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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. i'd be suprised if its a japanise plane. as far as i know the japanise are still not allowed to have a millitary to speak of. more likely a american plane based in japan with some japanise markings on it. something like what the f-14 had on its tail with the japanise sun logo on it.
  2. neither do i
  3. goddamn guys, this is like watching trekies bitch about kirk or picard.
  4. couldn't you sculpt it in a more natural pose? what exactly is he supposed to be doing? don't get me wrong, your craftsmenship is superb, but i think its kind of wasted in such a static pose.. maybe you could do one with the guy putting his hand on the fusilage or something... just an idea.
  5. ha ha!!!1 that is the suck
  6. looks cool, any release dates, prices, size.. you know, the usual stats whats he made out of?
  7. they did, but its non-transformable, it comes with the boxed set of dvds
  8. what about the good guy ones from the first episode that got their asses handed to them? they looked more like samuri, and i thought they were cool, is anyone releasing figures of them?
  9. just watched it on CN.com, lame. my opinion is that sci fi fans have let their standards go completely and will happyly gobble up anything with thier favorite franchise printed on it.
  10. here's what i would do if i was you: explain to him that the girls on the show dress that way be cause they are girls, just be honest with him. boys dont' dress up like sailor moon, girls do. tell him if he wants, you'll get him one of the sailor scouts ACTION FIGURES but not the dolls because those are for girls too. i dont' think a sailor scout action figure would hurt, its like having a female gijoe.
  11. what a simple minded view. as for cutting things, in my opinion each volume of lotr should have been made into two movies, one for each "book" but i can see why things need to get cut. it looks to me like they are setting it up to show frodo that the shire being defiled was a reality he averted by destroying the ring. what i'm really worried about is if their going to have aragorn hook up with eowin (the rohan girl, can't spell today)
  12. someone post a pic of topless misa.
  13. nice to see you back doing your customs, keep up the good work
  14. AA is a horrible game in my oppinion, your aim is affected GREATLY by your breathing; wich, unlike real life, you have no idea when you are inhaleing or exhailing, you have to LISTEN for your own breathing. Horrible. it has a horrible system of HONOR points, wich degrades the militarys ethics of honor into a lame point system for getting to diffrent maps and skill levels for weapons specialization. plus only the top players get choice of weapons while the less tallented players (aka people who don't spend every wakeing hour playing ) get stuck with what ever is left over. the game in my opinion is a very good example of what NOT to do in a FPS. just my $0.02
  15. the osprey is pretty cool.
  16. people like it because it runs super fast on newer computers, its basicly free, TONS of people play it, and its fast; wich apparently MOST people like. tons of idiot kids play it and cheating is pretty much a given.
  17. Nope, Bush flew the F-102...when he felt like showing up, that is. because in the military you can just say "nah i dont' feel like showing up today"
  18. human shaped aliens, the only obvious diffrence being a diffrent forhead configuration. their native language always has an uncanny resemblance to english. sci-fi serise, the heros ALWAYS end up at "pleasure planet" at one point, and it never turns out to be the eden it is on the surface. can't the heros just have a nice day for once?? true for all movies, serise, anything on screen: at the critical moment, when all you are depending on is your vehicle, it won't start/go into hyperdrive; but then, and the even more critical moment, it will finally work and you'll get out at the last minute. just once i'd llike to see the hero die because their car didn't start.
  19. i think you need to look up cliche' you seem a bit confused.
  20. i have a question for the eva people. what is up with some of the weapons these evas come with? my EOE 02 came with what looks like a psg-1 or something, it is a gigantic version of a real gun, and a freind of mine has the eva -01 with some kind of weird "eva sword" i dont' remember these things in the movie or show, the EOE 06 i got (the one with out wings) came with some weird blades for each hand, and a pair of special forces knives, since the 06 and company only showed up in the movie, and only carried the large double ended sword thing, what prompted them to release these other weird weapons? normaly i wouldn't bring something like this up, its just odd, since the eva's were only used to fight the angels (and some military guys in EOE) it seemed like we got to see the eva's every time they were used, so giving them weapons that never showed up in the show or movie seems odd to me. any imput?
  21. ooh i got another one: vehicles, starbases, other outer space machinery that is so big it would literally mean the distruction of several planets mearly to collect the raw materials like metal and rubber just to create them
  22. Actually, I believe it was a correction? If the Deathstar is like a celestrial body, it is travelling in an orbit and revolving about itself, like the Earth. From laws of physics, a "ring" explosion would occur due to momentum build up. Imagine a top spining and if you blew it up, see how the parts would fly off. Of course, the Deathstar is so large that you wouldn't notice the sense of it spinning. It's been too long since high school physics? not true, the explosion is so much greater than the inertia of a body in orbit that it just goes out in every direction. also inperfections in the object itself would cause nothing about the explosion to be perfectly round OR perfectly spherical. but the over-all shape of the explosion would be more or less a sphere. if the mass of the planet/star the object is orbiting was large enough, it is posible the explosion particles would be drawn to it rapidly, but it still woudn't cause that stupid looking ring it would be more of a tear drop shape, with the point pointed at the heavy object the explosions they originaly did for starwars, by puting the camera directly below the object, looked actually very realistic, compair them to shots of explosions of nukes in space. aside from the fact the nukes looked blue for some reason (?) the shape and consistency of the blasts were pretty similar. if you want to try someting similar, get an m-80 and one of those display stands that can spin. spin it real fast with the M-80 in the middle. spinning that little guy as fast as you can would cause scale momentum far greater than that of a planet spinning in its orbit. i bet you don't se a ring come out of the m-80. besides neither the deathstar, nor the stargate pyrimid ship could even hope to be as uniform in their make up as a planet. so the ring just doesn't work.
  23. agreed, its stupid, but its a nessesary evil
  24. "IT" what ever "it" is, always goes for the air ducts. Rings comeing out from the explosions in space: Explosions in space are Spheres, not rings. for examples of doing this wrong: Starwars deathstar blowing up (remastered edition) , triangular pyrimid ship blowing up in Stargate. - definate pet peeve. if its a robot and looks like a human, it will eventually loose half its face. giant severed fish heads.
  25. as a non trekkie, and as someone who has seen many of the shows, i gotta say this is nitpicking on a grand scale! when ever i would happen apon a star trek show they all seemed pretty much the same. i think this is just a case of stat and trivia obbsessed fans over studying a product that is designed for exactly one hour of attention. not several hours per episode, ive seen some people take notes while watching. its just a show, for entertainment, not a science lesson or bible.
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