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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. have you ever considered they're might be some gay MWers?
  2. space war 1, i wanna fly brown valks and live life on the edge.
  3. they could make shockwave! he turns into a gun, but a gigantic space gun, it would work, and he's cooler than megatron anyway
  4. how can the plane being on fire count as "pilot error"?
  5. vast goddamn distance. i dont' think you peoples understand the vastness of space. i mean really. your talking about ships the size of fighter planes in a battlefeild that dwarfs the SUN. the friggin paint color isn't going to matter.
  6. figure that out and you become the worlds most powerful and rich person, instantly. gass companys and oilfeild owners would take out contracts on your head. wars would be fought over the technology.
  7. go easy on the guy, he's just "IGNANT" robotech and macross are NOT the same thing, just remember that fact and you'll be ok. really its not a good idea to come to an established forum like MacrossWorld.com and start saying "this is better than that" etc. try readin around the boards for a few days. there are VOLUMES of information on macross, and the diffrences between it and robotech on this site. robotech vs macross is a common and pointless topic on these boards and i'm not sure if you'll survive that pissin contest with croud it attracts. if you want to know about robotech, just ask if you want to knoww about the diffrences or macross alone, try the newbie thread. if you want to debate wich is better, i seriously suggest you take it elsewhere.
  8. If there's nothing in deep space then there would be no objectives in deep space therefore there would be little reason to fight a battle in deep space so most battles would probably occur around planets. That's the way I see it anyway. well, here's how I see it. planet A is 100 light years from planet B both planets decide to kill each other and send out space armadas. now, you'd THINK that the armadas would probably duke it out about mid way. what happens is both armadas, big as they are, miss each other by hundreds of thousand, if not millions of miles. each armada utterly concours its enemys homeworld. several hundred years later.. planet A and planet B decide to kill each other repeat. space is just too damn big.
  9. uhh.. uhh... dude your kinda walkin a fine line with that kind of talk around here. personally i saw robotech myself and enjoyed it enough... but this IS MACROSSworld, and most people here are purists. robotech is not macross, it has nothing to do with macross other than the the animation and some names. thats the stance most people have on it here. if you like robotech you can always try www.robotech.com too, here it is mostly a macross fanbase.
  10. nope, no desire to buy one, just want the hands.
  11. i will buy a set of recasted hands for 20 dollars. btw, what exactly do you get ? trigger hand? open hand to support gun? fists?
  12. tell them: "mike.. you know.. mike in america? he said 'go with it'"
  13. What other reasons could exist that would justify building giants robots other than having seeing animes at youth age? (btw, Macross Zero has some nice ideas ) FV i can just see a bunch of generals sitting around at the drawing board saying stuff like "it need big bright horns to depict rank, i saw it in gundam"
  14. What other reasons could exist that would justify building giants robots other than having seeing animes at youth age? (btw, Macross Zero has some nice ideas ) FV i can just see a bunch of generals sitting around at the drawing board saying stuff like "it need big bright horns to depict rank, i saw it in gundam"
  15. I love people who say that. After WWII it was said that there would be no more in close dogfighting the aircraft were just too fast, Korea came along and MiGs were going toe to toe with Sabers. After Korea the US military was so convinced that there would be no more dogfights, no more visual aquisation and missiles would kill our enemies from miles away that they quit teaching ACM in Vietnam it was discovered that the missiles couldn't tell who was who, adn pretty soon F-4s and F-8s were tangling with MiGs again in a dogfight. The Navy got smart quiker than the Air Force and created Topgun, but the Air Force created the fighter weapons school, both to teach the use of aircraft weapons systems and to teach dogfighting. I thought we had probably learned our lesson, but with the advent of the F-22 and the JSF I hear people saying the same thing again, so I warn you not to make a statement like this. i can state it all i want, while yes people jumped the gun in stateing they would be fireing only missles a little soon. i stand by the fact that MOST (read it MOST, NOT ALL) kills today are done at ranges beyond sight, and im pretty sure just about ALLDETECTION is done beyond range of sight, if they then fly in closer for visual confermation thats a diffrent story. trust me i'm careful with blanket comments. i just really really doubt it would matter at all what color your vehicle is in outerspace. in space combat, you'd most likely be engaging targets at rediculous ranges, you can't see much of anything that's 3000 miles away or even 100 miles. even at say.. 12 miles, a jetfighter sized vehilce is going to be indicernable in the starfeild and wouldn't matter if it was black or bright pink. i would be highly suspect of any kind of dog fighting in space simply because there is NOTHING to hide behind, we can see jupiter from here,there's no clouds, bad weather, mountains, or even getting "under radar" with that kind of line of sight there would really be no reliable way to get in close for dog fighting it makes way more sence we'd be takeing out each other with long range weaponry, missles or something new. i think i'm slowly realizing this is a pretty rediculous topic to think too much about. **opinion** paintcolor in space doesn't make a diffrence. thats my point.
  16. Hamdo is nuts, he's up there with Kefka.
  17. exactly what i was thinking, i think i liked it though, its one of those shows that its hard to say "i like it" because all it is is a bunch of horrible crap happening to kids. i thought the world they'd gone to seemed a bit flat though, probably because about half way though i wached Castle in the Sky (wich kinda knocked my socks off) what i iddn't understand about Now & Then were the comical fight sequences and especially the intro episode where they seem to try to give the impression the show is going to be kinda silly. maybe they were trying not to glorify the fighting, just seemed like any time Shu got in a fight it meant he'd get a rediculous ass beating. as bad as it was it was even hard not to chuckle a bit when he's fighting sara in the water cave (and THAT was some heavy story telling, sheesh) good stuff though, i liked the mecha too even though they only played really a significant role in the first episode.
  18. really in space, you woudln't be locating object by sight. now a days on earth most planes kill each other at ranges where they can't see each other.
  19. KingNor

    custom 1/48 CF + FP

    holly smokes very very pretty
  20. geeze man, if your writing a story, you only really need to establish once that the fighter is a variable vehicle. if you write everytime the tech specs the story is going to feel cold. ie: if you're at a point in a story where "mina" is dodging missle fire and such you're just slowing down the action by getting into what model fighter she is in. if its so important then is probably been covered elswhere, you realy don't want to pull the audience out of the action by getting into the exact nature of the vehicles they're in. "Mina is bucked about wildly as her fighter is hit by the shockwave of a missle volley" or something. just a thought. back on topic though, what show is this "octos destroid" from?
  21. i saw the preview, looked lame, every single one of his weapons had to have a "opening up" movement. like, he has to take it out of its carrying case, then it mechanically "opens" ie: arms on the crossbow swing out, the 'T' on the crusifix-arang snaps out. all of his weapons in the preview did that. very queer. everyone is high on that "pull out weapon, pause for dramatic effect as weapon readys itself, use weapon, be bad ass" fight sequences these days. some of the character designs looked neat, but i'm just not a "classic" monster fan... zombies, vampires and wherewolves, OH MY.
  22. i'm in the middle of this serise, what do you guys think of it? i'm having a little trouble figureing it out, there's alot of heavy stuff going on, i'm hopeing it all wraps up in the last disc (watching it today)
  23. i hope you're not implying that if for some ungodly reason, the military decided to make big robotic weapons, that they would start by looking at cartoon shows for ideas? thats not what you're saying is it? please say its not.
  24. me too. i would definately put down 20 bucks for a pack of the macross characters standing and sitting in 1/48 scale so they could be on or around the valk. for sure!
  25. i really dug the tv uniforms, i think their awsome. i didn't much like the dyrl flight suits, too bulky looking the mac zero ones are cool too though. kinda a good take on the dyrl suits.
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