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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. call the ball!
  2. so when we going to see revoltech destroids?
  3. i watched one of the movies and was resoundingly unimpressed. the show was far more agreeable i just wasn't into it. i want to give the normal tv show a chance. comedy + mechs is more apealing to me than angst + mechs. so yeah.
  4. I rented Pat a few months ago, had trouble getting through the first disc and canceled the rest. You guys seem to be loving it though, I'll give it another shot.
  5. here are my eva's at work:
  6. Hey guys, i'm trying to find a font from an image i have, but i am not very knowledgeable about this stuff, any help? It's the part that says "extra ball"
  7. one winged f-15 landing, it's a dramatization but its a real story. pretty amazing. http://www.crapshot.com/f15-flies-on-one-wing.html
  8. hm.. i want to like these, but something about Colossus #1 is making him look.. uh.. not giant. I think its the way they did the hair. I'd always kind of imagined these things as a oily grimy mass of gravel dirt concrete and grassy hair. the figures look too, whats the word.. "animal" for my likeing.
  9. You've come face to face with quite a few telling things here: one is that lucas is almost surely surrounded by yes-men at this point. AND star wars has put him in a position of godly "say-so" in the film industry you're simply not allowed to question someone who makes more money than you, and lucas makes more money than anyone. lucas earns money, people buy his drivel and it makes him less and less free to do as he pleases. think about that next time you see the same movie with three covers in your shopping cart. dont' buy into his nonsence. keep in mind that in the early days, lucas wasn't mr-god-of-movies. he was just another shmo makeing a space movie. what passed for original designs was more often than not a desperate need to save money. examples being lightsabers are really old style camera flashbulb handles.. the gun ports on the flying orb are just model car chrome wheels and so on. Lucas is unrestricted now,, both with his ideas and with his budget.
  10. audio is so beyond me, so long as it's sterio and has good bass, i'm usually pretty happy. Surround sound confuses me, makes me look over my shoulder and think people are in the back room shooting lazers. freak show.
  11. Aquaman: "My ability to talk to fish is of no use, Wonder Woman." Wonder Woman: "..sigh.."
  12. my brother and i watched some shows in HD over the weekend, and to be honest, the extra resolution made some of the women look disgusting, you could actually see how much makeup was packed onto them.. it was disturbing. HD could possibly be too much of a good thing, it's GREAT for sports, animation and CG though. (like games)
  13. www.badastronomy.com www.vpforums.com www.chevelles.com www.newtiburon.com Cant always be anime and sci-fi all the time.
  14. just so long as we dont' ever see ships with "sponsor" names. I'd definately have to switch countrys if i ever saw a "USS Yahoo" or "USS Qualcomm" and how exactly can you call a ship a "she" if it's name is John F. Kenedy. They should be nameing them after the presedents first lady, or just go by the last name. very bizzare
  15. i see in the far future, a new OT dvd, full screen only, slightly better quality and a promice of "this being the only attempt we're making at improving the OT experience. Once fans have grudgingly bought this, a few years after the fact, ANOTHER version will show up, now widescreen, no extras bad video quality. "this is the final release of the star wars original trillogy" Several years after that we'll see wide screen, loaded wtih extras, and nice video quality, unfortunately though, it'll have 1970's audio quality. dispite this short coming it will be the "final release of the original star wars, this is as good as its going to get." a few years go by... etc. Lucas is milking you, guys. Please stop buying his filth.
  16. are those "modded" F-5s or redesigned and brand new? I'm not too familiar with f-5's so forgive my ignorance, we're talking about the little dart looking things that were used in top gun as migs right?
  17. max has all daughters because if he had a son, the son would have to eventually challenge and defeat the father, and we can't have that.
  18. It would be cool if the prequil was indeed about the first impact. I'd be intrested to see how that would play out in the Evangelion mythos.
  19. post pics in gerwalk and fighter mode pls.
  20. man, is that thing sex or what?
  21. The original crew were all killed by universe inconsistenceys and spirita. It was a painful and sing-songy death. What year does mac Plus happen in?
  22. anyone got a unit 03 ?
  23. I'd really dig a revoltech skydoll
  24. it looks bad with the photo so big, but the real figure will be pretty small, i doubt the elbows will look so wrong
  25. thats it David, thank you.
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