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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. i don't see how anyone can make any claims about "knowing" what this is about. it could be a fugging ULTRAMAN movie for all we know. maybe this is a teaser for DRAGON BALL Z the movie. perhaps it's a full sized zentradi landing on earth and causing a ruccus before the macross movie is announced. maybe it's a big budget TREMORS. basically ANYTHING featuring big monsters/explosions could fit the bill at this point.
  2. motherf*er is.. uh.. sort of worth more "naughty" points than just f\/ck alone. This is what happens when religious nuts get their grubby little fingers into other peoples busness
  3. if the suit is mostly real for the duration of the film. i'll be so happy. I'm not looking forward to outlandish cg flybys though. If they're smart they'll stick to shots you could actually film in real life.
  4. heh.. PG-13 Die Hard? Yippy Ki Ay "stinky poopy heads!" Just like AvP smashing together two of the most beloved movie monsters of all time in a pg13 suck fest, this movie hopes to catch on the non-fans by dumbing the bloody hell out of the movie and making it Die Hard 4: Fun for the Family. pass with a capital ASS
  5. "Darth Vader only THINKS he can strangle people with the force..." favorite skit of the show.
  6. as much as i am not interested in this movie. hearing the original voice of prime again is a pretty big draw. I just wish the robots wern't so stupid looking.
  7. Most countries are truely not as diverse as the U.S. though. Japan has more history, more internal tradition, and it's had more time for core fundamentals to reach all it's shores. The US has a steady stream of immigrants that constantly reshape our demographics. Most (if any) other countries can't claim what the U.S. can in multi-national-culturalism. That's not to say that the average american has any clue what other countries are like. I have quite a few friends who live/travel to japan on a regular basis and they say a lot of the things MilSpex is saying. I remember when I was in japan as a kid, I'd go shopping with my mom, and the shop keepers were constantly saying things like "shop here, those other guys steal from you, don't go there" stuff like that. As for using large sweeping statements to describe "a people." well.. YEAH. how else are you going to describe a nation? Person by person? I think most adults can safely understand that that if someone says "japanese culture is very self oriented" that the average adult can understand this doesn't mean every single person right down to their core. No. It's the same way you can generalize in the US that small towns tend to be friendlier and more talkative than big citys. Citys have their friendly people and small towns have their snobs.. we're adults we can handle a little generalization for the sake of arguement.
  8. Optimus Prime should buy that bike.
  9. theres pretty much nothin to see here folks...
  10. This is an important concept. In CG it's not like hand drawn animation. For previews, the studio can show unfinished scene's with choppy blocked in place holder animation. A good example is the previews for "Cars." Since they were showing previews like 1-2 years in advance there were a LOT of things missing in those previews. Most noteably is the quality of the renders. It's different than 2d animation. Since its very hard to go back and fix motion in 2d by the time they start animating they know EXACTLY what each character will be doing. Thus even watching rough pencil sketches of 2d work will look fairly similar (in motion, not rendering) to the final product. Radd I'm with you 100% man. Joe shmoe on the street tends to not see the difference between quality animation and crap. It's the same way people can't differentiate between Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z and something like Spirited Away. To them it's all just anime with weird big eyes and tiny mouths. It's easy to forget that, as anime/animation fans, we tend to have animation fan friends. And even friends of ours who arn't so into animation will pick up a bit of an eye for the stuff from us, by just being exposed to it. We generate a bubble of animation sensitive people around us, just by us being into the art. Thus we tend to think everyone can see this stuff. As a Californian it's also very easy to forget that a substantial portion of the U.S. doesn't pay any attention to animation. There is also a thriving culture of people who see something like Spiderman, with it's very obvious CG sections and bad motion and just think, "damn, that's some good CG" Most film CG people I've talked to say something like this: "I'm doing my job when people have no clue that a scene they just watched is CG" Oddly enough, a lot of these same artists are constantly being prodded by execs these days to "make the CG obvious, people want to know they're watching CG. mr march while i don't agree with you exactly that people are perceptive enough to notice a lot of these differences, I think that is squarely because they're generaly not given the opprotunity. or at the very least don't give themselves the opprotunity. I don't know you but i'm going to go out on a limb and say you're probably not a classical music enthusiast. and even if you are, just consider. Most people these days don't listen to much, if any classical music. Generally people hear violins, bass, trumpets, and other orchestra music and they think "oh classical." But if you ask them "what kind of classical do you like?" they won't know what the heck you're even talking about. You could play them 3 songs from different composers (granted none of them are famous sets) and i highly doubt you're average joe schmoe could tell you which one was composed tighter, had better melodies, used a more skilled violinist etc. they just don't have the ear for it. It's exactly the same with animation. People who know it can spot it, people who don't, can't. whew.
