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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. instead of makeing lifesize helmits, couldn't they have used the profits to make their existing product cheaper? hehe, everyone hates the american capitalist dogs untill they start makeing money from capitalist practices
  2. Not like the rest of the characters, Hikaru is a real guy.
  3. first post? hi! for some reason i get the feeling the eva thing is not a homage, it gives me the impression they tried to change it just enough so it would look technically diffrent. even if that is the only pannel shown of that thing, it does lock it into continuity and make it part of the over all history of the sentinals in marvel. i dont' think anyone should sue over this, i just think marvel should be ashamed of themselves thats all. honestly the most likely thing is that who ever is drawing this probly has little to do with anime, discovered evangellion, created the sentinal from what he rememberd of the show, and didn't realize how strikeing the resemblence was.
  4. well its all there, so , anything from FF6 (ff3 u.s.) ever made? figures especially, but anything would be cool.
  5. I'll add a question to this: Will they release the giant, non-transformable robots from the first episode, the samurai like ones.
  6. Heh heh. I've never seen one with natural blue/green/pink/whatever hair either, but it never seems to have stopped them before. Funny how you never saw Max or Millia with dark roots. They must go through hair dye like there's no tomorrow. L'Oreal pink? seriously though, do the japanise animators intend their characters to be japanise with actual blond hair? are they supposed to be white or something? is it supposed to be died/wig or what not? is it just strait up artistic licence? seems kind of odd to creat actual japanise characters with so many white or non japanise traits and still think of it as a racially japanise person. hows this work? **edit** i pick on the blond ones in paticular because there are so many blond yet apparently still japanise characters in anime. both the blond sailors moon and venus? excel in excel saga. the girl in appleseed, and a bunch of others i can't name...
  7. in reguard to the Source code leak for Half Life 2, all that snazzy AI and phisics they showed, and claimed to be real time, is now comeing out to have all been prescripted.
  8. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but what is the trend to be the guy who says "this thread should be locked" "this thread will be moved" i don't get it. is the point to be the cool guy in the closed thread saying "this will be closed soon" seems like the LOGICAL thing to say would be to say nothing in the hopes the thread would slide off the page, rather than bumping a thread you know to be redundant back to the top mearly to say "it will be closed" i dont' get it, sorry to rant, nothing against you drew.
  9. i don't see "galaxy railways" anywhere, what exactly is the name of the thing i should look for?
  10. my only complaint is they have too good of posture. the end of eva ones are so cool becasue they have this gnarly , hunched look, its too bad these metal ones don't have it.
  11. looks like photoshop to me. the carrier pic that is. we're probly very close to unmaned anti fighter weapons. i mean, its not like we dogfight anymore, everything is done on the range of miles using missles. so its really not far fetched at all.
  12. FF6 all the way, i didn't like 8's whiny hero and super anoyng leading lady.
  13. what is twin moons?
  14. i never got the impression that the SDF transformed alot, i thought they just re-configured it to align some breakers or something so the main guns could fire. and didn't it really tear up the inside of the ship to do the "transformation" i only seem to remember them transforming once or twice in the show, and then it just stayed in "man-boy" mode. i also agree that compaired to all the other zentradi ships, the sdf is totally puny and doesn't seem to fit the design of the others; they being more organic looking. probly one of those things, like how optimus prime looks like a truck even before he comes to earth.
  15. Now all we need is a couple of space p-47s and go sink that bad boy.
  16. man... hes even got little hydralics where his achilles tendon would be. that is detail. where am i going to find prime money???
  17. first place, OTHER: my laptop with SNES emulator on it. nothing like playing FF3 on the fly. secondplace is gameboy/gameboyadvance.
  18. i may be wrong, but i was led to belive it is korean.
  19. I've always wished they'd included multiplayer co-op in the story version of the game so that one person would be master-cheif and the rest could be the little marine guys (that would either be droped in via foe-hammer or continue to respawn) that would be hilarious, and it would be really challenging for a group of you and your buddys trying to take em on as the marines don't you think? also, coolest part of halo, you can melee enemys with ANY weapon, no switching to crowbar/fist/bat , and there is a "throw grenade" button, you dont' have to select it as a weapon. VERY VERY good inovations.
  20. My room mate , Chad, has been playing the demo for about a month now, the multiplayer is insanely fun, i've gotten a chance to play on his machine a few times, there is a new warthog with a missle launcher and now you can use the Banshee in the multiplayer mode, single player is EXACTLY like the original game, but now with mouse and keyboard to make it easyer to move around. my room mate is in the Halo PC stratagy guide, check the acknolegments on the first or second page. Chad "shishka" armstrong. :-D i know people.
  21. When they are fighting in the zentradi ship and a hole burstes in the hull, max goes flying out into space with a "aah!" it always makes me bust up for some reaon.
  22. also, they hunt for skulls, not babys still in their eggs, this movie is going to be a big lame stinkfest.
  23. game gear is a good example of a system that tried to perform way too far outside of its specs. i had both it and a gameboy, while the game boy was mostly very simple addictive games with simple graphics, the game gear always looked like it was trying to out do the super nintendo or something, and it just couldn't do it. the gameboy was just fun. Game Gear had tons of lofty games that just didn't work in the limited format. Game Gear never found its niche' and since it came out after, and died before gameboy, i think it is pretty safe to say it was no where near the gameing package that the nintendo handheld was.
  24. i dont' see why people are so excited by this movie. looks like another charlies angels to me.
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