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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. I never really saw the argument for anti-war sentiment in the original series. At the very least, it's far more subdued than most anime with the theme. Heck, one of the major story points is the anti-war Hikaru realizing that there ARE times where fighting is necessary, and becoming a highly-respected squadron leader. And the Macross itself, Earth's biggest and baddest warship, winds up saving humanity in a violent, if highly unorthodox, manner. It's really a refreshing change of pace from the standard "WAR IS BAD! STOP FIGHTING BACK!" of so many other shows(*cough*Macross 7*cough*), and I appreciate that they DID acknowledge that sometimes every peaceful solution fails and you just have to fight back. As long as we've got destroids! 421396[/snapback] very well said. notice how no one in the show is really enthusiastic about war either. sure right before a sortie some of the characters get fired up, but when its not "go time" they're all pretty serious about it. it seems like macross strives for the middle ground of "war is bad, but sometimes its the only choice."
  2. depends on the game, in the end I love Zelda: Link to the Past just about as much as Final Fantasy 6 (3 U.S.)
  3. A show that pushes the boundrys on TV is doomed to fail in the restrictionless environment of Film. No one is going to care if you artfully say something that is just barely allowed by the PG or PG-13 rating when the R rating is sitting right over there. This is why the Bevis and Butthead movie was bland, and sponge bob. Those shows pushed the envelope for their tv time slots, but in film, they seemed watered down. Southpark was a good example of how to do a TV-to-Movies step, go further than you ever could. Even Transformers the Movie threw in a few substancial swear words to give their movie a little more big screen teeth. I doubt we'll see anything in the Simpsons movie that we couldnt' have seen in a few episodes on TV. Possibly some better animation and celebritys. what ever, gimmik gimmik gimmik
  4. Geh.. why do people try to say Roy died because of something specific? Roy's death was the essence of "war is hell" the whole POINT was that one of the best pilots was killed a) not doing something heroic b) not doing anything paticularly stupid c) not killed by some super ace calling special attention of the whole fleet. It was a random pointless death. Trying to say he was either outclassed or had done something preventable to stay alive misses the whole point of killing him off.
  5. MZero realy broke my fanboy'zm of Macross. SDF remains my favorite, followed distantly by MPlus. In my opinion SK doesnt' have the right mentality for Macross. MZero to me was very Gundam already. Too much super stuff going on. M7 was also very Gundam. I'm all for moving on. If SK is done with realistic robots in a plausable realistic environment then he should start a new franchise. NOT move macross into the supernatural super robot genera.
  6. I'm going to miss those planes... I remember watching them dogfight each other from my home on base back in 1986 in the Phillipines. How could a kid NOT fall in love with a plane that cool?
  7. I had a question for you guys. Quite some time ago, I saw an image of an F-14 someplace on this board that I really liked, but I never saved the image. It was an F-14, seen from above. It's coming up an Aircraft Carrier's elevator. The top of the plane looked quite dirty, yellowish like it had some baked dirt on top of it. I scoured google but couldn't find the image, hopefully someone here will remember it! thanks!!!
  8. Some of those ideas are not so far fetched. The aerial rearming though... But the drop tank idea is not a bad one. Just have to fit it with some small amount of explosives. After all, the tanks are likely going to be lost anyway. So, put it to some good use. 420397[/snapback] a plane with explosives INSIDE the fuel tanks? I'll let you fly it.
  9. ah yay. as of right now i'm just getting the eva line up. the ingram looks neat but i'm just not much of a patlabor fan.
  10. gravity on mars is 1/3 earth. making the valky 1/3rd as heavy as it is on earth. but the 1% atmosphere is the main problem, the wings gain no advantage fromt here being 1/3 gravity because with 1% atmosphere the wings "lift" is reduced to 1% that of earth. so in simple terms, lets say the valk weighs 100 and the valks wings lift 100. on earth 100 weight - 100 lift = fly. there is enough lift for all the weight on mars the valk weighs 33.3 and only lifts 1. 33.3 weight - 1 lift = no fly. there isn't enough lift for even the reduced weight in space the valk has no weight, only mass. so it moves by shooting mass out the back. thats fine. but on mars the valk has weight. it needs to stay up. so unless its goes REAL FAST, it's not going to fly very well. well actually its not going to fly well anyway, it needs to go REAL FAST to fly at all.
  11. thats kind of the whole point. Macross tries to make the war seem real, if roy had gone out killing hundreds (hundreds??) of zents it would be alot harder to feel sorry for him and to consider our own mortality.
  12. Bro, do you know what "Bukkake" means in Japanese? Check it out and let us know what it means. I'm sure by then you'll get the names correct. 416742[/snapback] It's when you show someone you love just how much you care.
