Never felt they looked waxed in anime. I liked the prototype eva01's purple compared to this final released gloss.
Don't mean to nitpick, but the "general populace" never knew there were EVAs or Angels. Well they sorta did but never seen them in action since they were mostly in the underground shelters during an Angel Attack.
not to get too side tracked, but seemed like most everyone knew about the angels and eva's. that one kid, the boy, was infatuated by them.
shin, i'm not digging the dante figure, as much as i want to buy the whole revoltech line, i'm tempted to not get dante anyway. He looks really stupid imho, and i'm not a fan of the character to begin with.
I think atleast one point will be fixed with the evas, they're scale will at least match each other, dante does suffer since he's all alone.
A full set of the "kids" eva's and a few of the white ones would make a good collection, and since i keep most of my figs at work, small size is actually something of a bonus for me.