and the show gets on my nerves too, the whole way they do things over there just isnt' my style, i guess other people consider it "smart" reminds me of highschool or something.
  21. For a Tv block that is supposed to be geared to older viewers, Adult Swim's forums are sure full of immature kids. thats not including all the people trying to be Hyper-witty in an attempt to have their post put on tv. anyone else been to their forums?
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