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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. i got the ball and socets off of the LEGO Bionical figures i had to do quite a bit of cutting too. i don't know if its faster, its not really all that simple, the first one took me the better part of a day to do, the second one maybe 2 hours tops ***edit adding more info*** There is ALOT of cutting involved to get your valk as poseable as mine, for one you gotta cut big chunks out of the "intake" section. use my images for refrence. essentially the ball joint connects the leg on the opposite side that the leg used to connect on. It's easy to do this part backwards, i almost did it myself on accedent. another part is a part of the knee joint. on the "shin" peice, there is a peice of plastic in the joint, its in the front of the kneel. I grinded this down quite a bit to allow more bend in the gerwalk mode. ie: it allows the knee to bend "forward" more. I'm sure you can find this on your valk, just bend the leg and see where the thigh contacts the "shin". thats where i'd grind. the last thing i did was a mod someone else came up with, essentially its cutting out the gears inside the foot assembly to give the Vector Thrust feet peices the ability to move separately. this allows you to get more foot flexibility. It's a little complicated and i don't recall the web URL for the instructions. KidKorrupt was the guy who came up with it, if he's still around maybe he'll chime in with the url. (I think it was him anyway) As for the ball joints. the Bionical joints wern't meant for the kind of weight even a Bootleg will exert on them, i experimented with all kinds of things to tighten the joints, my favorite so far is to coat the ball with some plastic-wrap (the kind you wrap leftovers in). it works for a while but after a few poses it gets worn out and needs to be replaced. I don't think the ball joints from the Bionicles would stand a chance in a real 1/55. theres just too much high quality (heavy) plastic and metal. Also , all bionicles arn't created equal, make sure you look at the packageing when you buy one and be sure its got at LEAST 4 ball and socket assemblys don't count their feet, because the feet on a Bionicle won't give you the proper socket. you need the little black multipurpose sockets. most bionicles have plenty of.. eh.. balls. its the sockets you need to look for. let me know if you have any more Q's
  2. My favorite pose. i got a chunky monkey to do a standing kick pose (a dream shared, and largly un-fulfilled by most chunky monkey owners!
  3. here are some pics of the joints and how i where they go, i don't have step by steps the way you do unfortunately.
  4. Hey! i did something very similar to this! only i used the ball joints from some of those lego bionicals and i put two ball joints in each leg. my system works really good in theory, but the ammount of sanding needed on the ball joint socket tended to make them extreemly weak. I'll post some pics for comparison, maybe you'll like some of my ideas. here are som poses:
  5. thanks for the pic, i agree that does look cool. thats not what i meant exactly though. I dont' have much along the lines of painting skills so if i get the set i wont' be able to paint them white like that. does anyone have pics of a stock super fastpack set on a stock lowviz?
  6. What is the going cost of the 1/48 Fastpack kit? Has anyone put this on their Low Viz? i'd like to see how it looks.
  7. Just as an FYI, i dont' know what makes a movie a "Classic" in the world of cars, ANY car thats 25 years or older becomes a legaly classic car ( you can have it registered as such and get special insurance) Classic doesn't always mean "one of the greats" So i kinda consider any movie in the 20 year old range to be a "classic" maybe someone can pin down this deffinition for us.
  8. Just because highschool kids with phony sophistication like him doesn't mean he sucks... Often famous people aren't happy with their fan following. You think Lucy Lawliss is happy about being a lezbo icon? Should we hold it against her? You think Patrick Stewart and his classic theatre training is happy with armies of dorks asking him if he asked Riker to shave his beard? 358983[/snapback] good point, though i have never gotten the impression that Tarentino dislikes the legions of fans that think he's a movie god. I still dont' like his movies, regardless of who likes them. another over rated movie: Scarface. before you yell at me, go back and watch it. seriously watch it (ie: don't just have it running at a party, sit down and watch it). it's really not that good. just has some memorable lines at the end.
  9. is there a 1/6th Predator in existence?
