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Everything posted by Alberich

  1. I'm in the same boat, also because of this I can't pull the trigger in something else.
  2. Mirage? Is not going to happen and you know that. Is like me wanting Bogue and Keith dead, but is not going to happen... the only way to kill Keith is in a double KO with Messer and Bogue is going for the cliche path of a redeemed evil pilot XD
  3. Alberich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The problem is that amiibos got more re-issues, as far as I know Valks only have one re-issue or two. So is going to be a pain I remember when I tried to get a YF-30 PO and was gone in a period a some minutes with me not being able to get one. I hope that Bandai produce more units for the Delta Valks, than what they produce of Frontier Valks.
  4. Someone got some mail for the may re-issue? I still have my order but no invoice until now, someone with may re-issue PO already got an invoice?
  5. Well I only have my first valk (YF-25), but the first objective of my collection is getting one of every major Valk model from Frontier and Delta, so right now it means that I need to collect at least: VF-171 (any) VF-19 Adv VF-25 (any) VF-27 (any) YF-29 (Alto Custom PO) YF-30 Then the RVF's of the VF-171 and VF-25 and finally any preorder I can get this time from Delta XD
  6. Normally even their "used" goods are in very good condition, unless it is something really noticeable. I only have my YF-25, but I have a large collection of Myth Cloths (Saint Seiya) and normally their "used stuff" is basically new.
  7. Alberto Larrazabal... so the Voldorians adopted spanish surnames and names...btw that surname sounds like mine and that is my middle name XD, If they do a Larrazabal custom they got another client XD
  8. Yup, mine is still there also.... probably HLJ is trying to do something to acquire all the units needed to cover the pre-orders (or at least the most they can) from Bandai before doing something about the orders,
  9. Wait? we are getting a new season of Build Fighters?
  10. I agree that music is the weakest point of Delta until now and I also only remember the catchy Giri giri ai of Ikenai Borderline and Bokura no Senjou (Insert song ep 03). As for why people says that the ending have a Mac7 vibe is more related to what we see in the animation (real footage mixed with animation), rather than the songs being similar.
  11. This could be interesting, but still I am waiting for those MiG's to appear in the A3 or TMC line of Volks.
  12. Alberich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Those images are not only interesting for the Super Packs, but also because they seem to give us the pairing between pilot/idol of the Delta squad?
  13. Wow, that image of Misa is pretty good... great finding. This! When I first saw the image, I feel that I already saw it, but I forgot the name of the anime, thanks for make me remember the name. Also there is a "Bogue version" in 4chan.
  14. Well my PO is also from april 23... lets see what happen with this, I can wait to see if I can get one. If not well i will get something else from another shop as I'm still missing almost all the DX releases
  15. There is also a Bogue version XD, If I remember right this image is based in another from other anime but I don't remember which anime,. still I saw both versions in 4chan (original and Freyja) XD
  16. Pretty good work Duymon
  17. The wallpaper is amazing Saburo, I hope that you can share the file
  18. Is there some list of what is considered "official material", I was really thinking that things like master files are, but now that you tell me that they are not, is even more difficult to know what can be considered an official statement in a universe where even the series and movies are both considered canon.... and not. They really need to do something to get more setting materials as the Macrossverse is so rich and diverse. C'mon Kawamori let the ideas flow or give some restrain and let other people make more material (a la Star Wars) D:
  19. All official material can be used to add planets to the list? as there are some other planets named in the Squadron Section of the Variable Fighter Master Files of the VF-19 and VF-25 and they are:
  20. Well probably in that department and as I know the YF-29's have enough gimmicks and pseudo tornado parts in its design so probably you can feel it less lacking. And as far as I know the VF-27 is not bad but is not a total renewal like the 25's, still if you are like me and you are starting your collection, the VF-27 "renewal" is a good option if you want a valkyrie with super parts for a nice price. You can also see the YF-25 with Michael super parts is a good combination (Saburo and Spanner took some pretty nice pics of this combination) or the VF-25A as you can find super parts for a good price.
  21. Alberich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm still sure to get the C,F and J variants but i think that i will only try to get super parts for the F (Messer). Also I need to see the A in battroid mode D:, we have only seen the fighter and gerwalk modes. Also i think that they go with this type of super pack to avoid problems with the A.
  22. There are some other pics from Macross E that I found. And this one where the new head design of this VF-171 is seen in all its glory.
  23. Thanks wmkjr that was a lot of help and is also another good display of photos of the VF-171 Well those are really bad odds, seems that having the CF version is more of a torture than a pleasure D:, but at least for what I have been reading in this thread and the one cited by wmkjr it seems that the Alto, Maruyama and Luca versions don't have any problem like the CF version, so it seems that they are a better choice to be my first 171.
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