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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. where could someone such as myself go to see that intro?
  2. http://www.unicron.us/tf2004/botcon2004/botcon.htm go there. its ALLL the way at the bottom. some clips from mr cullen and the last audio file he talks specifically about the movie. "are you in the new TF movie?" cullen: "i don't know" good stuff.
  3. If i don't get an Internship next term I'm definately picking up the project again after finals. I can't wait to try and rig that thing again, i've learned a few things since my last attempt :-) just a few. I remember you saying that you had all the heads for the model in one file, and they were swap-able. how hard is it to change textures? I'd love to do an animation of the valks flying around that ARMD platform posted earlyer, change modes, land and do some battle with some battle pods. is anyone doing battle pods? those would be much easyer to rig and i could probably have one done in a day or so. (valks require tons of work) anyway, you modelers blow me away, i feel guilty touching your fantasitc work. FABULOUS!
  4. ooooo. shes hot
  5. i'll start the bidding.. 5 bucks to see someone customize a 1/48 to the orange and purple sceme. 5 bucks, anyone want to out bid me?
  6. if you ignore it being a macross film, how is mac2 on its own?
  7. Is there any word on how many Low-Viz valks were made? It'd be intresting to know.
  8. s'not why i got one. personally i like macross dispite mZero. dont give up hope on finding a valk man. I posted a long time ago the same problem you are, there were plenty of people jumping on me sayin "yeah right, good luck buddy" eventually someone who could help (and not discourage) showed up and offered me a transaction. it'll be harder now a days, but if you don't try, you can't win, right? don't give up. the low viz is worth it.
  9. i always thought the removeable nose cone was more gimmick than anything else.. .. was there really a demand from fans for seeing the radar thingy? someone said the long nose was a lack of forsight. really i think this armor might be the "real" reason the nose pops on and off so easily. I wouldn't be supprised at all if the nose needs to be off for the armor to fit, and honestly it wouldnt' ruin my day either. as for the arms.. i like the exagerated look, big honkin shoulders and huge popeye forearms looks kinda cool with skinny little upperarms. imho its a intresting mix of bulk and skinny. (contrast is a good thing people!)
  10. think about it logically. the valks from Mzero were replaced by the SDF valks, then there is mac+ then mac7 (7 is further along in the timeline right?) expecting to be able to upgrade a first gen maybe even prototype fighter to compete with a 5th or 6th gen top of the line fighter is pretty out of the question. I think part of the problem with this topic is that how "modified/upgraded" can you upgrade a plane before it fails to be the original plane anymore... its like how they call those top fuel dragsters "cameros, gto's" and the like.. they are completely purpose build cars with only the likeness of road cars scupted into a fiberglass shell.. you can' really say a camero can run the quarter mile in like 7 seconds because one of these dragsters can. same with the fightrs, how much can you change on it before it stops being what it started out as?
  11. ouch. sometimes i feel like my car is the same way.
  12. My storyboarding instructor showed us one of those, its good. It has to do with race i beleive. its a fun read. i might have to look for a copy myself.
  13. silly i'm no fan of van damme but really, when youve studied martial arts the way any of these guys have, i'm sure one kick from any of the would be enough to put the other down in one hit. besides how old is damme now? gotta be pushin 40+ isnt' he? and this guy seems to be in his 20's anyway thats about as far as i'll defend damme, cuz i really do hate the guy, but that line just reminded me of the childish "chuck noris could beat up steven segal and van damme and bla bla bla all by himself" conversations i had when i was 10 hehe
  14. there can't be 75% of the same cars in there because gt4 has something like 500% more cars than gt3. even if they included every single car from gt3, it would only make up for maybe a sixth of the cars in the gt4. I dunno though, i can't wait to get a model T or one of those mercedes motorized carrages. anyone built up a speed12 yet? mine has over 1000 horsepower :-O
  15. which race/championship gives up the chevelle?
  16. where did this come from? i'd like to read the rest.
  17. images like these make me want to watch macross 7...
  18. considering that is repainted "black and white" line art, i'd hardly take that image as gosple no mater where i found it. I think they look better grey, but like was stated, thats still doesn't look quite right, maybe all grey would look beter, or grey with red trim someplace hard to say.
  19. KingNor hates inverted images.
  20. I wont' defend any of the shows mentiond (except digimon, which if you actually watch it has impressive story arcs and character development, really i was supprised) but the worst of the bunch is Yu-gee-OH! by far. that show is complete and un-compromising comercial garbage. i've even heard the players in the show mention how the cards they get are limited edition and available in only certain packs or something. i was like wtf?? i can't speak for season 3 and beyond but i was fairly impressed with digimons first two seasons, i stoped watching after that.
  21. Really? They look like kids to me, about right for the story. Yes, I'm a big fan of Mikimoto, glad to see more of his stuff. Link in LoZ is a really little kid 6yrs old or so. In Zelda2 hes a teen like the drawings. In legend of zelda on NES there is absoloutly nothing to indicate links age in game. Maybe some of the artwork on the box or something, but we all know how innacurate nes box art was back then. My point is that, Links age isn't given. And if you're going off his looks? well he's the same size and shape as just about every other person of his type in the game.. sorry i just hear alot of people claiming they know links age when really, there just isn't enough info given.
  22. is anyone getting the Tiburon SE?
  23. same pic, but i hate inverted photos that are inverted for the sake of being inverted ( i HATE INVERTED) also i blew it up to make it easyer to look at.
  24. its done in maya
  25. man you might want to check your source material, that thing doesn't look at all like the macross.
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