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Everything posted by KingNor

  1. by that logic the 1/48 yamato valkyrie is no more "realistic" than one of those banpresto models that don't transform. "find me a real transforming valkyrie then we can talk accuracy" pshaw
  2. we have a full tilt system in this. you nudge the table and the correct amount of ball motion shows up in-game not like a button tilt system, you actually can pick up the machine and the ball will roll to the back, its rad-cool
  3. the doll is rudy from funhouse. hes' a creepy guy
  4. well we can't have it both ways guys... either the color is there to make it look more "realistic" and if you're going to deveate fromt he show for sake of a "realistic" vehicle mode, then you have to listen to complaints about how "unrealistic" the jet looks. if we're assuming the rules of the show where "its a jet so people think its a jet" and the decepticons emblems and stuff won't give it away, then the complaint that they "changed" it from the original is valid. i think the real fact of the matter is that this thing isn't for hardcore fans of f-15s nor is it really for hard core fans of the show. it seems to be more for a middle ground of people who don't really care that it's not a realistic f-15 nor do they care that it's not a faithful representation of the cartoon character.
  5. This is what I have been working on at my job, thought some of you here might be into it. If you have any questions let me know, i dont' want it to seem like i'm trying to sell it here (i'm not) i just thought you guys might be intrested since it's a cool new arcade game :-)
  6. i have one: i think his smirk is ambiguous at best.
  7. all i can say is.. they sacraficed the look of the truck mode on prime (those windows and front end look mighty odd) so that prime would look as close to G1 as possible in bot mode. I can easily see davids problem with sacraficeing SS's bot mode to accomodate a better jet mode. SS is just a knock off f15 in jet mode, in bot mode he IS Starscream. that is what makes him him. if people want a super realistic f15, maybe a transformer isn't where they should be looking. no one is "wrong" for likeing the new sculpt, but i think david's gripe is easily legitimate and i easily empithize with him missing out on a dream figure so that a not-even-accurate f15 mode could be given priority over what he considered a beautiful starscream mold.
  8. Man, David you really called it on the "pre" froating head version. that one really IS starscream. I had no idea there was a "retooling" of the character. what a shame that original one is better in every way. :-(
  9. has anyone gotten theirs yet? I'm intrrested to see how these look in person. stock seems to be running out fast on hlj btw
  10. I'll take a set, please let me know how to contact you via paypal or otherwise. *edit* i guess you don't have any more.. so sad for me. :-(
  11. meaning what exactly? they're saying he messed up the original "G1" starscream?
  12. I'm no racist.. but LOTS of people in the ww1 era were... did they really have black pilots back then? In WW2 i understand that blacks were confined to driving supply trucks and other un-heroic tasks and were quite sequestered from white troops in general. I also know that the 1900's was a time of HUGE cultural swings in civil rights (there was a time before the 50's and 60's where minoritys actually enjoyed freedoms that they had to fight to regain later) So.. where there really black pilots in ww1? I've always been wary of movies ability to re-write history, and a film that portrays blacks with more freedom at a time when they didn't have it would be selling the civil rights movement very short on the cultural problems it had to face. If they did that just to try and broaden their demographic, i'd be very un-impressed.
  13. Here's a cool f-14 tribute video i found on youtube at 1:15ish in there is some amazing footage of a chase plane following a early tomcat over a beach, i've never seen that footage before.
  14. when we were stationed in the Phillipines we could walk out to the street and watch the tomcats take off from the strip there. Every once in a while we'd get to see them drop flairs and chase each other around. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time.. definately hooked.
  15. i was kind of guessing it would be around the same size as prime.. which would make it close enough to 1/48 valk size. If it's significantly smaller thta means it will be too small for it to be a good enemy for prime and certainly too small to display in vehicle mode next to truck-prime
  16. this did look pretty intresting, it'll be a good change to see a ww2 era movie that ISN'T about how "we wern't fighting for america, we were fighting for each other"
  17. is there a way to only buy the girls? or a "blank" body? I'm really digging the poseability of these characters but the armor is really not my style
  18. someone has GOT to do a jetfire 1/48 to dogfight this guy with.
  19. supersmash bros was an unrivaled good time, that and golden eye of course, KLOB for llife
  20. i guess i'm lucky, as a navy brat i've lived on navy bases and got to see dozens of f-14s fly in their prime!
  21. felt it was slow, the first episode told me nothing i didn't already know from the previews. I'll give the show one or two more episodes to do something intresting then its back to videogames.
  22. valk looks more like an f-14 than a f-111, no mater what it was based on.
  23. It's live action.
  24. ugh.. yeah thats' gotta be it, that art style is pretty ugly
  25. There's something about that prime i'm just not diggin on. I have no idea what it is though.. something just ain right
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