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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. maybe something like the powerloader in aliens? i can't see a benifit of that as opposed to a forklift, but if they WERE gonna do it, it would probably be something like that.
  2. just intrested in what you guys think. though i preffer just simple valks with no stuff on them, i have to admit the GBP(?) armor does look pretty damn cool. lets assume that the 1/48 WILL NOT get armor. would you rather get a 1/60 with armor or a 1/48 with no armor (assume they'd be about the same price)
  3. it IS kind of a toss up, a 1/60 with the armor would look pretty damn sweet. but would it be sweeter than an unarmored 1/48 valk?? tough call. if it were me, i'd get the 1/48 and hope for the armor. but thats just me (i like my valks naked) actually i think i'll poll it.
  4. i think your asking a bit much. for one thing, who said the gun pod can't be used by either hand? maybe none of the mac characters happen to be left handed. two gun pods? well, it looks more realistic to have just one. remember this isn't real military, valk design is half "realizm" and half "cool looking" if we are taking this as a solely realistic approace to the vehicle, its ALREADY a jet that turns into a human shaped robot. IF this were a real vehicle, there are hundreds or thousands of limitations to take into account. machineguns are heavy, i'm sure lazers and the powerplant to run them are heavy too, you can't simply bristle something with guns and just expect it to work as good, same with extendable arms, you need all that extra material in the arm to make such a thing possible, more weight. as for non-human like reactions of the arms and legs, i already can't imagine running a machine that works just like a human, i REALLY don't know how to control something like the backwards bend of an elbow. i would assume limitations like these are simply pilot limitations, remember the knee CAN bend backwards, but really how useful would that be? i can't think of a paticularly great reason. now... if you wanted to get into the fact that it would have LOOKED cooler to have a bunch of extreem abilitys in the valks, perhaps the creators wanted to go as realistic as posible. macross is one of the only giant mech shows that gives a good reason for giant robots, the need for hand to hand combat with giant invaders. its not like gundam where for no apparent reason people desided to build big robots, as opposed to lower profile and much simpler tanks. sure it would have looked kinda neat to see guns busting out of hidden pannels and missles comeing out of everywhere, while the thing uses extendo arms to grab enemys and stuff, but it also would have seemed very childish and over indulgent, and macross goes for the older viewer. limitations are what make things intresting... take evangelion for example: bots have very limited powersourse, it offsets their amazing fighting ability and gives the story some edge. the valks too, they have amazing transformation and physical abilitys, they can go anywhere they want and engage in hand to hand combat, their lack of heavy firepower makes them more vunerable and much more intresting. whew...
  5. KingNor


    if you don't like em i'll take em, yeesh indeed.
  6. i for one am all about scale. i have my 1/55s and my 1/100s on the same shelf and it buggs me. i don't know why. its not a very rational thing to be bugged about. for that reason, i'd probably much preferrer the enemys to be the same scale as the valks, BUT i know thats totally not feesible. if they were available i'd probably just get all the enemys and destroids in banpresto scale so that they could all stand togeather and look cool, and have my 1/48 valk off to the side somewhere in all its solitary glory.
  7. what kind of articulation was the milla you saw graham? like a gi-joe with joints? or soft rubber? hard rubber/plastic? i guess what i'm asking is, if you take her out can she stand on her own and look cool next to the suit, or will she be like the valk pilots, stuck in the cockpit position.
  8. uh... from what i know you're kind of asking "the big question" i'm asuming you mean the GBP armor (or what ever) the real bulky stuff with all the missiles. i hope they release it. its not out now though, thats for sure, and no one knows if its ever gonna be out, there's been no news one way or the other (right?) as for your icon, go to "my controls", on the right you should see "edit avatar settings" then you just select one you like and go from there. if you want to make you're own you should be able to figure it out by reading the instructions. hope you like mac-world ***edit*** stupid moderators, typing all fast n stuff..
  9. KingNor


    sorry but those spindly legs just don't do it for me. i like the vf-1 because changing to chicken mode substantialy changes the profile. and makes it look more balanced (like it was designed properly) this thing looks like the legs were an after thought. i guess to me it's just not sexy enough. sorry.
  10. cuz i don't feel like reading an entire other thread, what are we looking for? the link provided takes us to a post with pictures of missles under the wings. am i missing something?
  11. i really don't understand how this mistake came about. did they tell the animator "put missles on the plane" and did he just not have any clue as to how missles go on? notice the missle tray under each wing has nothing on it.. very weird.
  12. how tall will the girl in that thing be?
  13. what is minmay guard??
  14. actually, if you down a enemy, you can pick up their M-16/ak-47 wich hs a diffrent rate of fire and doesn't jam as much. weird game i don't like it.
  15. what show is this from? macross tv?
  16. it would be kind of cool if they cut the physical stuff that happend in EOE in with the last couple episodes of the tv show, wich was apparently alot of psycobabble going on inside the kids heads neat.
  17. i so barely remember that movie. lately i've been more impressed with 80's movies i just saw days of thunder the other day on tv, compaired to the crap their chruning out in theaters now-a-days, even that movie had superior storytelling does anyone remember how good of a movie it actually is? i do remember being unimpressed by the lack of action as a kid, but today i am able to handle more storyline. what exactly goes on during all that time they arn't actually fighting anyone? *** edit *** i can't believe some of you guys are questioning f-14s effectivness against zeros, when jet fighters build only 5 or 6 years later were considered GOD LIKE against prop planes. zeros wouldn't stand a farts chance in a strong wind.
  18. it'd be cool if you could peice togeather costumes from previous FF games in FFonlilne. ie sabin or gogo, course there would be like a million clouds running around, that might not be so cool. nevermind.
  19. can someone post a pic of the amano cover? i'm a big fan of his artwork.
  20. i dont' get it, bobe patts avatar looks like a weird guy giving the peace/victory hand motion.... am i missing something here? besides, i dont' care what you say, no one is cooler than guido anchovi
  21. the Hikaru vf-1s and vf-1a are nearly identical dyrl paint job, thats is really a personal prefrence over wich head style you like, four lazers or one. the vf-1j is a totally diffrent paintjob and head than the other two, AND if i remember correctly it comes with big fat tv hands (wich i like) none of these is really better than the others so its not like if you buy the wrong one you'll be sorry, its just personal preffrence.
  22. my girlfriend got me the Dragon Pink movies... oh.. you didnt' mean dirty that way did you...
  23. i'm on an off all day, but its not cuz i'm addicted, its because i have nothing better to do, and i'm bored. though if i post something i usually check on it a few times with in the hour of posting to see immediate responces
  24. no raiden, i'm happy. i was just wondering though: a friend of mine had asked.
  25. is hideo kojima working on mgs3, the snake eater one?
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