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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. robots like these don't impress me, i don't really see what boundrys this presses. to me, robots are all about the AI that goes in them. thats just me i guess. this seems alot more to me like a hollywood prop than a functional, useful tool of any kind. yeah so anway.. i'll shut up now
  2. HAHA.. ha.... heh...hm.. wait what?
  3. How can a movie about hell be made with out hell and still be called DOOM? "the human g-nome" no. they should rename it SCIENCE. [weeping]
  4. i only saw one person do this: do a nose dive, blow their canopy reach out and grab a freefalling person, and help them seat themselves. fall out of the plane jump back in resecure the canopy look back and say "ooh, pretty girl" teh winz 4 hickeroo!
  5. well thats not really the way combat works. getting killed in combat is random. roy might have been killed by shots not even intended for him. hell what if he had been killed by micro meteorites punching through his plane? imagine if you're a really good driver, and one day you're driving along and a cement truck falls off a bridge and crushes you in your car. does that really have any say on what level your driving skills are? i would say no.
  6. After watching the SDF episode where Roy dies again, I got the impression that he didn't actually drop dead in Claudias living room and that he just collapsed. I think now that there was probably a fairly lengthy time before he actually died and when he collapsed too. My reason is basicly, they changed the setting to very dark (usually a stark change like that is to try and show time passing) and the fact he was disrobed in a hospital bed. Usually i think medics only rip open clothes to perform emergency medical work at the last minute, i don't think they undress and bed people that are DOA. Just my thoughts. I hope thats the way it played out because i'd always thought Roys death was written a bit oddly. thoughts?
  7. wow really? thats pretty cool. i wonder if his family will get that done?
  8. haha only someone living in the US could possibly thing the US is the most corrupt government of all time (i'm guessing thats what you were hinting at) if the US does anything well, it protects mosts of its citizens from having any clue as to what the world outside our borders is like. i miss scotty all ready.
  9. :-( i liked scotty.
  10. Just thought i'd toss in this old picture of my Tiburon, I thought it was pretty.
  11. It was in the old forums but i guess the topic is gone. I remember it had lots of nice images of valkyries. it was like a valkyrie painting book or something. what was the title and info? a friend of mine is in japan and can get it for me pretty cheap.
  12. I can live with the explination that the device shot strait down. that explains why they needed to actually get to the water hub rather than just point the device at it.
  13. are there any decent muscle car bodies? I'd love a black charger or a big ugly super bird.
  14. K i did a little reading from http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/batmobile.htm its pretty intresting. turns out though, the car can't jump on its own (like in the movie) it can't just "jump" but the car CAN drive off a ram, careen though the air and land with out hurting itself. which is.. pretty damn impressive. i won't reitterate the entire article for you, its worth looking at though. they made 4 cars at 250,000 each it seems. dispite its ugly looks (gawd) its a pretty iimpresive peice of hardware.
  15. don't forget, they PERSONALLY KNEW people who had a Genisis. thus making any claim utterly true! actually knowing a few people is way better than actual sales stats. sheesh duke.
  16. Hardware is just a delivery unit. Brandloyalty (in the face of poor quality) is unAmarican! Go where the good games are, reguardless of system. i find it odd that people usually rent a game before buying it "to make sure its worth the money" yet they'll buy an unproven system the instant it hits the market. I like to give consoles a good couple months before i decide wich is the one for me. hardware means nothing, i still get a kick out of NES Zelda. so the graphics of Nex-Gen systems is by far a backseat to the gameplay of their games. just my 50cents.
  17. KingNor

    Low Viz

    i got mine for 150 i think, plus a drawnig of a valk as a monkey. MONKEY VALK
  18. has it occured to you that SW and indiana jones is like the only thing hes put out. unless he did some B fims i missed, i love B movies. 3 Star Wars Films (w/out Ford) Howard the Duck Willow Young Indianda Jones Chronicles Tucker: The Man and His Dream RadioLand Murders Labyrinth The Land Before Time And that's only a partial list. . . willow wasn't lucas was it? thought it was ron howard. also american grafitii was really good, ford was the bad guy (ironicly drove a chevy)
  19. second post... just a thought, has it ever occured to anyone else that the only good things ever to come from lucas had harrison ford in them?
  20. Bruce Campbell can't act, and he knows it, and embraces it. Making him funny as hell. Han Solo? maybe he has the looks, but he can't act so: No.
  21. i'd remake it with legos
  22. the colors are killing this one, as in too many and none complement each other. you could add a light inside the hangar to complement the galaxy outside or atleast bring down the saturation problem might also come up as this image and the one it is being built from dont' have a clear subject or paticularly intresting composition. are we looking at the plane in the forground, plane in the background or the galaxy? they all seem to fight each other for attention as does the color. just my 2cents
  23. seriously, how come fans can think of this stuff and Luke-ass thinks of stuff like "raa me vader, nooooeee!!" why the HELL do these movie guys get paid so much when they can't think of stuff HALF as good as their fanbase can.
  24. "Second test" looks really nice. horizon line makes that shot work.
  25. Dodge Charger and lots of pg13 clad women. i'm in.
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