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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. i would love a valk sim something along the lines of that old X-wing game that came out. the problem is batroid mode... would you switch to mouse and keyboar FPS controlls?
  2. OT: where can i get the windows files to give me other language fonts so i can view those types of pages and see japanise letters instead of giberish?
  3. super poseables are probably my biggest disapointment. even then i knew what i was getting into. i'm pretty good about only buying what i think i'll like.
  4. if it says starwars on it, people will buy two, one for the shelf and the other to keep MIB cuz you know how rare all this star wars crap is gonna be.
  5. I'll get one as soon as they make one for a Tiburon. looks pretty cool. Trunk Monkey
  6. I disagree, I mean...well...look at them. The pics up at the top are definitely reminiscent of the VF-1 FAST packs. They are squared, sharp edges, bulky. The picks you show have FAST packs that are rounded, low-profile, have intake vents, and just generally look very different. i feel the same way, i'm thinking they told the modeler, "put the boosters on it" the modeler not knowing the subtle diffrences between valks probably just used the ones from the show. it happens sometimes. i would chalk this up more to ERROR than to mysterious as yet unnamed fast pack
  7. i didn't try to fix it at all, i opened it directly into X-Plane. i dont' know how to use the editor. if someone could fix this i'd HIGHLY appreciate it, since i don't have the technical know how to do it myself. its a very well done model though. could use more work on the texture side but it looks good enough. just needs to be able to nose up and down.
  8. i think everyone on this thread needs to take a day or two off . its just a toy, i think everyone's driving graham nuts. keep doin this and he won't give ANY hints anymore (wich would probably be a good thing anyway seeing the fever some of you guys get into over these little things!) just wait untill it's announced officially!!! i find it hard to beleive some of the same people who complain about spoilers for movies can be this blood thirsty over seeing pre - production action figures.
  9. well since you already tryed glue (never recomended) it may be too late to try some more buff stuff like epoxy. i have some stuff called JB Weld, that when it dries, is something like a metal to metal weld in strength. you can get it any any car shop like auto zone or pep-boys. i've used it on a few things and had good results, everhthing from fixing little plastic bits to large muscle car parts. it dries solid as a rock. i've also tried model glue (cement) and super glue, with destructive results, model glue doesn't destroy plastic, but isn't very strong, super glue melts more plastic than it bonds, and when it dries it becomes SUPER BRITTLE.
  10. What is wrong? 1 Kids are a primary market in Japan 2 Japanese kids like mostly big robots. Commercially, how profitable in toys were Votoms, Patlabor or Escaflowne? Maybe I just got the wrong impression, but the original Gundam wasn't allowed to be less tall than 18m. 3 While Americans grew fond of mechs (which were derivative of Macross' destroids), Japanese like sleeker mechas highly anthropomorphic. Most Japanese mechas are Super Robots, and usually Super Robots have faces and cheesy features. 4 Were Yukikaze and the like really mainstream? That's not to be said the story can't be good and someone can't think it has the best mecha ever, but business-wise I don't think it would that profitable. And if you start with too many violence it may end up getting nicher (less problem if you get violent in the later half, people already addicted will still follow the series). FV kids arn't nessesarily the "primary" market in japan. there are tons of anime, both featuring mechs and not featuring mechs that are marketed to the older crowd. the kids in japan, like kids everwhere else, like what ever the hell they want to like. i don't remember any giant robots in poke'mon, yu ge oh!, dragon ball, inuyasha or many other kid oreiented anime that have become rediculously popular. toys will sell no mater what they look like if the show is popular enough. i really don't see much diffrence in the mechs the americans like over the mechs the japanise like. some people like the anthropomorphic bots, some like the industrial types. i personally don't like the "anthropomorphic" type at all, yet i like the EVA's. so its a toss up! people like what ever hooks them there is no set type that is difiniativly more popular hands down. people want to see plausable machines for the universe they inhabit, gundams wouldn't fit in macross any more than eva's would fit in gundam. i've never seen violence in animation to be THE deciding factor in niche'ing a show. to become a niche' a show would need to LACK other key elements. a show WITH ONLY violence but no story becomes a "violence" show (DBZ?). but a show WITH violence and story, and good characters, will simply be a good show. as long as events in a show make sence, then it won't niche itself. judging from past mecha shows like macross, eva, gundam, patlabor, bubblegum crisis and many others, violence in early episods will NOT hurt a shows popularity one bit. besides, the point is that many would like to see a show that instead of valks, showcased the destroids, the show doesn't need to FOCUS on the destroids any more than macross FOCUSED on the Valks. just when the pilot hops into something, make it an Excalibur instead of a VF-1.
