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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. Invader Zim's Most Horrible Xmas Ever! "MEMBRAIN: Freind to the world, enemy of SANTA!" More christmas specials should end with giant robot fights and the easter platipus.
  2. i've seen it before, i just want a picture to show my roommate.
  3. oh yeah, nothing in a cartoon could possibly be based on a real object, after all, cartoons all have anvils falling on people and eyeballs pop out of the heads when they get supprised. as for the tank, i thought it looked something like a tiger tank in a few pictures but for the most part its probably just made up.
  4. does anyone have any pictures of this abomination? i remember seeing pictures a long time ago but i can't find them now its described as " a long necked creature with a dogs head and a larg eye in the middle" anyone know where i can find this?
  5. there are 18 pictures in that link, and your telling us to look for a "little twist" wich picture is it?
  6. its been a while, when is the next pakage due? use dates since if you say "today" it gets confusing.
  7. he probably plays with them more than any of us anyway, kinda like the kid who always picks on gays because he, himself, is gay.
  8. KingNor


    kinda cool, question though: how do those destroids reload their weapons if they are fused to the hull of the ship, the spartain in paticular. i also don't understand why they took already slow mecha, and ATTACHED them to the hull in the first place, that hardly made their predicament in the battlefeild better. maybe they are remote operated? imagine if they took the nose of an A-10, cut if off the plane (pilot and all) and grafted it to the top of an abrams to add a gatlin gun to the tanks armorment. kinda a goofy idea.
  9. i remember when the starwars x-wing flight sims came out, i don't know why they don't do that for the valkyries.
  10. KingNor

    Bad Karma!!!!

    if its the passenger side mirror then just file it down and leave it off. you dont' need a passenger side mirror.
  11. VF-19Pilot.. seriously, what did you expect here? the old tactic of saying something insulting and following it up by saying your just jokeing around is kind of old and transparent. It's pretty clear you just started this thread to insult people who feel diffrently than you then hide behind the guise of "not taking it seriously" when people try to defend themselfs. what ever. Personally i feel anything that comes pre-boxed and "ready to play" IS a toy, no matter how pretty it is. the 1/48's definately had collectors in mind, but any kid over 9 could easly play with it and not have it fall apart. I happen to like both the 1/48s and 1/55 and especially the tiny little banpresto guys (dunno the scale) and i dont' feel the need to put anyone down for their prefrence in valkyrie toys, there're bigger fish to fry. if you're talking about art then think of this: the chunky could arguably be a more stylized version of the valk, the fact that construction techneques of its time we're less advanced meant the designers of the bandai valk had less to work with and had to be MORE creative to get it to work at all. the 1/48's were probably ironed out on the computer and had more to do with matching existing line art than creating something that was previously NEVER seen before (ie: a valk that turns from robot to jet to gerwalk) as for your comment about "the laddies" i'll just let that one go and for the record, i'd never go out with a girl that didn't enjoy my collections. my girl happens to dig the little gundam figures. anyway.. my $.02
  12. i would have loved to see it with all the main stars being japanize, the american soldiers leading the armys of imperial japan could have played a small part and only aided in the strengthining of the conflict. i can't remember his name now, but the lead samurai was a very powerful actor, i could have easly watched him with out any white actor to support him. i stress again, go watch 7 samurai, it'll get any of that bad cruise after taste out of you. (still, cinematography, costume design, and the japanise actors were very well done in Last Samurai)
  13. anyone know anything about the IL2 update that supposedly will allow for p-51 mustangs and p-38 lightnings? i'd love to mix it up in a p-38
  14. the German dive bomber (witht he wheels locked in the permanently down position) coudl have a pair of big cannons slung underneath, from the side it might look like just one big cannon. i forget what its called, it's the diver bomber with non retractable landing gear.
  15. imagine, this kind of dedication put into something like medicine or automotive? a few guys like this and we'd all be in tip top health driving cars that get 100 mpg with no emissions.
  16. i dunno, the game resets the exact same way when its played, it could be possible to just remember where everything is and fly through it. for the most part i believe this is what he/she did.
  17. compaired to space, nothing is very big.
  18. !!! see, i knew i wasnt' the onlyone who used this word, i said it the otherday and everyone looked at me like i was a mutant. "... what's asshatery... "
  19. it is entirely possible that the creators of the show simpley created the aircraft to fufill the need of the plot with out putting much serious thought into the military advantage of the vehicle itself.
  20. 11 minutes. MY GOD
  21. global does kick ass, you have any pics?
  22. Samurai would have wives so they could raise children, but samurai tended to LOVE other samurai, no nesisarily their wives. the thing i read didn't mention the level to witch sex was involved in their "love"
  23. What a load of sentimental drivel. Fighting was the reason for the existance of samurai pretty much up until the Tokugawa took over. It was then that they were turned into a true social class and stuff like honor codes were created to keep them in line. People "became samurai" all the time based on their fortunes on the battlefield, at least until laws were set saying who and who wasn't a samurai. Doesn't say much for lifestyle when a lot of samurai had been farmers living on millet a few years previously. Nor does the large amount of betrayal and backstabbing that occured during the sengoku say much for beliefs. We aren't talking about some guys who just practiced marital arts. These were thousands of men who did little more than drain resources off their society. The ones who did know how to fight were useless against anyone else except peasants. There were very few jobs they were allowed to do, by law. They couldn't own land. The few who could afford it sent their kids to school to become beurocrats. Some with wealthy enough lords (a minority) lived off their stippend. The rest lived hand to mouth and not more than a few turned to crime. Most of them weren't. Some had read the righting on the wall years before and gave up their status to become farmers or craftsmen. Most of the rest just cut their top-knot off when the time came and joined the modern world. It was only a few stupid ones who required gunning down. There are few things I hate more than people who try to idealize the past. Things like chivalry or bushido are what later generations come up with to make their anscestors sound like the good guys. The truth is that the past was dirty and smelly and it was fully of shitty people who did shitty things for their own shitty, selfish reasons. You're right on every point, i'm an idiot, thank you.
  24. something about true love only being between two pure beings, since samurai were forbidden from touching anything dead, they're all thats pure i guess. women could handle dead stuff i think. i wonder if that means samurai were vegitarians
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