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Everything posted by KingNor
The cast of Marvel's FANTASTIC FOUR unveiled!
KingNor replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
what ever, invisible girl is too friggin hot. i'm tired of guys forgivin all in a crappy movie if the director hires a hot girl to be in it. the invisible woman was always the mature, womanly type. not some barely 18 sex-kitten. this is bad casting. mr/mrs fantastic 4 are supposed to be OLDer not.. not.. what ever this is. this is stupid. yes she is hot, yes she is horrible for the part. what ever, i know so many guys who went to see catwoman because "hally is so hot" my god. -
cool, i actually do have joints to do some of the main transformation since i was having trouble with all the parenting when i started moveing the valk away from zero. so the main body fold has bones, the backpack doesn't. i really need to redo mine and parent it myself (sorry datter) i also need to rename it though, alot of the body is called stuff like cube315a_blah_blaH_copy and kinda scares me it'll be a good excersise in organization though. I'm learning ALOT working on this thing. it's stumped my instructor (lead animator at EA for christ'sake) he said he's never seen anything this complex. i'll be proud when it works. as for that fix, man don't leave me hangin, i'm dieing here.
these arn't maya models? eek.
The cast of Marvel's FANTASTIC FOUR unveiled!
KingNor replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
cool a comicbook movie. havn't had one of those in what.. 20 minutes? cool beans -
omfg datter! i dont' even have the rig done yet and you're pitching reanimating the serise ??? :-P hehe like i said man, i would love to see it re-animated but i dont' want to see cg in my beloved SDF. that's where you and i disagree. i kinda feel like flameing you now. jerk face. also, something most cg/traditional animation coposits forget, you've GOT to get them on the same framerate or it looks rediculous. if you animate the 2d stuff at 12 fps, then the cg can't be running at 30 at the same time or it looks soooo ugly. the 2d animation is usually what limits the framerate because its so much more time consuming than 3d
Got a pretty crazy Frankenrig going in Maya 6 for my Valk - rigged for transform, battroid-mode IK, and various other bells and whistles. I'll try to get some samples up here soon. Very nice job on Dat's Valkyrie, by the way. dude, i've got a set driven key transformation with fk'ed arms and ik'ed legs. I'm trying to get the ik legs to work in gerwalk and batroid mode, i'm sure you can tell thats a nightmare and a half. Ik's are basicly designed to only allow a "knee" to bend one way so trying to convince maya i want the knee to swing 180 degrees is like telling rocks to float. i got the entire transformation to work on ONE locator with a set driven key slider on it. goes from fighter to batroid in 30 "frames" 0 = fighter 10 = chicken valk mode 15 = gerwalk 30 = batroid. the idea i have is that an animator won't have to wory about animating transformation and can focus on animating the pilot inputs in each mode ie: the arms and legs are pretty standard stuff. Joints and Ik handles with the usual controllers attached. but these arms and legs are all attached the the body, which is ......... INSANELY complex and not something an animator is gonna want to touch on a regular basis. so far the arms and the transformation are the parts that work. the legs make me want to kill kittens. cute baby kittens. i can't find a good way to attach the parts to the bones and make everything work properly... oi vay. well thanks for lilstening, more of a rant and blowing off steam than actually hopeing to get pointers, but if you have any let me know. rigs make stuff happen!!
:drools because low poly is SOOO sexy: god i love low poly, you rock.
is anyone doing good rigging besides me? i've got a few issues i'm working on, like getting the legs to bend both ways at the knee and still have good ik handles. any maya 6 users out there? i've got Dat's rig about 90% done but it needs to be redone from the ground up.
get porn myfriend come on 3D fighting chicks game there must me a cheat code for that! Looks like the closest thing so far is to get all covered in mud... yeah, the color of that mud is not an accedent.
metroid should be 2d zelda should be top down.. my.. my poor child hood.
i have noticed that alot of dubbing tends to add all those "ahoooah?" and "huh" and "ugh, yah, huh!"s to animation that clearly wasn't intended to have audio. why do you suppose they do that, does it go back to americans thinking animation is for kids, and that kids will get bored if people stop making noise?
to be honest, i LIKE the old school weirdness and out of date look of the costumes.. and the lack of "flash" i had some friends over when i was watching it, and we were having a blast. hikaru almost falls out of the valk when saving minmay, no seatbelts in valks huh? i agree that the scene where that happens is much more dramatic w/o music. it's a very american (and wrong) concept that the drama of an animated film/movie/show/sequence can't stand on it's own with out themed music to cary it. it's nice to see it handled a bit more maturely.
yeah, sempai makes so much more sence than big brother, i was alsways a little confused by that in robotech.
just got disc one of the original serise, its been SOOOO long. It's really great how "right" the original feels to me after having gone so long with out seeing it. Say what you want about the fugly drawings, i like the art style, i just wish there wern't so many errors. Personally having just watched DYRL the other day, i've got to say there is more character development AND action in the first 4 episodes than in dyrl. Bravo SDF. disc one UN RAPED my child hood i feel great today. Anyone else want to talk about the original SDF Macross?
OMG they totally ripped off robotech!
if the empire in starwars is based on the nazis, i'm not sure which part. nazis are hardly the only country to go to war in search of utter conquest. In fact, in the OT i was never quite sure what all the warring was about in the first place. the rebels are convinced the empire is evil, but asside from fighting rebels i'm not really sure what it is the empire does thats evil. it's just sorta thrown out there as a gimme. i really think everyone, in cluding lucas at this point, is reading too much into this franchise. starwars was originaly based off the heros journey. because of this, it parralells just about every intresting human conflict, fiction or non fiction.
that jet actually looks alot like one of the cobra jets from gijoe. i dunno what it was called but it looked alot like that. those macross cannons are pretty unmistakeable though!
the valks continue to be (imho) on of the most well thought out transformable anything i've ever seen. they ALMOST work perfectly in the real world (given the technology and anime physics) however i think had the original show SDF macross been weaker story wise, the designs woudln't have the staying power that they have. when i think of macross, i think of hikaru, misa and minmay. but its the valks i'm lusting after.
i just watched dyrl with a few friends the other day. they had NO idea what was going on. when milla fell out of her q-rau they all said "wtf the girls are big too!?!?! " I firmly stand by the opinion that dryl only works because of the tv serise, and the fact that it doesn't match the tv serise storyline hurts both showings in my opinion.
ok you have a point about the big floating spaceships. but you gotta remember that the ships have big antigrav engines. we arn't so much making the ships float as we're making the engines float, and attaching the ship TO them. there is quite a bit of diffrence between creating a device that does something, and creating a device that makes other stuff do something. it would be something like a tribal guy from an un-developed part of society seeing a 747 jumbo jet and assuming our culture has the technology to just slap wings onto anything and make it fly. if the rocks are some how special rocks, protoculture rocks, or they have technology in them then i agree with you.
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
KingNor replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
maybe YOU do -
I don't think that means what you think it means. You seem to think that "it can't be proven otherwise" means "it is certainly (or even probably) true". If so, you are mistaken. if you go back far enough we all came from fish. so i dont' get it. PETER: I hear ya man, it was a simpler, and much neater time. its intresting the way the fans can find a way to hold the macross franchise togeather with hypothesis and analysis, but i liked it better when it was more strait forward. SDF serise all the way for me
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
KingNor replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
oh dear -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
KingNor replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
the front page of the site clearly states this is macross world. if you dont' like it you can leave! the end -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
KingNor replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
i knew those hands looked like they had guns in them.