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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. he's speaking some kind of weird language. though i did make out him saying "amedika... rubutek" i didn't hear him say "makurus" anywhere though :-( What the heck is the point of this anyway, does the robot even move?
  2. aside from their woman boobs, they look like 8 year olds.
  3. nah screw that. I can't stand people who steal things. Makes my blood boil. If it had been my car and if i was there when they found the guy... nah i'd have ended up in jail. It's sooo unfair how people think they can just take what they want. If it's not food or something like that, this should be a HUGE crime. Stealing things is basically stealing money from someone, and money is a representation of the time a person has spent at work earning that money. So in a way a criminal is stealing time from your life when they steal from you. I can only think of a few worse crimes.
  4. actually doesn't roy do this in one of the first episodes? when he unclips his gun from his forearm i'm pretty sure we see him pull out the sling from the front of the pod and attach it to the back.
  5. we're talking abotu the live action versions, not the original animes.
  6. you know.. i heard a thought that gave me pause on the whole "intentionally cheesy [bad]" movies. Movies like this, sailor moon, snakes on a plane, or the planet terror half of grindhouse: "Is it really any better to make an intentionally bad movie, than it is to just make a bad movie. In the end it's still bad."
  7. misa and minmay were both pretty messed up in the head, they're so desperate for someone to love i wouldn't doubt they'd settle for sharing. misa for sure. minmay was kinda a brat.
  8. purple and orange unit 00?
  9. I'd catch Claudia on the rebound.
  10. Meh, why change it? why redo it?
  11. oh man, finally a chance to own an eva figure, it's about time someone made a eva figure!
  12. gotta agree on the intro music being better in robocop..er.. tech than macross. that like, lounge song sung by a guy with an artifical sounding deep voice.. just corny. Minmays music is better in macross than it is in robotech though. ...to be in looOOAAAOOooove.... robotech has it's few achievments, i liked some of the voice actors and some of the music.. but as a story, it sucks, then blows, then falls apart.
  13. i don't want to be a downer but revoltech valks are probably not something i'm gonna buy. Destroids though..... all you guys planning on buying valks buy a LOT of them! then they'll know people want destroids!!!!
  14. :-O you're right! :-O
  15. you know.. i have nothing against black as a cool paint scheme, but in the end, you gotta stop explaining it as a good color for "camo" in space. Light doesn't work in space the way it does on earth. in space if light is reflecting off of something you'll see it, unless it's very far away (which it certainly will be) Conversly in space there is no "ambient" light to light up the "shaded" side of an object (unless you are very close to some other bright object). In short, anything in space is essentially invisible unless it's in the right conditions and right proximity to you, in which case you're going to see it no mater what color it is. A good example is the moon. Most people don't realize that the moon is made up of nearly entirely jet black rock. In space you're either lit up like a candle or invisible. suffice to say, in space, unless both parties are activly TRYING to be seen, you'll be shooting at blips on your "radar" screen more often than eyeballing the enemy. So please feel free to let your imaginations and creativity run wild with the color schemes. that said, i was thinking of a cool "standard" looking jungle theme, what about CF pattern with white = green and brown = darker than cf brown. seems like it'd make a neat scheme.
  16. those guys are actually in that kind of shape. you can't cg inhance muscles on a more or less naked man with out it looking fake. granted they had some filters on the camera and such, but like they said in many of the preproduction interviews, they're not using any ground breaking techniques in the movie. It's mostly conventional green screen live action filmmaking.
  17. meh, just my opinion. anything with music as a weapon for reasons other than culture shock doesn't feel like macross to me. Plus BARELY sneaks by imho with the sorta explanation that the music is hypnotic, with out actually stating anything about spirita (i think) anyway just my opinion.. i was tempted to just say "Watch SDF" and go home happy.
  18. In case no one mentioned it, the origninal serise is called "Super Dimensional Fortress: Macross" or SDF: Macross imho THAT is where anyone should start with Macross, followed by Macross Plus for some breathing room then finally Do You Remember Love? Macross7 and MacrossZero i consider completely secondary because of their new approach to the franchise (ie: adding a more mysitical power to the music in the show, rather than just relying on the shock of no culture vs culture). MacrossII is so different i don't know what to tell you, it's NOTHING like anything else in Macross. Not necesarily bad, just way way different.
  19. so much of SDF-1 was wrapped up in hikaru, roy, max and [ben] that you could almost do what ever you wanted with the other units. Whos to say that Global didn't send strike teams of destroids on small transports to do grunt fighting on enemy ships and supported by entire squadrons of valks? (unlikely but still, less far fetched than some other things that have happend since sdf) If Roy, Max and Hikaru wern't involved it woudln't be in the show. Remember SDF was mainly about relationships, not war, so there could have been many a cool battle that didn't involve the stars or affect their personal lives that was simply left out.
  20. xerxes was an interesting guy, actually. but what are you gonna do with a guy who think's hes a god and is trying to take over the world. mr smithers: "that's when he crossed over from regular villany and into cartoonish super villany."
  21. I don't see why you coudln't dress up an actor in a metallic looking body suit for the iron man costume. Problem is, how hard would it have been to make a spidey costume and how many of his scenes were cg? too many. that's how many.
  22. rainbow vader is SUPER, thanks for asking! as a moment of clarity, perhaps a glorified nazi helmeted super soldier bathed in the "red white and blue" isn't really the best image for a United States Postal Service stamp.
  23. what do you mean exactly? i'm really hoping they do a live action suit/animatronic.
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