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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. If I was going to REALLY change anything about SDFMacross, i would make the Valks fly at 12fps minimum at ALL times. :-) no more 4 fps sequences
  2. Mr March: If I made it seem like i meant "most" anime fans, please understand i made an effort to say "many". You have to remember that a huge huge chunk animefans in the US are little kids, in part because the anime that gets brought over is kids stuff because the US TV stations are dead set in the opinion that "cartoons are for children" You have to remember that you're an intellegent Anime fan, and as such you'll be friends with other intellegent anime fans. You and i'm sure you're friends watch good shows, and can spot drivel when you see it. But because all you see on a daily basis is your base of friends and people with some taste doesn't mean that the general public anime fan use as much descretion. IMHO the AVERAGE anime watcher is just as happy with "any" anime as they are with "good" anime. That is just my opinion, and judging by what (and how) anime is brought to the states, i think my opinion has some justification behind it. I find the members of this board to be among some of the smartest, and most well rounded anime fans i've encounterd.
  3. UN spacey has a long detailed regulations about hair length and color for their pilots. The thing is, warriors actually operate BETTER with only one eye visible (unless of course, they wear glasses). Notice how a sniper always closes one eye to fire. Ever used a pistol? see if you shoot better with one eye or two. UNSpacey, and paticularly Valkyrie pilots figured out early on (especially in space) that having both eyes able to receive light and take in information was ultimately distracting to the pilots and caused lots of un-due death. It should also be noted that unnatural hair color (be it dyed or otherwise) adds a great deal of skill to the person wearing it. In the case of pilots, people with natural hair color tend to die in combat more often or suck A LOT with girls. Neither of these make for good pilots. UNSpacey encourages it's pilots to used a multitude of hair colors, though at the launch of the SDF they'd only stocked up on Blue. Zentradi took this concept quite a bit further encouraging all kinds of wacky hair colors AND encouraged weird skin colors to aid their pilots.
  4. I think you're over analysing here. The zentradi recognised max skill because it was written that way, no one really mentioned that the noticed him because of his blue plane. Max's reltationship to the Zentradi is a fundamental part of the serise, and won't be affected by the color of his valk/uniform. Now you could argue that it "looked stupid" to have the multiple colored valks and unifroms but this is my take on that: The uniforms were anything but. Say you have a bunch of similar uniforms (cut wise) but they are diffrent colors to denote service. ie: Blue uniforms are fule techs, white and red are pilots, black and purple are commanders, green and white are for mechanics and so on. I'm sure the SDF didn't come with unlimited resorces to outfit an extra dozen thousand of people, and it needed pilots, so maybe the colors are more out of need? Thats just my take on it, obviously the colors are just to help identify characters, the fact of the matter is we don't have any idea why the uniforms are diffrent colors, it's never explained. Perhaps UNspacy promotes individualism in their military. Perhaps its the reason i stated above. Who knows? Because it's never explained. Same with the valks, who's to say that High Viz "Parade" valks weren't stowed on board? The SDF did launch during a celebration after all. It would make sence to have lots of brigh tflasshy show valks on board. Again, it's never mentioned in the show why there are "hero" valks. My point is that, these things are superficial to the story. Roy died because of the story , not because his valk was the skull001. He would have died no matter what. Max fell in love with Miria because that's important to the story. Not because he's obsessed with blue.
  5. Considering the fact that my friend happens to be a world-famous artist/toy designer, I'll just have to take her word for it. But yeah, I can't wait for Yakuza. September release I heard. Birthday present for me!!! 396896[/snapback] I'm not really sure where you're going with this. I don't like the designs, the anonymous opinions of a supposedly famous artist/designer dont' really sway me. After all, a Square Enix artist designed the costume, and Square is considered a pretty big name in fantasy gameing, and i still hate the costume "Raiden" there is wearing. Just because your famous friend likes some poo doesn't mean it smells any better.
  6. JsARCLIGHT and Sumdumgai: I agree with you both on all points. I think mgs might be in a race with star wars for seeing who can put the most nonsence into what WAS a great franchise. i mean, they added a part to MGS where ninja jumps in the air, cuts a huge slab of concrete out of the ceiling, it falls(he doesn't) out of the roof, then he KICKS it at snake and procedes to the next bit of nonsence. COME ON!
  7. whats the point of a movie really? the game was VERY cinematic already, and a movie couldn't hope to cover as much content. I vote for no go on this project.
  8. if i could change anything in macross VF wise. I'd replace the VF's in Mzero with non-transformable planes becaues IMHO valks are for killing huge aliens AND are too heavy and cumbersom for non nuclear engines. (i beleive the f14's would have out performed them until they had their nuke powerplant) Mzero ruins my day because of this. another thing i would change would be to stick to more VF-1a style heads and less J and S "facey" looking heads. Just my opinion, i like macross for its attempts at military utilitarism.
