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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. Haha... No I am 227 right now, thats the limit... Not ever going over 230, but never under 220. I prefer to just be a balanced perfect athlete with endruance, flexibility, strength, and speed... Bodybuilders just have strength and size.. Notice you never see Arnold run in his movies, he can't his hamstrings limit his range of motion. Also there are considerations when it comes to my feet and shins in supporting that weight, I get pain at times when I run as my feet have to support a large amount of wieght. I can see myself getting a little leaner at the same weight.. Thats it. 321509[/snapback] Doesn't that have to do with your general body frame? Like someone who's bigger bone can carry more weight than someone who is small bone. 321602[/snapback] To some extent, yes. But when one lifts weights he or she can greatly what the sleketon can handle, IE the sleletal structure can change to accomidate an excess need for strength. So even the skinniest of kids can gain a large amount of muscle. The most limiting factor in building muscle for most has to do with hormonal dissadvantages some are born with. Some people naturally make more testosterone, some make less. One great thing a person can do is get their blood tested for testosterone... Provided its low, a perscription can be acquired for injectible testosterone. 322038[/snapback] i like anime, do you think my testosterone might be low?
  2. the key to stuff like this is not to freak out and like cover his eyes and go "oh my god dont' look!" that will plant in him that sex IS bad and that will cause stuff like this to adversely affect him. just tell him soemthing like "thats batmans wife" and play it off like its no big deal.
  3. the hero of DungeonSeige is a square jawed dude? what hapend to the heavily armored redhead with green eyes from the cover? she alone made the game intresting, she was hot yet not fighting in a bikini. i always played the single player game with a female hero, it really does make it more engaging. even if they did use a female hero, they'd never stick to the cover art, she'd be in a princess lea type "battle armor" in no time and spouting crappy one liners. too predictable.
  4. if i looked like that i'd walk around shirtless with a big sword all the time (and not even care)
  5. great piloting = not crashing getting shot down in war = random. living through war is luck, not skill in MOST cases. most likely roy was shot by random bullets that wern't even meant for him.
  6. vf-1a, its a lonely world i live in.
  7. anime matrix???
  8. I remember the Thundertank being pretty cool, has there ever been a model or (not shitty) toy of it?
  9. heh... just walk away. you can't win this.
  10. Arnold is comeing and comeing. anyway i'm tempted to see some thundercats goodness, i wonder if its on netflix yet!
  11. i put misa in the lead.
  12. i'm guessing they picked drake over hudson because hudson is esentially hicks, with a few teeny tiny diffrences. Drake has a completely unique gear set.
  13. i may have missed it in the thread, how much are you charging, and would it be possible to get on in the "naked" grey? that thing is pretty.
  14. oh noes! not in this thread please!
  15. myth: the orguss valk is an official valk type. fact: it is just a visual inside joke, the valk doesn't exist in the macross universe as anything other than a joke.
  16. they seemed evenly matched to me.
  17. i would certainly buy a 1/48 zentradi foot soldier to go with my lowviz
  18. what about a "black and white" local police force version. I have to imagine that after the war, valks started showing up in strange places. a police force isn't out of the questiion i think.
  19. trailer didn't look too good. even from those little clips it seemed like alot of hackting (hack + acting). those girls didn't even look like they were trying with that light saber fight.
  20. shotgun + chainsaw + NIN +growling + demons + it goes on... i think one problem with modern sci-fi and horror movie makers is that they don't seem to care about the stuff they are makeing, its like they make it with the same half assed approach a frustraited parent has when apeasing they're bratty kid. "this ought to keep them buisy for a little while" attitude.
  21. well in the end, it doesn't matter how tall arny is. the TERMINATOR is 6'2 even if it was played by a cleverly shot short buff guy. irreguardless. terminator 6'2
  22. Dumbest. Comment. Ever. 316000[/snapback] seconded. 316066[/snapback] hehe, i think he has a point acutally. for the record. WATCH SDF: MACROSS. its great
  23. he is 6 foot 2. 315213[/snapback] http://www.sacbee.com/content/lifestyle/st...p-8580625c.html Well I stood eye to eye with him... I am 6 and I tower over him. Not even close to 6 even with the lifts in his shoes. 315234[/snapback] link takes me to a login page.
  24. what the terminator would have ended up doing if it hadn't failed to kill one terrified waitress (supermachines, psssh!)
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