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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. i think any preists that collect toys... more percisely.. boy oriented action toys... would be highly suspect right now.
  2. Link? I find it hard to believe you've never heard of HLJ, Greenguy. You can get the SOC EVA for waaay less than $100 there. KingNor - As for the Kaiyodo EVAs... all of the figures "go" together, ie - they are the same scale and all have dynamic sculpts, but these are just the most recent two, being from the movie. The largest difference between this EVA 02 and the previous one is the paint colors, followed by the different sculpt. I think if you picked up any of Kaiyodo's previously released EVA figs, you'd enjoy them. I love mine. Go on ebay and search "kaiyodo eva" - you'll find plenty to think about. The Kaiyodo's were cool, but the SOC EVAs that Bandai is putting out are far, far, far superior. Definitely worth the bucks. Blane23 thanks for the info, but i've seen the other release of the evas, a friend of mine has them all, while they are cool, they arn't nearly as poseable as the one i've got, maybe i should post some pics to show how poseable the "end of evangelion" versions are. I think the SOC ones are the little metal ones? i've seen those, i want those, but i jsut can't afford them, they are like 3 times the price of the 20 buck EoE versions. what does SOC mean?
  3. actually i belive that the "war" on earth before Macross started was a global conflict with many more or less equaly matched countrys "Locked" in battle. as it stands right now, the US is the only real super power in the world, alot of countrys have nukes, but no one has the power to stand up to our conventional weapons. no one has anything that can match our abraams tanks or our f-17 stelth fightes to put it this way. Iraqi tanks are about par for the military hardware other countrys are packing right now. and looke what we did to them. back durring the cold war this wasn't the case. the us and russia were nearly exaclty equal in conventional power. we had are strengths and weaknesses as did the russians. no one had a clear upper hand, and what toppled theUSSR was their poor economy, and poor budgeting, not our military power. the war that preceeded macross is one of the many outcomes that could have happend nearing the end of the cold war. the world we live in is the course history took. Garoquel: "nevermind the reasons, since the reasons for the UN wars were never defined in the first place, actually if you think about it were in the middle of WWIII and nobody is the wiser, although it wont be called that for many years to come. " read up on some history, the causes of ww1 and ww2 (many historians consider ww2 to be an extension of ww1 and not an independant war) see the powers involved, the countrys involved, the damage caused, and maybe rethink your statement. The war in iraq had one of the lowest civilian kill counts, one of the lowest collateral damage counts, and one of the quickest most decisive victorys in the history of warfare. it also only had 2 major countrys involved with brittan and australlia being the only two to lend actual troops to our side (i belive) and i dont think anyone came in to help iraq. it involved a very limited amount of space. the entire war basicly contained in iraq and around its borders, as opposed to an entire continent, and both the pacific and atlantic oceans. compairing the global war of preceeding macross to the current world climate is kind of like compairing William Wallice to Braveheart.
  4. ....only stupid people! J/K had i even suspected it was a word found in the dictionary i would have looked there. i thought it was some kind of fan-boy term. oh well. Me izn't sToopid!!!!1!
  5. i'm willing to accept that
  6. my super poseable rick is missing a antenna. uhh... one of my banprestos has a ball joint that fell off. thats about it :-D back when i was a kid i remember one of my jetfires lost a arm, and that made me very sad. ..yes i had two jetfires and when i was 11 i sold them for like 5 bucks each, at the time i was very proud of myself.
  7. Do any of you guys know a website or online forum where i can keep up to date on this company and hopefully get news on wether or not the other 2 eva units will be released? i got the eva 05 today, and i noticed how many of the parts are shared by the 02, neck, chest, pelvis, legs.... kinda makes me scared that they will simply release these two because they are so similar. anyone know a place i can keep an eye on this (that isn't in japanise) thanks agian for the info, you guys been very informative.
  8. sorry i had no idea wich forum to put this in.. but: I'm wondering where the term "cannon" came from... example would be something like: "that valk is not 'cannon' because it never appears in the serise" or something i've never heard it in reffrence to any other show or anything so should i assume it is a Macross term? any help, thanks!
