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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. i really like the way these Chogokin evas are looking, i just wish they had made more of an EOE type sculpt for their over all appearence.
  2. i was looking at netflix today and got the idea, they have a relatively extencive amount of anime, its not unlikely that with enough requests they would pick up SDF macross. this could be a good way for us poorer mac fans to see some cool original serise action where protoculture isn't a fuel source!!! c'mon guys. lets do it!
  3. you DO realize that thing is a cg thing and not a "real life transformer" right?
  4. i guess you're right, i just have little tollerance for people complaining about stuff they willingly endure. and i doubt he's complaining to the movie guy, he's just complaining to us. anyway, yeah. i can bitch and moan all i want, if you don't like it, get outa america!
  5. wow, I havent been to the movies in a while. My view,,,,which is deranged sometimes is,,,OK, I will start down loading flicks cause your ussing my hard earned money to "preach" how I should conduct myself in the privacy of my own home,,, once I see it, thats what Im going to do. Also they have a new law in effect in my POS state that requires you too get plates for your vehical even if its not on the road, or else they charge you late fees every 6 months (great for those hot rodders working on restoring thier cars),, not to mention i ussed to register my trailers just for the summer time and now they want the full year price,,,ALSO the ticket for no registration is $250 non refundable, the counties going comunist,,,,sorry to change the subject, i couldnt help myself you know what bugs me? in my state (liberal cali) we ALWAYS get ballots for stuff like "yes or no, should we give discounted buspasses for war widdows" but when its stuff like "should we tax the holy hell out of law abiding car owners" we never see the ballots, it just gets passed! what the hell. i can support any law if it is approved by the majority , but this behind the back stuff really gets on my nerves!! its like, stuff that might benifit part of our comunity, has to be submitted for us to vote on, but if it taxes us, or sucks money out of us, no vote is held, it just gets passed.
  6. do i hear alot of people whining about breaking the law? i hope not. as for the topic: for one, it's their theater, no one likes a bunch of cheezy adds before a movie, but you know what? not only is it your choice to be there, you PAID to get in. if you dont' like it, simply save yourself the money and don't go. you know what your in for, why are you PAYING to be annoyed? it chapps me to see tv commercials and public service anouncments, but not enough to whine and moan about it. it's the theaters choice to put it in. it's your choice to pay them to let you in. you don't have a RIGHT to see those movies. you have to pay for it. if its not worth the price then don't go. if it is then quit bitching. arg!
  7. kind of reminds me of the "alien" level in the first AVP videogame. humans discover temple, aliens show up, predators attack aliens, marines come in to save the humans. blood bath. could be cool, probably wont. i'd always kinda imagined the predators were female.
  8. Or just find some place online with decent previews/reviews and check the list of games for both consoles. He won't have to pay for it or wait a few months. jesus abombz! how are we going to boost the economy with that kind of attitude??
  9. get a subscription to a gaming mag that covers all consoles, like electronic gamer or game pro. see whats out there for a few months and decide for yourself
  10. i hear complaining about the dificulty, really my main "difficulty" is not being able to see. the enemys all folow paterns and after a few trys they are easy to figure out (i'm playing through on hard) but god damn if they are hard to kill if you can't see them. fun game, a little on the B-movie side of things, and the bosses are just a nasty combination of tedious and lame. but the fights with the fodder enemys are fun enough.
  11. it has a diffrent head... is it really INFERIOR? "if only i'd had TWO head lazers witch no one seems to use very often anyway!!! when will they learn!?" i'm going with the "hes a main character" answer.
  12. i have a copy, its really nice quality, i can't post it but if anyone wants it, just IM me on AIM and i'll transfter it to you. aim name : KINGNOR ****edit* nevermind, it has the jet noise *edit*****
  13. argueing gundams vs gundams, and gundams vs valkyries is pointless. everyone knows voltron smacks them all down.
  14. mighty MIGHTY big words, when i can barely get halo pc to run at a happy frame rate.
  15. the guy who does these is amazing, these are digital paintings using probably Painter 7, awsome program. i hear he cranks these out in like two hours (witch is why they're so gestural)
  16. i thought it was ok, but over hyped.
  17. so much work into a VOLVO
  18. i liked Willow better.
  19. even the legs? i know the white ones are supposed to come apart at the wrists, neck, and shoulders. but can the legs pop out that way too?
  20. my eva from the EOE serise (a white one) is getting really loose, does anyone know how to take the EOE evas apart? thanks for the info
  21. but was it batman vs predator vs aliens vs joker? i'm totally cool with one on ones. they can be gimicky sometimes [cough] batman vs spawn [/cough] but for the most part they're intresting. but when you stick too much stuff togeather, they just clash, and thats what i feel dead end does.
  22. KoRn's cover of Metallicas "One" was pretty bad arse!
  23. batman dead end was good a few things: batmans costume design (leather is cooler than plastic anyday), jokers costume design, and the batman/joker confrontation. beautiful, genious, worthy of a big screen adaptation. batman dead end is LAME for a few reasons. aliens and predator. omg wtf why is there aliens and predators fighting bat man!! bring back joker, it was going SO WELL!!! it makes the thing just WAY WAY too "lunatic fans wet dream" and in my opinion kinda hurts the credibility of the thing.. why not just throw captin kirk and luke skywalker in there as batmans side kicks and take on the terminator and robocop as well. then they could make out with the sailor scouts and ride away with goku on some dragons. as for this movie comeing out, there's been so many bad ones that its real hard to get excited, but i'm gonna give them the benifit of the doubt. i'm a little worried that the guy they picked is a tad "pretty boy" and wont' fit in the cowl very well. but hopefully they know what their doing.
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