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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. can we see some pics of these examples people are giving, like the vf-19 with vf-1 PLASTIC packs? i'd also REALLY like to see the VF-1 from the collectors in macross 7. pics pics pics
  2. Eva Review here's another one that looks very cool. i can't find these for sale anywhere, if i put in the kaiyodo name all i ever get in returns is the red and white evas, wich i already have. is this a model? does it need paint??
  3. you could argue that the destroids would be good if they anticipated a large population of full sized zentradi to be living with the humans. a destroid can't beat a zentradi mech, but its definately better than a lightly armed zentradi on foot. the destroids could be a good occupation/police tool. but frontline, i agree they are too slow and unversitile. IDEA: since the VF's do seem very lightly armed, it could be an intresting idea to use the destroids a mile or so back from the front lines as a sort of medium artillery for in close support of the lightly armed valks. i think thats putting more thought into it than the creators did though. the problem in the show with the destroids, is they arn't very strong dispite that they look like "tank" versions of the VF. they would probably be more popular if they could take more damage. seeing a gladiator or excalibur(dunno the japanise names) take the brunt of gunfire, missles, and melee attacks onlly to come out swinging and begging for more would have been so cool, but instead most destroids blowed up in a single hit. thats not any better than the supposedly lightly armored valks...
  4. Here's a pretty bad one... what the HELL are those little guys using to "plug" into the big guys arms?????
  5. easy, you just show up, and they give you a valkyrie. "you have flight experience? good, now take off"
  6. this is kind of related: 10 Worst transformers ever! "I don't recall seeing much of Wheelie after the movie. That gave me the opportunity to pretend he met a death so gruesome and vicious that they couldn't even show it on television. So yeah, the plus side is that Wheelie, conceivably, could be dead."
  7. i HAVE the 02 and the white ones. i cant find these, though i didn't try ebay. thanks for the info
  8. well.. i'll give you my address, ship it over.
  9. i'm trying to find something like this 01 and hopefully a 00 to go with it. i like this sculpt but i can't find it anywhere anyway, here's what i found: Eva Review
  10. eva is nice.
  11. you know those special forces "gijoe" things? not the crappy ones but the really nice detailed ones. i'm looking for something like that for General Patton. preferably with his command gear and not the parade gear from the movie. if anyone has seen something like this can you give me a heads up? i looked all over google but all i get is books and biographys about him. thanks for the help!
  12. what he said. this being said i actually laughed more than i was grossed out. they poke ALOT of fun at the situation the humans are in, and the situation the zombies are in. most of the gore has been replaced with "imagined gore" wich in most cases i think is a better choise
  13. i saw it too, very very good for a zombie movie. WEIRD sence of humor, it rocked! who ever was that black cop, hard core, hes my hero.
  14. good luck.
  15. you say that, yet in the show and movie when ever missles need to be shot down, its the gunpod they use. the only times i can think of a vf using its head lazers is when skull01 burns a hole in a door with them (took it a good long time too) and when skull 01 used them to kill a battle pod. i dont' even recall if i EVER saw it fired while in jet or gerwalk mode. i really just don't think the extra guns would make any significant diffrence. besides someone already said that all 4 guns use the same power plant. so the combined force of the four lazers on the vf-1s is as strong as the one lazer on the vf-1a. compair it to having 4 flashlights hooked up to a battery compaired to one flashlight. but even if all four lazers were stronger than the one on the vf1a. that STILL woudln't make the vf1a a death trap. FOR THE MOST PART its the same exact jet. the vf1s apparently has a FEW extra gizmos. like i keep saying, its asthetic, a macross pilots best chance at survival is to become a main character of the show, preferably in something that isn't brown. but even then roy gets killed and hes got this super-safe-cuz-it-has-four-head-lazer vf-1s Hikarus vf1j has two head lazers and he got shot down twice didn't he? skull one's pilot was killed. the lazers on the head of the damn thing just don't matter that much! Ben (duno his macross name) vf-1a = dead Roy vf-1s = dead if you're playing the percentages the vf1s doesn't prove itself to be brilliantly more worthy.
  16. Unless they can predict the future, giant beings from outer space haven't appeared to humans yet. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only aliens the humans know about at this point in Macross Zero is that... thing... that crashed on Earth. The birdman. the entire reason for building the valkyries was so humans could do hand to hand combat with the giant aliens. they knew to make the valks because when the SDF crashed and they inspected the thing, it was clearly designed for giants. in the show they even have a few screens of huge doors retro fitted with tiny walkways for the humans. THE main reason i like the valks is that they arn't ambiguously made to fight other big robots, they have a PURPOSE for being the way they are. and Mac Zero is stepping all over that.
  17. i'm un-impressed with this franchises inability to design retro vehicles that look like they came early on in the time line. and they also missed out on the main reason for valks to transform.. and went the gundam rout, aparently valks were designed to fight other valks, not to fight giants from outerspace. yay giant robots fighting giant robots for the sake of having fighting giant robots. not cool i'm very unhappy with MacZero. ***edit*** in that picture of the mac II mech, it says destroying a leg will slow it down by 70%? doesn't that seem a bit optomistic? most vehicles if you destroy half of their road surface won't continue to drive at all.
  18. i wish graham wouldn't tell us about things he can't tell us about. whats the point? i don't see whats so great about these things... they can't transform can they?
  19. I like all types of muzzle loading riffles, as far as guns go. my favorite typs of weapons are staff weapons. like poles, sticks. it would be nice to have a potential weapon for defence never far away. as for fantasy guns. i really like the Warthog from HALO.. does that count as a "weapon?"
  20. thanks, i hope it works out. i'm watching evangelion and patlabor this way, not to mention the sopranos, band of brothers, the indiana jones and mad max trillogys, and movies sprinkled through out.
  21. if the prometheus and daudelus could be refitted for space, maybe all of their battle ships could.. perhaps they are thought of as space craft that land in the water, hence they need to look like ships, same way the space shuttle looks like an airplane. the shuttle doesn't need to look like a plane for anyother reason than it is designed to fly in space and in the air. a ship that floats in space and rests in oceans would do well to be ship like. just an idea.
  22. o m g, seriously! come on, its just 3 extra little lazers, and they almost never use them!! the vf-1a isn't some kind of primitive death trap! its more or less an asthetic thing!!!!! its just a thing they use to show rank, and its 90% looks. do we even know if the "specs" on these things say each lazer is the same strength? its possible 4 cannons share the same powerplant that the vf-1a's lazer uses. if thats the case you have one strong lazer vs 4 weaker. really its just for looks! and the paint has more to do with surviveability than amount of lazers... brown = death, primarys = live (usually)
  23. Seriously. Can't you keep those Netflik DVD's as long as you want? If I got them suckers in the mail I'd NEVER return them. well you're a dick! seriously, so few think this is a good idea? and so many are actually AGAINST it? awww man.
  24. Except its not true. i've been more deeply hurt by words than any kind of "beating" i've taken, and i've been in a number of fights.
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