  9. Mr March: Very very well said. I have to say you make a good case, though i still see the VF-0 as a more advanced looking vehicle. It looks to me like the step between the vf-1 and the thunderbolt valk you have shown in your post. In my opinion, they to make it appear like a less technologically advanced vehicle it should have been drawn big, blocky, and awkward. to me it looks refined. smaller usually means more advanced when it comes to the military. Thats just the way i see it. Aegis: "if people can´t see beyond the animation improvements of later series then there´s nothing we can do to help them." For one thing. in an animated show, the animation is key. if they animate something in a way that makes it look to be more advanced than something else, then that is what people will see. Personally i think it is kind of careless to not put more effort into animating an older fighter to appear to be less agile than a newer one. I'm studying in part to be an animator and i've learned that it takes alot more effort to restrain movement than it does to animate extreem movement. so while others may simply see it as a diffrent style and some neat crazy plane fighting, i see it as a big break in continuity. its my problem i guess. oh well. Understand i started this thred to state my opinion that the vf-0 seemed too advanced to me. i wasn't really looking to change anyones oppinion or have other's change my opinion. i just wanted to see if it bothered anyone else, doens't seem to bother anyone else that much though, so i guess i'll just have to agree to disagree. i do like the design of the vf-0, i just don't think it fits in its time period very well.
  10. have you ever been to a dorm room or apartment with entirely female room-mates? my god you could cut the drama with a knife, if i was max i would have ran!
  11. I OBJECT, YOU'RE HONOR! Defense is repeatedly stabbing the witness with his second set of teeth!!! she could have taken "the company" to court. its odd, with as many courtroom drama movies that come out, and some are pretty dern good 'few good men' comes to mind, there has never been a science fiction based one. and ripley certainly had a case.
  12. ok, i might have been wrong about the technical aspects of the valk actually performing better. it LOOKED like it was flying better than the vf-1 ever did, but if it is on jet fuel and not nuclear then it would technically be inferior i guess (never seen a nuke jet fly so i don't know ) call it diffrent animation style what ever (i'd personally consider it lazyness and lack of restrain in animation, but i'll let that go) what i simply will not be able to let go is my opinion that the thing simply LOOKS way more advanced. that i just can't handle and throws the whole serise for me. since the way it is animated in my opinion shows it doing crazyer stuff than a vf-1 and it is designed to look more like later models than the vf-1 as a casual fan i just assumed it was a better plane, so.. thats just what i was seeing. to illustrait my point about how it looks more advanced than it should, here is a pic. note the mainly the shoulders, feet/thrusts, and lower leg fins. if you can honestly tell me this looks more like a predisessor to the vf-1 and not something more akin to the thunderbolt valk (right?) then i am clearly seeing the franchise in a diffrent way than EVERYONE else and i'm sorry i brought it up... anyway... here ya go:
  13. part of the problem is the progression of the movies the first movie was a pure horror movie, and revolutionized the genera. the second was a top class action flick, again, revolutionizing its genera. the third movie, wich went back to horror, missed the opprotunity to go to the third genera and revolutionize it. that genera was: Courtroom Drama! and the fourth movie... well... aliens had yet to touch the spring time romance flick, though with all of ripleys friends dead, it probly would have made more sence to make it a light hearted comedy.
  14. it was a free hand out at E3, on the card is also the metal gear from the new game, but its too confusing for me.
  15. There isn't much too it, it's just H.R. Gigers style. He's got a definately warped way of looking at things. Anything it has to do with the content of the story was simply tacked on by the crew, Giger was given more or less free reign to make the alien so i dont' think there is alot there content wise. Check out the book Gigers Alien for a complete run down on the creative process.
  16. I'm just real disapointed they wern't biplanes, i wanted valky biplanes.
  17. Maybe it's about time to see and meet other people. But Macross marathons aren't that bad either. go get some friends, and if that doesn't work, make some enemys, don't just be a shut in. get a magnifying glass and kill some bugs or something, cripes. what ever floats your boat i guess, just know its going to get harder and harder to go out and meet people the longer you wait to do it. why not go mow lawns for a few days and buy a bike, i don't know. maybe atleast invite some local macross world members over for popcorn and macross.
  18. Here is the rail gun, what i have of it anyway. when i'm done, i gotta go back over the entire thing with a marker (gray or neutral blue) and cover all the edges that are showing white. in case you can't tell i'm not much of a modeler, but this was the only way i could see getting a metal gear rex figure. oh well, fun stuff. hope you like the pics.
  19. Rear View.
  20. Another pic from the front, showing off his little crotch machine gun (mecha and their fasination with guns in the crotch )
  21. it's a paper MetalGear Rex from MSG on ps1. got it as part of the E3 pack for the new 'snake eater' game. Here are some pics. Valkyrie Hunter D: thanks very much for the line up. i've handled the other evas aswell, while they are cool, they can't touch the poseability of the one i have.. the question remains, what is the likely hood of the rest of the evas being made in the sculpt i of the 02 i have. the reason i ask is because if they arn't releasing the others i'm going to go get the 05 while its available. if they are releasing the others, i'm going to wait for those instead. i cant' read the websites that are listed on the box so i dont' know what to do right now. thanks again for all the info.
  22. Not much new since the last photos, got his radar arm on, and built most of his rail gun, but need just a few more peices.
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