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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. Another great book is: SECRETS OF THE SAMURAI it has beautiful artwork too.
  2. i'll wait for avp to come out before i bad mouth it, i WANT it to be good. but reality is, it probably won't be. the predator movies, much as i liked them, were pretty close to being bad B movies at times. honestly, a cool pred movie would be one about the 1715 musket. seeing some colonial era guys take on a Predator (i'm asuming with some of its weaponry removed) with mussle loaders and hand to hand weapons could be cool.
  3. whew, lordy that thing is ugly, what serise is it from??
  4. See, that to me sounds hilarious. By the time period of the film, the samurai were little more than a joke. There hadn't been a war in over 200 years. These guys had no real fighting experience (duels were even illegal by this point). The ones who hadn't found jobs in the beurocracy were little more than societal leeches who couldn't be productive even when they wanted to be. They're only usefulness was in putting down the occasional peasant uprising. Against a real military they'd be completely ineffective, as history proves. Sad my ass. There is alot more to being a Samurai than just being able to fight good. It's an entire lifestyle and beleif system and culture that had lasted for hundreds of years that was "phased out" in a decade. calling them a joke simply because there hadn't been any wars in the recent history is rather unjustified, like telling a black belt he's wasted his time by learning to fight when its unlikely he'll ever really need it. sure they wern't a viable military option anymore, but that doesn't make it a good thing that a man whos devoted his whole life to a dicipline should be gunned down on the battle feild buy a guy with a few months of fire arm training.
  5. intresting, thanks
  6. I agree completely, i just think that a movie that is shot as well as Last Samuri and with set design, costume design and a full cast of unknown, yet tallented japanise actors, i think it would be a shame to not see it simply because Cruise is an idiot. i just feel bad for the rest of the cast and crew when they did a fantastic job but wont get the credit they diserve because the guy on the poster is a hack. ah well.
  7. Go rent Seventh Samuri.
  8. i actually thought it was a pretty good film.... ON ITS OWN but it didn't fit the alien seriese at all. for starters, alien was a great horror flick scary, the works.. aliens was an awsome action movie. the right amount of scary parts, but for the most part it was a shoot em up! in my opinion, a good step because its hard to be scared of something the second time around. Alien 3 fails because for one, it starts out with a bunch of in-consistenceys with the second movie. IE the Sulaco suddenly had diffrent hybernation pods, its no longer gritty and had gotten some weird lady with an accent to voice computer functions, no explination of how the face hugger got on board (the queen ripped off of her egg laying thing, and beliveing one of those little buggers crawled allll the way up from where it had been layed only to attack mid flight home is a little far fetched.. just dont' make no sence.) and they killed off hicks and newt, wich was a serious cop out. all of these things made sure that the movie started out on a seriously wrong foot. now. if you can get past all that, wich is asking alot from a fan base that throuoghly enjoyed the first two, the movie really isn't all that bad. it brings the serise back to its horror roots and does a relatively good job of it. seeing bishop again was one of the highlights for me, dillan was an intresting character, i would have liked to see more screen time for him. the unlikely heros of a bunch of space prisoners worked pretty well. it was a decent movie on its own, but in the trillogy it fails: what disappoints people i think is that it DID go back to previously treaded ground. we know the alien can kill unarmed people, we saw it already. we know the alien can be fought, though ineffectively by the marines. we know the company wants the alien. lets move on to the next step, what ever it is. had the first two movies never existed, this one would have been well liked i think the third alien movie is probably where the alien vs predator step should have taken place, there just wasn't a whole lot they could have done that would have been intresting in the third movie. anyway, those are my opinions on alien 3, a OK movie grouped with a couple of EXCELLENT movies. it brings down the first two and for that it gets flack. As for your opinions on Ripley being a victim, i have to disagree, in EVERY movie she has fought back and won (saved her own life and destroyed the aliens anyway) she never breaks down and wimpers like an idiot for some man to save her. personally i think she is a hugely overlooked icon for womens strength portraied in movies. she succeds where everyone else in the mostly male crews have failed, a victim would have simply given up and said "we're screwd, lets just die and get it over with" she never gives up in the movies, even in the thrid one she only kills her self to protect man kind from the aliens. i'm not going to get into the 4th movie, your on your own if you want to defend that thing.
  9. can someone post a pic of one of these chobits figures? i did a search on google and only got drawings, no figures. thanks.
  10. its ok, the japanise actors are the real stars, in my opinion, its a little heavy handed on the tom cruiz stuff though. i would say, its worth while to see it for the samuri gear, battles, and fighting. the story is beliveable from a very sad time in japanise history that will probably leave anyone regretting the loss of a lifestyle that had to be destroyed in the name of progress. to all the cruiz haters out there, remember there are hundreds of people who work on these films that don't get paid the big bucks who feel it hard when their movie tanks (unlike the stars who usually get their money anyway) so if you think you could enjoy a film on atleast a few levels, give it a chance.
  11. Military functions being scripted by non-military people, things get mixed up.
  12. High G's are deadly no matter how they are reached.
  13. One of my favorites is the zentradi guy who gets vaporized when max's valk overheats and blows up in the TV serise, that was awsome. a close second is in the first or second episode, the guys in the patrol choppers, if you watch closely you can see them burning to death in the cockpits. trippy.
  14. i... i meant april... oups.
  15. I preordered one, guess it won't be here till august?? oh well, i'll let you guys know how it is when i get it.
  16. Classic starwars as in, not the re-edited ones? original versions from the 70's and 80's ?
  17. Personally, i'd prefer if they didn't make a sequil. After "Secret of Nimh 2: Timmy to the Rescue" i have totally and utterly given up on sequils for great films that happend to tank. Giant is good, lets leave it that way :-) awsome toy, totally out of my price range.
  18. power tools, baseball, porn, nascar, forklifts, pluming, engines, construction, tanks, those little pink poofy sweets with the cream filling.. mmm they taste like heaven.. er... right
  19. awwwwwwwwww... ok.. well nice try!
  20. more info if possible vinnie, hopefully the price is better than the ebay actions that b-52 found. thanks for the info both of you.
  21. i saw a picture the other day of some kind of 20 inch iron giant that could do a bunch of stuff, i tried doing a search and only came up with amazon.com stuff trying to sell the movie, and the tiny plastic figure. anyone know what i'm looking for? does it have a specific name i could use to look it up? thanks
  22. thats PROBABLY what happend, but should probably be reported too. i had a similar thing happen to me when i left my hotmail account open at my JC on accedent. few hours later i was getting calls from family and friends asking if i was serious about being gay... "what!?" some one had sent an email to EVERYONE in my emailing list (family, friends, employers, the works!) stating that i was indeed a homosexual. yikes, whats worse is most of them believed it guess i hadn't been acting manly enough or something what ever i personally think this "threat" should be reported to SOMEONE. but i don't know who.
  23. KingNor


    can you ask the seller for pics of the body, you know, to see what kind of quality shape its in. cuz.. cuz.. eh.. nevermind.
  24. Plan 9 From Outerspace. rent it, and behold worst sci fi movie, worst movie of all time. its won several awards to back that up.
  25. why do you care what they say? did you make it for them?
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