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Everything posted by Alberich

  1. Alberich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Add me to the VF-31F. I hope this time I can get some good valks and I'll need to save money because I want a VF-31F, C and J at least and if they announce the Sv-262 I will take at least one of those... my poor, poor wallet. Btw do you believe that we will have a V.1 and V.2 like with the VF-25's? or Bandai is going to do this right since the beginning?.
  2. Interesting chat about the PMC's and the NUNS... which let my with a doubt to clarify. We can see a lot of PMC's in the colony fleet by meanings already discussed or explained during this topic, but this left me with big questions about NUNS. What is happening to Earth and the core of the NUNS fleet which as I consider is a mix of the Terran and Zentraedi fleets, they participate in some conflicts/defense/patrolling only in the inner sphere of influence of the NUNS controlled space? And thus having a somewhat weak presence as you go further from the inner core of the NUNS, having a more fertile place for PMC's?. And finally the development of new VF's have a bigger impact in the inner core than in the outer rim of the NUNS space? I mean we already see that the garrison in Al-Shahal only have VF-171's and nothing newer than that, so is more probable that the main fleets back at home have more tech, like I don't know fleets where the core of fighters are the VF-25, VF-27, VF-29 and VF-31's?. Well that is pretty much what I wanted to say about all of this. Also is a pretty good chat about this other in-universe elements happening as the main story develops.
  3. Con el capi 2 ya vimos el OP... el cual de plano no me gusto, no es tan pegajosa como el Giri giri Eye del capitulo anterior y mucho menos le llega a Triangler de Frontier. Pero bueno la historia ahi va y parece que va mejorando el camino... ahora solo falta ver la version con subs aunque sea en ingles XD
  4. Hi Gerli now I will quote one of your post in english XD. This was the best shot in the OP and now I know which Valkyries I will buy XD (my poor wallet is going to suffer a lot XD).
  5. Sadly... But in general it was a good episode with a good amount of new details about the setting. The OP sequence gives a good amount of info also... but mmm I didn't like the song. Compared with an OP like Triangler with Maaya Sakamoto in Frontier or a good insert song like Ikenai Borderline in the last chapter, the actual OP is not the best choice.
  6. First post is always best post XD. I was thinking the same.
  7. Ok chapter, some good things in the new scenes.
  8. I'm so tempted to this, but a question is there any other Bandai Valk reissue is the near future? I ask because I was late to the VF-25's renewal versions and the VF-25G very pricey right now and I would love to see a reissue of that Valk or the YF-30.
  9. Late to this episode, but I have some questions. Well first my opinion is neutral about Delta right now, some good things and some things too exaggerated or over the top even for "trending standars", but I don't want to elaborate in that as surely some things were already discussed a lot. So serious question regarding my main problem with Delta right now... Can this girls in Walkure be some sort of Cyborgs like Grace in Frontier? I mean they are too damn fast and resistant to damage, they seem to have some superhuman abilities. And sincerely until the SV-262 appearance the VF-31's just seem to be eye-candy and recharge stations for the drones. I mean Mikumo charged against a Zentradi mech only with drones and submitted the menace, they really seem to be too OP.
  10. En este momento y unicamente con el trailer a dispocion no puedo negar que me siento alarmado por Delta. Y despues de lo que paso con Aquarion Logos pues ya no se que tanto se pueda fumar Kawamori, el hecho de tener un grupo de singers en lugar de una o dos como anteriores entregas es lo que menos me preocupa. Al menos el setting que da el trailer de momento es raro ya que tiene un toque de rpg que dado el Sv-262 y sus pilotos como si hubieran querido incluir una pizca de fantasia en mundos con alta tecnologia y no se si eso llegue a funcionar de la manera adecuada. En fin espero me equivoque y termine siendo una genial entrega de Macross y que las fumadas de Kawamori solo sirvan para hacerlo un exito y no un fracaso.
  11. EH!? Disappointing right now with the trailer and after what happened with Aquarion it does not seem to be a bright future right now... But I hope that I'm wrong and this ends being a superb show. *sighs*
  12. Wow is a very good work what you already have there buddy. I hope to see more updates in your work as you advance with it
  13. Bueno aun estoy en proceso de iniciar la coleccion, pero he podido notar facilmente algunas figuras que no son tan faciles de conseguir: - VF-25G Renewal Ver. - VF-25G Robot Damashii Ver. Ultimamente he visto mas VF-4 (1/60) de Yamato, que alguno de esos dos.
  14. I think the same. Now the bike only needs a U.N. Spacy logo
  15. Add Mandarake - They sell products like in jungle, from unopened to opened and used. Normally do you have a text which says what problem you can have with the figure if there is one that is pretty visible. I never had any problem with Mandarake as half my collection of Myth Cloths and all my collection of Figmas, Revoltech Mecha, Robot Spirits and A3 Mecha from Muv-Luv were bought in Mandarake
  16. Yes, same here and is a really good idea. I would buy the entire SDF Macross cast and they can release them with TV pilot uniform and DYRL pilot uniform.
  17. I really, really like this pic. Very good work Keiichi! hope to see another similar to this one
  18. Hahahaha, good ones. Waiting to see the next ones
  19. Good one buddy! I hope to see more of them around here or in your DA page
  20. Starting season with: Gakusen Toshi Asterisk Heavy Object Soukyuu no Fafner: Exodus 2 Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai
  21. Wow, the space for the Macross exhibition is really big, I hope that we see a lot of new info regarding Delta and the new valkyries.
  22. Ah yep that is also a must, my myth cloth collection is in the range of th 35 to 40 figures so as you said those kind of gloves are must. Aside from that I also use some little brushes to dust off the part where my air compressor cant.
  23. Wow, what an amazing story to tell to us, congrats buddy and I hope that you make another of this hunts in your future even if it is shorter than this one. I'll probably embark myself in catching at least one of every Bandai Frontier Valkyries 1/60.
  24. 75!?!?! Wow that is an amazing number and will surely grow with all the valks in schedule and with Delta coming
  25. Yup this is what I use for all my myth cloths, still when I return to Mexico I will try what Ignacio said.
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