  11. THANKYOU!!! Saved me the trouble of saying so!!! yeah, its neither in script format nor is it anywhere long enough for a hour and a half (or more). no dialouge either. it jumps all over perspective too: jumping into present tence to talk about something it claims happens in the movies past. and refering to things like degobah as "obscure" thats not how it works, scripts dont' have that useless kind of description in it. not professional at all. i'm thinking fan fic, and not a very good one (not that the real one will be any better)
  12. how do i make this drop down menu come up, i can't seem to access it, i'v pressed damn near every button on the keyboard. I believe you Hover the mouse pinter over top of your screen.. I can really remember its been a while since ive used it...(hmm bad motherboard blowout I cant run the game right now) or hit s and hover. This YF-19 might wokr, ive updated this for the version of xplane i could use 7.10. Well if it doesnt work you can try batch convert in planemaker. this imports, but for some reason it's unable to climb or dive. dunno whats wrong with it, its control surfaces seem to be working. weird.
  13. i love that the valks were designed to fight something other than large robots piloted by other humans. i love that the design of the valk is so good that relatively un modified it can be turned into an action figure that transforms just like the show.
  14. I think you are wrong. i agree with dna, i want to see a side serise about a squad of destroid pilots. maybe the guys who ended up in the fist of the dadelus attack????
  15. this bob joe mac guy is so excited about macross, its really awsome! i voted vf-1a. its the nameless brown valks that have all the cool moments in the show.
  16. i'm likeing it, the vf-1d is the only valk compatable with v7.3 though. hope they update the yf-19 btw... vf1d's are FAST.
  17. how do i make this drop down menu come up, i can't seem to access it, i'v pressed damn near every button on the keyboard.
  18. i got the demo, but it's very alien to me. there is no "set up " screen to either pick settings or planes, it just dumps me into a fully powered up and idleing 777. and it doesn't recognize my joystick. is it this difficult to use in the retail version? is the YF-19 included in the retail game or would i have to go find it someplace?
  19. i'm thinking about getting a copy of this sim. i'd like to know what you guys think about it. any of you mod it out? i'm reading up on their website about a MARS mod that looks really cool, also the guy on the site is talking about thrust and weight and gliders. he brought up a spaceshuttles rocket propelling a boeing 737 strait up at 3 G's indefinetly. anyone here know how to make the sim have a space shuttle engine on a 737? see where i'm going here? also i'm intrested in flying macross planes like the yf-19 and VF-1 if possible. anyone know about these sort of things? if you can answer my questions then cool, but this can be a general X-Plane topic if you want, i just want random cool info about this sim.
  20. i thought the f-14 looked kinda neat like that. i like the texture in contrast with the polished canopy. makes the jet look ancient.
  21. actually they can fly. as in. go up and down and such. the lifting body for that shuttle thing simply was trying to get astronauts to the ground so it doesn't need to fly alot. back in the 60's and 70's the US did create a few planes that flew with the lifting body design. they were unstable i think so they didn't keep them. so a lifting body CAN fly, you just dont' see them much.
  22. what simulator is this? is it readily available?
  23. ? are you saying that according to a simulator, the yf-19 is actually flyable? for something that's designed soley on looks, thats pretty impressive.
  24. actually now that i think about it, and after reading this topic... it kinda makes sence that the vaks had paper for armor and a gun they coudlnt' reload. apparently most valk pilots were bus boys, vallets and anyone else who hand the where-with-all to get into a cockpit. 99.9% of those valks probably never got to the point of NEEDING to reload. :-)
  25. for the price of one of those soul of chogokin things i can have all three evas... i'm poor enough to go quantity over quality. my low viz vf1a is my expencive figure.
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