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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. i dont think bullets are lead anymore. most of them are mettal iirc. i am ALL about rogue touching herself, that could be a very intresting movie. her mutant powers might not work, but i'm sure SOMETHING would happen
  2. Best Mech fight for me are in the FL CL Disc 1 Canti (sp?) vs that robot in ep 2(and its hand in episode 1). the use of keyframes and "loading" the motion just gets me all exicted everytime. When canti eats the kid and turns red in the second fight, that first kick he does where he jumps, windsup, spins, winds up a little more, spins again, again, and POW. haha yes!
  3. you know what this movie reminded me of... it was alot llike seeing the battles in "dragonheart" only a few weeks after seeing "braveheart"
  4. ASS-1 is such a stupid name
  5. cool, maybe i should watch SDF again.
  6. The SDF-1 (ass-1?) wasn't a Zentradi ship. Judging from what i saw in the show, the SDF has a it's huge gun that the Zent' ships couldn't match, but aside from that i think the SDF's total damage output minus the main cannon was far less than the damage out put of one of the flag ships. Remember the Zent's ships are old, the SDF is probably like a souped up sports car to the Zent's. Did the Alien ships in DRYL have the splitting hull main cannons? or was that later in like Macross2 or something. (can't remember)
  7. I think it's really cool, they could totally sell it to an anime shop or something, prop the Prometheus and Dadelus up and have racks of comics on them or something. totally rad-cool
  8. Here's the other one i did lampooning the Monster1's claws, i really hated those claws
  9. p.s. also anyone wearing a helmit, uniform, and cape is automaticly a military general, so he had to have put the bridge like that for a reason, though what that reason was is a mystery to this day.
  10. HAHA i'd line everyone up in rows like a jet liner, then INSIST everyone make jet noises while we fly around otherwise they go for a swim.
  11. I still want an explination as to why magneto layed it down the way he did. All his mutants were with him, he could control the bridge. Why did he make it so easy for the humans reinforcments to get to alcatraz? If it wern't for that they'd have had to use ferrys and small boats, and would have been a snap to deal with.
  12. this was the monster eating a valkyrie image i put together :-)
  13. when that one guys said "send in the tanks" i was thinking YES YES YES, but then that guy said "magneto would destroy them" and i'm thinking DO IT ANYWAY SEND THEM IN. i wanted to see war. not a half ass needle gun fight. and i agree with who ever said it, the less lethal mutants should have had conventional weapons. rogue could have subdued magnetos powers long enough for other xmen to get into the fight only to have his powers come back or something and the fight could have good turn arounds. the whole mess just ended up in a generic brawl
  14. were the army guys wearing no metal or were just their guns not metal
  15. i can't beleive pyro and icemans big fight was over the whim of a crazy magneto (not personal) and that it involved a childish "who's beam is stronger" fight. LAME Logan vs scott never happend magneto vs prof x/jean/anyone there was very very llittle power vs power fighting. i liked x2 where everyone had a function, knew it, and instantly stepped up to do their thing. Magnetos final powermove in this film was to throw cars at people (poorly) ITS LAME. why is beast, a diplomat able to do kungfoo. in the comic he was part of xmen it made sense. imho the only cool action sequence in the movie was magneto vs the caravan, but then his betrayal of mystique was totally out of character, if nothing else magneto could have seen the use of a martyr for his cause. she and the gun were a way to rally the WOLRD of mutants, instead magneto ditchs mystique and lets jean destroy the gun. THE BIG WAR WE'VE BEEN WAITING THREE MOVIES TO SEE CONSISTS OF A LAME ASS RAG TAG OF SECOND RATE MUTANTS VS ALCATRAZ. where magnetos army is wiped out by the humans almost instantly while magneto simply makes a bridge for the human reinforcements to use to get to alcatraz. so little of this movie makes sense, it's an insult to people who like xmen, its an insult to movie goers in general!
  16. I'm intrested in a set, but really i can't make a decision with out a price posted. Please post a price on the first post when you've decided what you want. At least a rough estimate!
  17. I thought Graham wasn't doing the "talk to yamato" thing anymore.
  18. well the oposite of a girl whos a whore is a guy who pays for sex. if all girls are whores where's that put the rest of us
  19. the only reason wolverine could get to her was she could tell his intent was to kill her. she wanted to die. as we can see, the cure doesn't "cure" completely, she probably knew this (from her insane telepathy) and i'm certain wolverines mutant powers wern't what was keeping him alive. if she was as strong as they made her out to be, the only reason wolverine was able to kill her is because that's what she wanted. if she'd senced he was going to try and "save" or "cure" her, she'd have atomized him. As for STORM storm is a beach. I coudlnt' beleive how self centered they made her. she was yelling at a guy who was blue and furry, and a girl who coudlnt' be intimate with her boyfriend, about how "not a problem" their powers are. Seriously storm, your power is to change weather, and doens't intrude on your life, way to make a weak ass argument. i think hally berry fit the part perfectly
  20. HLJ has the unit-02 up for preorder.
  21. You nerds, like any of you would turn down a date with these girls. I can agree that the glamor shots arn't my style, but seriously "sleaze" "whore" are you serious?
  22. No.. thread don't die!
  23. so are they out today? did anyone get one yet?
  24. I pre-ordered the 00 and 01 at hlj. I can't wait to try these out. Have any been released yet at all?
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