  9. You know, most anime fans remind me alot of MTV and the hiphop/techno music croud. with hiphop and techno it seems like the "best" songs also happen to be the "new" songs. ESPECIALLY with techno. I mean there IS nuance and all that but you get alot of "boom boom boom boom, tweeter tweeter tweeter tweeter" And when you mix it with MTV you can see that the mainstream public is less intrested in "good" stuff and more intrested in "anything new" regardless of quality. its just another thing to stare at and burn time. I think alot of anime fans are fans for the "woah thats rad, daaaaaoooommmmnn" factor and much much less for the story quality/characters etc. I think thats why theres so much of a following for Gundam, DBZ, Naruto and any other show that churns out episode after episode. Most people just want to see a new robot, a new fight, a new panty shot, a new female character that MIGHT show a nipple, a new uber cute critter side kick or what ever and alot of the shows above provide that sort of "endless new" that people are looking for. I guess the trade off is that some shows are made so you can watch them repeatedly and get something each time, and others are made so you only have to watch them once and you can continnue to progress the story.
  10. do dog fights even happen anymore in the real world?
  11. JBO: I made that exact same point about the ALIEN franchise. they made a great horror movie.. then a great action movie then a dozen bad action movies.. what they NEEDED to do was follow the progression: horror, action, courtroom drama. Ripley vs. the Company. could have been great.
  12. Its one of the toys with lots of articulation already, the arms i didn't touch, they are stock. the legs are the parts i edited. Lots of extra joints. This is one of the ones that came with lots of accessories, but i don't have any, all i have is a sniper rifel thats missing it's scope. My friend basicly gave it to me for free.
  13. I customised a cheap EVA00 i got from a friend using HLJ's ball and hinge joints. Just did this more or less for my amusement and to see the kidns of loads the joints could handle. I'm liking this alot. Thought i'd share some images with you guys for entertainment. It's still pretty rough, i inted to puty and molde some more black into the cut out joint areas to round out the body.
  14. Big F What is that putty you use to fill in the gaps on your 1/55? all my customs have nasty openings in them i'd like to patch.
  15. I got some of those HLJ joints and put them in a cut up Eva figure i have. i like them alot, even the small ones can hold a significant amount of weight. I do worry about them in a valk though. When i get some money together i'm going to try another valk custom. I want to try puting the Feet sections on ball joints to get lateral movement :-D The stickers on the Blue Valk are looking really good.
  16. As far as i could tell, the none of the current government states survived the initial Zentradi attack. The closest thing to a Government after SpaceWar1 looked to be UNSpacey. but even they seemed more intrested in police type work than actual Government work. Seems to me that life for humans on earth was set back several decades and citys reverted to a sort of City State setup with UNSpacey running around trying to keep people from killing each other. None of the shows really get into detail about any of that though. My personal opinion is that after the war, property on earth became first come first serve. If a city state came across a few destroids they used them for civil defence/police work. Valks seem like they all stayed in the hands of the UNSpacy force. Personally I exclude those silly MacZero valks from existence when considering the SDFMacross serise. Either they can go off into MacrossII lala land or they were all destroyed before the Zentradi attack, In anycase i doubt anyone was operating them post SpaceWar1. Thats my take on it. Like i said though, there isn't a whole lot of info into what was going on. I vote for Valks being used solely by UNSpacey.
  17. Direct decendant of Anakin and Luke Skywalker? Did they adopt? how did this happen?
  18. does anyone have that big p38 lighting?
  19. I had a jetfire as long as i could remember, and i had a transformable cyclone (?) before i even knew what mospedia was.
  20. I've never heard of any of those animes. I'll have to start netflixing. As for the Swastika, i know its off topic, but i think its a good thing using it for something other than nazi's. Nothing will break a symbols negative connotation faster than using it for what it was originally intended. Smart move Imho.
  21. best game on the world
  22. i think i joined up in 2000, i remember i was on the robotech forums, and got banned for asking why some people were calling veritechs "valkyies" an honest question since i'd not known robotech and macross were diffrent shows. thats when i joined here.
  23. the problem with sets is that they're not built to last, on the "camera side" they are very pretty and neat, but inside, where the guts are, they're a nightmare. loose nails, stuff held together with tape. sets are only built to last as long as they're needed, they tend to fall apart after a little while anyway. so don't get too hung up on it being dismantled, i think it's cool that it was built at all.
  24. 27 here. "I'm still here you bastards."
  25. Mind filling us in an th I-joke? 384032[/snapback] Heard of 4chan? Well, when they got whiff of this title, well, sky's the limit. 384111[/snapback] MOAR? Sauce? I LOLed, gtfo my internet. (i just used the entire 4chan vocabulary)
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