  11. whew, yeah seeing this thing next to such a great rendition of the original really sends it home. The original is pure sex while the remake is a little too "sunday sunday sunday, s-s-speed racer-acer-acer and truck-a-saurus ROCK Qualcomm stadium-adium-adium!!!" Does anyone have any photos of this thing with people around it? maybe another angle and or some kind of proof that it's a real car. IMHO it still looks fake.
  12. poopy picker, eeeew x5
  13. man i used to have one of these when i was little, It looked like the turquoise one but it was more earthy colored. I also had one of those black and yellow guys but he was made out of cheap plastic and didn't transform.. *** memories ***
  14. i thought speed and his sister were like 15 and 12. Is the movie going to be as randomly violent as the tv show? I remember one episode where speed was racing go-karts with other kids. He nudged one of the other kids off the track, the kid went over a hill and out of view and then KABOOM, big explosion. cut to speed whos thinking "imustwinformyfamily" or some crap
  15. If you look at trailers and read interviews objectively (and not thorugh the eyes of fan-boy fanatasism) you can usually tell if a film will be crap or not. Take AvP for example. for one it was pg-13, a second, the director said "this movie will have bad ass predators, not wussy predators like the first two movies" so basically i knew this guy just didn' tget it. Or terminator 3, ugh.. really you don't even need to know more than the title to know, don't see this movie. /sigh.. can you really tell me that after watching a trailer for AvP or Transformers that you can't tell it'll be far less of a movie than say.. children of men? The only films i have trouble with in predicting are things like Thrillers, and suspence movies. Usually those are so heavilly reliant on performance of the actors you just can't tell till you see the film. Now this clone wars show coming out, i THINK it's made by the same guys who did the clone wars shorts, maybe maybe not. In any case these clone war mini's have proven to be better stories all around and have much better action and characterization than ep 1.2.3 trillogy. It's hard to tell how choppy and bad the animation will be, though the lip sync looks fairly un-inspired. Hopefully there won't be too much talking, i've had quite enough of the starwars characters talking to each other in ep 1.2.3, i'm ready for some action. unfortunately... i've made a pact with myself to give no money to lucas while he's alive at this point, he violates everything i like about films and film making. When he's no longer part of the franchise and HOPEFULLY someone dedicated to the fans of the franchise takes the helm, maybe i'll pick up the CG clone wars DVD's or something.
  16. I cannot understand this mentallity. if something looks like ass, don't watch it ffs. Nerds complain about bad movies while simultaniously sitting in huge lines to go watch said bad movies. You may think it's harmless, but bad stuff keeps getting made because people sponsor it. This animated thing doesn't look SO bad to me though, I might watch an episode or two. In my opinion that Darth-Girl is the best Darth since Vader. Maul can get cut in half and fall into a pit for all i care. And to be perfectly honest Vader has lost nearly all of his apeal after watching the prequils. I like Darth-girl because i know nothing about her. She's just mean and evil.
  17. Wow, i'd never heard of any of that, thanks for the info DH.
  18. worlds deadliest toy light saber theft?
  19. it is just a toy after all, but the concept of stealing is real enough. after all, still today there are places you can have a hand cut off for doing less than this guy did. while i personally can give a fart about any lightsaber that doesn't actually work, stealing is stealing. the people who made this thing put hours of work and resources into it. stealing it robs them of all that time and energy, and in the end all any of us have is our time. To me, stealing goes far beyond the object that was stolen, i really do see it as an assault on ther person who's been stolen from. while stealing a goofy nonfunctional replica of a 20's style flashbulb handle isn't the crime of the century, it does affect an individual/buisness greatly, and the act of stealing should be utterly dispised dispite the object stolen. also it's some what silly to say they should have locked it up better. hind sight is always crystal clear. if they'd bolted it to the table with a bike lock, and someone had clipped the lock and stole it, people would be saying it should have been in a steel cage. if someone wants something they'll get it. the important thing is to make the act of stealing so socially dispicable that no one will do it for fear of getting caught and suffering the riddicule of his peers. or even better, they won't do it, because of the harm it may cause to the victim. but that's just wishful thinking.
  20. taking someone else's stuff IS wrong Leaving your things on a table is NOT wrong. why are we even debating this? leaving their things on the table probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but the blame lies soley and completely on the theif. Things don't get stolen if you're careless, they only get stolen if someone steals it.
  21. i thought hoffman did a great captain hook. wasn't that a disney movie too?
  22. with sets and costuming this good, it's really a shame these movies have nothing to do with pirateing
  23. arg can't navigate site.. is the robot in there someplace?
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