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Everything posted by Universe1010

  1. one of my vf-0s gerwalk joint is extremely (frightening) stiff and wont move. any recommendations to open it up so I can transform him properly? I managed to get him in batroid but I dont see hope for gerwalk. Also the hip extension gimmick is incredibly tight on mine restricting movement at his hips. @jenius
  2. take my money already!
  3. I agree. Its about sharing an idea and making something even better.
  4. Universe1010

    Hi-Metal R

  5. Good luck. I had a similar issue with NY a long time ago. They did nothing. I was forced to pay.
  6. can anyone give me the link to the launch stand the ones on the last page dont work
  7. I feel the pain. Are you in the US? This is another reason why I avoid courier.
  8. Keep an eye on AE, amiami and hlj. They may get extra stock. BTW premium version preorder released through AE for me now.
  9. $4 wow still can't believe they send an invoice for it. This is why I don't deal with NY
  10. one with super pack on jungle - http://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/?page_id=121&id=1698362 likewise im looking for a vf -11b
  11. Waiting anxiously on the sv 51 release. I hope they give a date soon.
  12. Universe1010

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow that's awesome
  13. Lol. Glad the valkyrie is safe
  14. Universe1010

    Hi-Metal R

  15. Thanks I'll keep a eye out.
  16. Its not second hand. It falls under amiami pre-owned section basically new but with dents on the box is what I understand. I'm still waiting for it to plummet further on sale with all the other delta valkyries.
  17. Amiami has pre-owned 262 for 19k
  18. I have a weird feeling that a premium version will follow-up soon of milia
  19. This is true. I just checked my paypal account and they reset it for some reason. I urge everyone to check theirs as well.
  20. Now bring the max preorder out as well and next premium finish
  21. preordered from AE
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