  10. yes, ride of the valkyries is good, some of the boat stuff is good, but about 2/3rds of the way in it starts getting weird and.. really drugged. imho it starts to feel sloppy, the first half of the movie feels tight like its going someplace. the second half seems like the entire crew doesn't give a poo and is stoned.
  11. Whoa! I thought I was the only one who felt this way. Preach on brotha! 357201[/snapback] add me to this. the guy is annoying. the guy writes lame crap that appeals to highschool kids with its phoney sophistication. terrible. arg. hate.
  12. A second Happy New Years from Paris, France. I've been wondering that since the early 90's. Are we the "zeros"? "2000s"? I'm confused... 356617[/snapback] preteens?
  13. you can't take movies as portraying fact. movies are entertainment. giving them the credibility they dont' deserve only inflates the egos of aloof movie directors who already operate so far outside the real world is amazing they can tell any storys that normal people can relate too. munich was a decent movie in my opinion, raised some questions and got me thinking. i'd never asume what happend in that movie is a fact. what a movie like this should do is get you intrested, then you should go look into what it's portraying and research the real events. you have to remember that the actions these characters take in a movie can be just as artificial as them having a dramatic soundtrack, everything is there to make it intresting, or to get the productions views across. reality is always an afterthought in movies no mater what they say. :-O ok i'm done, :-P
  14. sorry ,i inputing English very slow . Macross now in china isn't liked by the majority person,became they are the young people ,they like "BLEACH ""GUNDAM SEED "and so on ~~ 356231[/snapback] :-(
  15. Hi, you work at a macross fan club or something?
  16. "Model is built around a steel armature that runs down the spine of the ship and includes a rolling steel display frame." Hmmmm so i CAN'T fly it around my apartment? i won't beable to pick it up if its attached to a frame! oh noes its neat and all (impressive actaully) but i have a feeling that its not 100% lego, to many odd angles. either there is a armature with legos attached to it (besides the armature to hold it up i mean) OR that builder is a god amongst 4-12 yearold children. quite rad, next lets see a SDF kthxbai
  17. any chance this will have a variant with less primary type colors? low viz maybe?
  18. Someone posted here months and months ago of lord of the rings short clips making fun of the movies. One of them was about using catapults to get the ring to mordor another was about gandalf flying and droping the ring in. i searched and searched i don't know where they are? anyone know where i can find them?
  19. This is so cool, google is neato. I'm in Sunnyvale CA someone come visit me.
  20. the problem is ABSOLOUTLY not a vendor issue. working in the game industry i've met literally dozens of people who've worked at places like EB games. not a single one of them willingly sold a game to a young kid who wasn't old enough for the rating. the parents buy these games for their kids. and they actually get angry when the vendor suggests their kid isn't old enouogh for the game. my friend told me he got this alot: young kid comes in, "i want [violent videogame]" friend says "you're not old enough you hve to be 17 to buy it" kid goes back outside to his parents, SITTING IN THE CAR OUTSIDE WAITING, who then come in and yell at my friend for being an a-hole. gee i wonder where these kids are getting their values from? the worst part is that once the parents are there, the vendor can't refuse to sell the game to an adult. the kid sees this kind of behavior and sees that he's rewarded for it. moral of the lesson, if you're not getting what you want, act more and more violent till you get it.
  21. i enjoyed the introductory shot of o the crew, they walked from the brige through the whole ship to the cargo bay with out cutting. very cool. sort of the last hurrah of that awesome lifesized set they made of the ship.
  22. aside from the faces, the valks are pretty neat. i actually thought the skydome was pretty clever.
  23. haha that was cool
  24. haha i listen to NPR too. its pretty liberal but you gotta admit its better than TV newscasting. (you HAVE TO ADMIT IT i demand it) what other swords do you have A1? i have a few, a big claymore that looks sort of like the one from brave heart (but not the same) and a few random fantasy swords in storage. do you only collect movie and "hero" swords or do you have any authentic stuff?
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