  13. Roys death always bothered me, either argument you make: he didn't know he was that wounded OR he knew and did nothing to help himself.. neither make much sence. I mean, if you know you're wounded and dieing, thats pretty damn rude to go to your girlfriends house so you can drop dead on her sofa. that is not right for her. and pretty selfish is you ask me. If thats what he did then i have lost a lot of respect for him. If he didn't know he was injured that bad, he would have still known he was injured, it would have worried him, and the sequence needed at least one shot of him thinking to himself about it "ouch, but i've had worse" type thing. IMHO this is a Japanise thing, which is why i find it grating. He's acting completely diffrent than what I'd expect. He's either acting like an idiot, or being "brave" beyond logic. Maybe acting that brave is a romanticized notion in Japan. I've said in other posts that in Japan, dieing in of itself seems to be a more significant statement than it is in the US. In the US dieing is seen as just that, and an END. Maybe there are some cultrual cues that I'm missing by watching this with my western culture. If i were to see some Irish people put pennys on a dead persons eyes with out any knowledge of religious Irish cultrue, I'd just think they were nut jobs. I think something similar might be going on here. There could very well be a motivation that i'm just missing completely. the other two scenarios don't make much sence based on what i see in the show.
  14. Starship Troopers (the book). Likewise if not that, then I'd like to see some good Warhammer 40,000 space marines. I love the design but I don't want the tiny figures.
  15. The women aboard Macross were not allowed to have children so they wouldn't contaminate the purity of Earth. By the way, Gobal should have issued a no contact order for Misa and Hikaru. You can't have a pilot dating the strategic operations officer as they will have trouble putting them in harms way. 416135[/snapback] well technically i think militarys already have that sort of thing in place. Then again, Global proved to be a very perceptive guy, maybe he figured he needed Misa to be happy more than he needed Hikaru to be a useful pilot. Crabby Misa = Bad news. Happy Misa = New hottness.
  16. I'm not sure how political that kind of action would be. Maybe Hikaru could petittion the house to have Kaifun removed from operations. A 75% vote might be enough.
  17. you want breeding to occur along side of cloning though, thats how you keep things fresh (geneticly) if all you do is clone, then one day some weird virus shows up and wipes out your entire comunity. Reproduction as opposed to cloneing creates mutation which allows individuals to be diffrent. Diffrence is what allows individuals to survive problems in the environment and pass on important(sometimes dormant) genes to future generations.
  18. Cloneing doesn't produce mutation though. If all you do is clone you become suseptable to being wiped out by some change in environment like disease. you could almost argue that wanting to "help out" and work for the "big picture" coupled with a desire for space travel and adventure led to the natural selection of the survivors of SW1 (the ones on earth being substancially unable to cope with massive laser barages from space.) but that arguement would be streaching things awfuly thin. ;-)
  19. I dont' think he's hijacking i've wondered this too. Actually doesn't minmay make some kind of refrence about how "you're my cousin!!!" type thing, and Hikaru seems to think there is something going on with them. Post SW1 who knows how desperate people were for repopulateing the planet. Cultural/Genetic taboos may have shifted to allow more "bodys" to get born. I think this could be a very political part of their situation, much like abortion is for us. I'll have to watch the episodes again but I'm pretty sure Minmay makes some kind of mention she doesn't want him because they're related. However since no one else seems to be disturbed, maybe that sort of thing has become common place?
  20. man these guys could teach broadway a thing or two about acting. the "injuries" are the big thing that keeps me away from soccer.. that and the childish brovado of the players.
  21. I dunno man, Levy doesn't look too bad 414809[/snapback] Millia might pull that look off, but do you really see Misa in her uniform skirt with that split-leg look? :D 414811[/snapback] Misa could wear her Mars-Base-Exploration-and-Act-Like-an-Idiot Suit... Really though they could put Misa in a dress, that sorta stiff rubber stuff might work.. i mean what poses were you envisioning? The revoltech "giant nut" pose is just that, they could sculpt a more lady like pose for Misa if they wanted. what i'd really like too would be a 1/48 scale revoltech Zentradi foot soldier!
  22. A Revoltech Misa or Millia might be very very wrong..... 414765[/snapback] I dunno man, Levy doesn't look too bad
  23. I was thinking how much i would like a Master Cheif Revoltech. then i thought... i'd pretty much like a revoltech verson of EVERY character i've ever liked... this line could be habit forming for me if they go "all the way"
  24. now that i think about it, i'm not sure i've ever seen a valk take off straight up in gerwalk before
  25. arn't there rules that if a book has been out of print for a certain amount of time you can post its contents freely?
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