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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. um... huh? mac plus had hypnotic undertones to sharon apples computerized music. i never said it was magical, its more like a computer program designed to hack into a persons mind. i NEVER said there was magic in mac plus, btw, i like mac plus (what the heck are you talking about anyway?) and as for mac zero.... that IS magic music, and the machines some how come alive when the girls sings, and stuff float and junk like that. floating rocks, not my thing. couple that with lame mecha (imo) lame characters (imo) what I consider 'not good, and corny mysticism' (imo again), giant robots fighting giant robots (lame imo) and it becomes a show i don't paticularly care for. it has nothing to do with who wrote it. who wrote the music, or the slow rate of episodes being released, i simply don't like it for what it is. I am not wrong to dislike it anymore than you are not wrong to like it. we can have varying opinions. the topic of this thread is "is anyone else haveing trouble getting into this show" my answer is yes. ALOT of trouble.
  2. waiting in line for hellboy is better than spawn.
  3. in my opinion, there is too much "magic" and the valks are un-inspiring for me. its neat seeing fokker again. but he doesn't really look like himself. its not an intresting serise in my opinion. too diffrent from SDF on fundamental points.
  4. KingNor

    Custom Enigma VF-1J

    not a big fan of that look, but your skill is unquestionable, great job!
  5. i dug it, i thought the story was a tad weak, but it was saved by very well done characters, abe, hellboy and hellboys adopted dad, forgot his name. I've only got one trade paperback of hellboy that i picked up for refrence. i don't remember either of the normal people in the comic... Lizzy and the "new guy" movie makers always feel the need to toss in generic flat white guys into movies like this, i could have done with out "new guy" and lizzy, totaly flat and unengaiging. there were a couple of realy great scenes though and i felt they captured the feel of the characters well (from my limited experienc) on the whole, i'd say this movie is something like 'Brazil', its a serise of really great scenes that for some reason didn't add up into a stellar movie. much worth the price of admission though.
  6. this is true of most things. in my opinion....... CG and real life is nearly as grating as seeing Cartoons mixed with live action. i love fully cg movies, but mixing and matching is really not that great.
  7. ok while i agree this thing probably won't be rideable (next to no turn radius on the front wheel, nearly no room to 'lean' the bike! how do you turn!!) i don't believe theere would be a noticeable lag with the chains nor a significant ammount of body roll (elevator action, as you put it) it doesn't look to me like the rear tire would attempt to drive under the control arm.. and it would be easy to manufacture counter measures to something like that. gotta remember thaat while hitting throttle and break will cause travel in the suspension, it won't cause the 'control arm' to streach.. a more horizontal design would be better, but i dont' think this is TOO unreasonable.
  8. well the hands (as far as i know) are always portrayed in the show as white. so makeing them a llighter grey than the rest of the plane probably won't matter, remember, in most cases they will be in close contact with the WHITE gun pod, any subtle diffrences won't be too noticeable next to that kind of contrast. i just left my hands white on my low viz, i'm cool with that. they look good to me.
  9. easyer to edit togeather, topgun probably wasn't able to get full support from any one squadron, so they had to use "standard" looking f-14s (almost called them valks !) to make editing possible. plus maybe top gun has its own f-14's they use that arn't flashy, i used to live in that area and dont' remember seeing anything but grey f-14s
  10. i dont' care: if its fun, its fun 2d vs 3d isn't good or bad to me, so long as the game feels "right"
  11. the british did soemthing like this durning the africa campaign actually.. (i think i got that right) anyway, to confuse german bombers and "hide" a important river. the british hooked up something like 10 of their STRONGEST search lights, i don't know the candle power, and stuck these weird mirror attachments on the ends of them to create 20 pillars of light for each one, and then lined them up at various points near this river. these then would spin creating a "dazzling light display" that was extreemly confusing. in fact the creator went up in a plane to see how it looked and it was so baffleing to the pilot that they lost control and almost crashed! alot of reallly uneaque and innovative stuff happened in wwi and ii. its worth researching.
  12. why dont' you just search google?
  13. Not at this time. imho, that makes them far more intresting! is there a list of all the "lesser" known but "legit" squadrons in the tv serise?
  14. excited yes. hope netflix picks it up.
  15. i dunno, i only like the really good ones. like the serise, dyrl, and plus. i'm not into zero, 7, II or any of those wacky ones. But you'll still watch it, no? i watched enough to know i dont' like them the story to explain macross vs/team-up poke'mon would have to be SOOOOOO good...
  16. netflix does the exact same thing with the bonus discs, the format they use to send the discs doesn't allow them to send two in one container. its not weird or anything, just make sure you read what you're clicking on, if you dont' want the bonus disc you don't need to rent it. if you click the proper disc link they won't accendently send you the bonus disc.
  17. the two screens we see are complete front views of the boosters, how are you saying you think the back looks like something? you can't see the back at all. its a total front view... am i missing something here?
  18. i thought the glass comand tower was on the original ship. could be wrong though. its kinda odd, the macross, even in its original configuration is vastly diffrent than the zentradi ships.
  19. Would they be merging with teh protoculture bio-systems inside the mecha? i'd watch poke'mon VS macross
  20. i dunno, i only like the really good ones. like the serise, dyrl, and plus. i'm not into zero, 7, II or any of those wacky ones.
  21. but can the flame thrower give you a hug when you're feeling blue?
  22. anymore pics? i wouln't have the slightest idea how to look this up on google. btw, i lilke this too, THIS is the way to do a tribute.
  23. i don't like that it transforms into a human. what the hell is the point? there is no one to fight that is that big. the jet mode is cool though, a good way to relocate long distances. its too.. "something" but i don't know what. its like that mac7 macross having fingers... its just.. silly. AND I KNOW ITS A TV SHOW WITH GIANT TRANSFORMING ROBOTS and its unrealisitc in nature. but come on... there is a level of realism macross (tv and dyrl) always shot for.
  24. I was thinking that too. But then I started thinking that it all went in a straight line, so there wouldn't be splash damage, and it ran right through the tower anyways. How much beam flew through the hole doesn't seem really relevant as long as it blew a hole to go through. It's like if you shoot 10 bullets through a hole or a hundred. If they all go through the same hole, it doesn't matter how many go through. The one that made the hole did all the damage. If the barrier had blocked the entire shot, it would be unarguable. Or if they had swept the beam across the tower instead of just punching a hole through it. But as it is, they might not have actually done anything but add "barrier system damage" to their list of problems. you're totaly over analysing this. you gotta remember this isn't a war documentary. the barrier system helped lessen the blow of the attack. i doubt they took into consideration all this physics crap and argued it to a fine point. the serise creators wanted to damage the bridge and main guns of the ship with out killing the bridge crew.. so the barrier system was turned on to lessen the damage. i doubt they put any more thought into it than that. as for the actual bridge itself. i think that glass is supposed to work like a gigantic HUD. isnt' it possible that the glass is like 12 feet thick? that would be pretty strong. i for one don't think there is enough info to argue one way or another about the glass, and second, since it was never broken in any of the shows, i don't think they ever even considered it as a plot point. the glass is strong enough, its never explained how or why its is strong enough, it just is. if theyd thought it wasn't they would have made an episode or something that involved the "precarious" bridge. thats my opinion.
  25. btw , here is my joystick: Saitek Cyborg 3D Gold. very. very . very cool.
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