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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. hey cool this thread is back, i liked this topic. i think what i like about Shao Pai Lon is that it was playing in the episode when Hikaru and Misa started being friendly to each other. and i think misa is super.
  2. it's doing you a favor ;-) aol, the most resource heavy isp ever made.
  3. It is, but it has been used in this discussion for lack of a better term. I don't think that going from mind controlled machines without helmets to telepathy is a "feasible" leap. Mind controlled VFs in Plus seemed feasible by what was shown. Potentially doing this without a physical connection is also feasible within the realm of story. This is because both systems would rely on the machine to gather input from the pilot. Whether the connection is a physical one or a "wireless" one doesn't change the fact that the machine is the one that is creating the connection and operating off the input. Without the technology of the machine, there is no connection. The mind is not doing anything special per se, it just operates as it always does. The jump to telepathy means that it is the human providing the connection and interacting with things that were not designed to recieve input from the mind, which is completely different than the above. yes, dont' think of it as a mind-controlled plane, think of it as a plane that can read the brain patterns. its not the pilot that is so special (though he does need extencive training) its the plane. there is absoloutly no way guld could have piloted the 19 the way he piloted the 21. guld didn't extend himself into the plane, the plane reached into gulds mind so to speak.
  4. oh god, feel absolutely free to critisize, i have no problem with that. i went out of my way to make it look "alive" and not robotic, if thats what you are meaning about "animalistic" the head does pop out way too fast. by product of not enough time to fine tune everything, same with the arms. I did this animation in a few hours and the arms espesially are really just "blocked" in. IE: the animation on them is only really partially done. any criticques on the motion is fine by me. as for textures, i think dat is working on a rendered version as we speak, with any luck we'll be able to post it. not sure tho. i have a better version of his model that i'm getting ready to rig. and i'll do some animations with that when i get the chance. (rigging took me a few months, the animation takes a few hours). this model had intake covers, but they proved to be one thing too many, also i'm not sure where they shoudl go in fighter mode..
  5. Here's a quick animation of a VF-1 transforming from all three modes! Its a colaboration from me and Datterboy, hope you guys like it. VALKYRIE TRANSFORMATION Looks like this:
  6. so the vf0 isn't a prototype, it's a seperate fighter specificly designed to fill the gap before the full fledged vf1's come out?
  7. world of warcraft is raping my social life as we speak.
  8. kinda REALLY funny. and sad too
  9. even in robotech wasn't earth basicly blown all to hell? good rescue robotech.
  10. Sony's saying March... but remember, this is the same Sony that said that Gran Turismo 4 would be out like a year ago... Speaking of GT4, I played a demo of it at Laox the other day...have to say it was pretty good. she's hot
  11. well i have a first gen ps1, and it works just fine. though my first gen ps2 has had numeral problems mostly involving dvds. my roommates ps2 over heats and a friend of mine has a ps2 that only runs certain games.. all first gen. i'm not saying all of sonys first gen stuff is bad, but they have a spoty track record. thats all i'm saying. i have a working snes, atari 2600 (thats the # right?), game boy (original) and even a working powerglove and super scope. so i know its not me taking bad care of my stuff. lets see if i can make the ultimat "heated" statement: playstation is like all God fearing, republican, Ford driving, P.C. using people. nintendo is like all bleeding heart, democrat, Chevy driving, Macintosh using people. that ought to stir things up a bit
  12. i got the impression that this mystery valk didn't even have as high detail quality as the 1/48 and it doesn't transform, so i wasn't very intrested in it. but now you've sparked my curiosity. it is BIGGER than a 1/48, yet a little bland. i do beleive back on the old forums i remember someone posting about a big valk they bought, but its been years since i saw that. thats all i can think of right now. let me know what you find out.
  13. does anyone else think that the psp's joystick is too close to the edge of the system, i was imitating useing it a while back and it felt awkward to have the palm of my hand not resting on anything. either i'll have to have my hand away from the deck so i can extend my thumb or i'm going to have to hold it like a gameboy but have my thumb bent at an akward angle to reach the joystick... hmmm ***edit*** also as a gentle reminder to psp buyers, i do like sony but they've had a VERY bad trackrecord for first gen game systems. i STRONGLY recomend waiting for some first run reviews before getting it.
  14. I've seen the valk you're talking about when i was in SO-CAL for thanksgiving. if i remember correct. it's non-transformable and i don't think it has any moving parts aside from the landing gear. it does look about joe size but i dont' think the canopy opens. sry i don't know anything else about it, why not ask the guys who work there next time you're at the Spectrum.
  15. i know, i'm being obtuse
  16. You remember the sitcoms of the 80's right? the name IS important, imagine if "family ties" was called "taxi" it would be alot like haveing a show called macross and not having the macross in it.
  17. well.. how CAN they call it Macross when there is no Macross in it? i mean physically, you dont ever see the Macross. do you?
  18. actually, aside from the looks of the elves, the animated Hobbit is MUCH closer to the book than the Jackson LOTR movies. Gollum from the hobbit wipes the floor with gollum from the movies. but what this has to do with MZero i don't know. Maybe the Hoary Froating head wanted some Hoary Froating rocks to keep him company you know what i DID like about mZERO though? the flight suit. i thought it was really cool. Looked very functional yet still looked "macross"
  19. elwin win's! as a prise, he gets to see my avatar again.
  20. i knew i'd get the eva stamp, i should have said the soul of his dog. and for the record there is no such thing as love.. only "gentle lust"
  21. jemstone: myung tells sharon something along these lines: "you don't have emotions, you're just running a program, even you THINKING you have emotions is just another part of your programming" so that is a good argument for sharron not being a living entity, but just a run-away AI with tons of emotional data programed in. however, Sharron then says something about how she [sharron] loves guld and isamu, and this seems to startle Myung. problem is that the reason she's startled isn't clear... either: 1) she's startled because this can't be part of a program, sharron really does have emotions! 2) she's startled because sharrons emotions match myungs exactly, and she's being forced to admit something about herself she doesn't want to deal with! I like to side with #2 but i'll admit there isn't much to DISPROVE #1.. jem i agree completely however that the yf-21 isn't supernatural at all. had the 21 been endowed with like... the SOUL of gulds mother or something and THAT was why he could fly it with his mind, then that would be supernatural. as it is. the 21 is presented as a machine with an advanced brainwave reader.. stuff like this actually exists now for quadropalegics and people with other muscle problems so that they can operate a mouse and use a computer with out useing their hands. anyway... i'm bad, i should stop going to the threads about the shows i don't like
  22. gandam rools,, it should be cannonized as a crappy B movie in the Macross universe. dispite its low budget it got full military support includeing a valk they could "dress" up for the movie. any more word on this gandam monstrosity?
  23. yeah i'm a hardcore fan of the serise. NOT macross as a whole. i'm a hardcore sdf fan. don't get them mixed up. anyway, i can't penetrait that wall of text so i'm just gonna say you win keith, weather i feel your right or not, you just clearly want it more. I will listen to his song, but it will be on mute.
  24. Noyhauser and Jemstone: i was responding to a comment keith made: i'm intrested in knowing which m+ characters he considers to be supernatural, unless i am missreading his post. its not rehtorical at all. he posted an observation i'd like to hear his thoughts behind it.
  25. i'm intrested in which characters in m+ had super natural powers too.... i mean.. we can agree that "thinking" isn't a super natural power right?
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