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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. Truely astounding.
  2. man this guy is an ass.... Quotations: "They were better than actors. We looked for local Romanian actresses, but there they are all from the theater and act very broadly. For 150 euros a piece the whores would be naked and do as they were told. It was better." (in an interview for Bloodrayne: The Movie talking about why he chose to use prostitutes instead of actual actresses) "Postal will be so politically incorrect and harsh, it's like a mirror to American society, and I don't think the movie will be well received by everybody. For example, Osama Bin Laden will be one of the lead characters—I think that shows the mood of the movie."[14] "House of the Dead 2 I gave away. Alone in the Dark 2 I will also not do; even if the DVD movie made money. BloodRayne 2 in the Wild West is what I really want to do."[16] Referring to the non-stop television airing of the September 11, 2001 attacks: "This day showed us that we are all completely voyeurs greedy for thrilling entertainment no matter if this is real or not." [1]
  3. Low Viz, your logic makes my brain hurt. JBO nice try :-)
  4. do individual lego peices float or sink? I don't remember every playing with them in the water so i don't know. even so, i dont' think legos are able to make a water displacing hull on their own, doesn't it need to be smooth?
  5. that thing wins the entire internet. Man i'd be proud to have made just one f14, he's tossing them around like they're nothin. that thing is so incredibly impressive it's hurting me to think about it.
  6. to be honest they don't look as small as i'd pictured in my mind. if anyone gets one soon could the post a pic of it next to a valk? most of the figures (like the SoC) that it's been refrenced with i'm just not all that familiar with. the more i see of these the more excited i am. i personallyl think the eva's look dead on.
  7. have they Eva's shipped for anyone yet? mine seem bogged down at HLJ because of a snaffoo with my credit card.
  8. plan 9 from outerspace was worse, this CAN be too. :-)
  9. actually, coudl anyone maybe post those interviews on youtube? i'd like to see them but can't afford the dvds
  10. http://youtube.com/watch?v=rtPmUMijoyM&search=mari%20iijima you're sick man
  11. The rhetoric they're spouting is good stuff. I'm all for a "new" warcraft story. Personally i HOPE speilberg is too buisy, his stuff lately has been bland.
  12. I hear ya man, though i want something original! what happend to all that creativity in the 80's through mid 90's?
  13. I liked how in the story it was an accedental mode kind of "discovered" in the design. that would be an intresting flight. "crap the lever is stuck half way, oooooooo shhhhhiiiiiiiii.... ... i'm ok!"
  14. :-\ what is this, it just looks like Macross with a bunch of other mechs in there for no good reason.
  15. haha i always thought it was the best, good blend of everything!
  16. Never felt they looked waxed in anime. I liked the prototype eva01's purple compared to this final released gloss. Don't mean to nitpick, but the "general populace" never knew there were EVAs or Angels. Well they sorta did but never seen them in action since they were mostly in the underground shelters during an Angel Attack. 409084[/snapback] not to get too side tracked, but seemed like most everyone knew about the angels and eva's. that one kid, the boy, was infatuated by them. shin, i'm not digging the dante figure, as much as i want to buy the whole revoltech line, i'm tempted to not get dante anyway. He looks really stupid imho, and i'm not a fan of the character to begin with. I think atleast one point will be fixed with the evas, they're scale will at least match each other, dante does suffer since he's all alone. A full set of the "kids" eva's and a few of the white ones would make a good collection, and since i keep most of my figs at work, small size is actually something of a bonus for me.
  17. what scale were the banpresto variables? 1/100ish right? just wondering how big 1/100 is in a valk.
  18. these looks very similar to banprestos, what's goin on. I actually prefer banprestos solid canopys to clear ones with no pilot detail. it looks like a ghost valk. tinting the windows is cool on ANY ride :-) when were these first announced i've never heard of them! The cockpit is TOTALLY photoshoped btw. also i don' thtink the head itself looks bad, but it's neck is too long, thats what makes it look weird.
  19. spaceman spiffy
  20. looks like they are doing the black eva too. I hope they do a full line up, i want to get each eva and.. what six of the white ones? biggest problem with eva figures is how few good figure vilans they have to fight, a full line up with GOOD mass production ones would be great for poseing little battles!
  21. what season of deepspace nine is the trials and tribbleations episode featured in? I don't want to rent all the seasons just the one with the episode in it.
  22. why is getter considered a super robo while eva is a "real" robo? is it a level of detail into how the thing works or something? if a Getter is a super robo, and a valk or gundam is a "real" robo, then i'd consider eva's MUCH closer to getter than a valk or gundam.. just wondering.
  23. Beanstalk Bunny, my all time favorite.
  24. i can't speak for the other robots in this serise, but i always though kaiyado's glossy colors looked very good on the eva's. from the show, thats how i'd pictured them, not mirror shinny, but smooth and reflective.
  25. One thing i really liked was when ever the cars jumped around with like animals (like with their breaks locked) I'd always thought it'd be cool to have a car that could "walk" like that. does anyone remember the old cartoons about the animate "vehicles" from the 50's? there was one, might have been disney about a cab that wanted to be a hotrod.
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