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Everything posted by thereal9thdoctor

  1. Hey, guys. Just wondering, would this be a good place to post pics of a custom 1/6 OC figure I made up? Or should I start a new thread? Just curious.
  2. I kinda think the Airwolf vs Blue Thunder debate is useless myself. I love both, but readily acknowledge Airwolf, while prettier and cooler, isn't realistic that much past some of its avionics. It would be torn apart at turbo speeds, and could not possibly carry the amount of ordinance it does. Blue Thunder, however, is pretty much like an Apache attack heli, in fact was inspired by technology developed for it(the fire control helmet in BT is exactly like that in the Apache). The most realistic thing in Airwolf is the steath aspect, which is very similar to the stealth helicopter that has been in development (I think by Lockheed?) for what seems like forever. That helicopter even has retractable weapons ala Airwolf!
  3. Thought I would throw my 2 cents in... 1: Bandai Grand King Ghidrah from Mothra 3 (got serious G toy collectors and friends trying to hunt one down but can never find one less than $400. Nope.) SOC Voltes V ( had the movie version of the show and the Godaikin toy... lost both😢 want the SOC version, even a reissue!) 3: Microman/Micronauts Giant Acroyear or Mecha Acroyear(will soon hopefully have the Interchangables version from Ebay. The Mecha Acroyear... nope. Too much.) 4. The 1/350 polar lights TOS Enterprise... 2 of em!(on to build as Enterprise and the other to kitbash into the starship from my on hold ST fan comic Flight Of The Condor) and the full lighting and accessory sets for both!
  4. Thanks much!
  5. So now I have another, related question... Anyone know of any sets of 1/100 vf-1decals available without a kit? I am using the Hi metal R Armored VF-1J and possibly the hi metal VF-1S(unless they do an R version) with this and wanna give em a full set of markings. So far all I have found are 1/72 decal sets. If I have to I will buy the Wave kits for the decals as they tend to be decently priced on Amazon, (may even just use the wave VF-1S) but that is a last resort. Any suggestions are appreciated. 😊
  6. Funny, I just happened to come across some of those earlier today on Amazon and Ebay. Must try em. Thanks!
  7. Hey all. I just recieved the long awaited Macross Factory 1/100 kit! I am going to use a mix of kit mecha and same scale toys to create a diorama of Hikaru and Roy capturing a Zentradi and pulling the injured pilot out of a Glaug. I also am planning to light the kit as it looks very easy to make that happen. However, there is one thing that needs fixing right off the bat... the railings are terrible. I am cutting them off and want to replace them. So does anybody here know a good(and cheap) source of 1/100 railings? Or how to scratchbuild them?(would prefer to buy them but would scratchbuild if no other choice) Thanks much for any replies!
  8. Awesome! It's the same username as here. And there is ALOT there. Mostly 3d, but some of my hand drawn stuff too.
  9. I use mild dish saop and warm water. Let them soak about five minutes, scrub them with a VERY VERY SOFT BRUSH, and rinse. Then let then air dry, sometimes using a hairdryer on cold. Never any problems. I handle my stuff frequently and have bever used gloves. Again never had any problems, although I do always wash my hands well beforehand, especially if I just ate or was working on models or hand drawn art.
  10. Thanks! I will definitely do so!
  11. Thanks much! Was kinda out of it for years and a couple years ago decided to start up again. This kit was the last real model I put effort into before the dry spell. I got a couple TOS Star Trek kits to post once I get some good pics.
  12. Hey all, the Doctor again. Thought I would throw up some pics of my old Kaiyodo G94 kit I built and painted(and repainted last year) hope this is the right area for this. Oh and the color looks far greener in these pics than reality cos I had to brighten them so you could see details.
  13. Considering making balsa wood formers to install in the parts as I fold them together. That and sheet plastic outsides would strengthen this thing considerably. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
  14. Thanks much!
  15. Thanks! I hope to do more when I get a new laptop. I mostly have Star Trek, Godzilla and Doctor Who fanart on my DA page but since I love these models I wanna do more with them.
  16. Hi all! Thereal9thdoctor here! New member for about a week. Anyhoo, thought I would post a Sdfm/Rt fanart I have on my Deviantart page here, if you guys are interested. So here we be! Me again. Forgot to say that I use Daz3d, and the Vf1s is by Mechmaster. Its a freebie on share cg. The SDF-1 is a freebie from Vanishing Point, and thebackground Valks are freebies from Renderosity.
  17. Yeah I just finished reading your Deadalus build. I have used epoxy for connections where alot of strength is needed(connecting a scratchbuilt T shaped pylon to the Enterprise secondary hull for my kitbash) because for applications like that its better than super glue because CA has strength in a "vertical" plane (IE pulling apart) whereas epoxy has strength in both "vertical and horizontal" directions. But epoxy is wetter than superglue and will soak the paper where CA won't. The downside to CA is that I will need to use alot.😊
  18. Something I thought of after posting that is from past experience epoxy really wets paper, so to speak. It would likely be hard to secure styrene sheets to a completed part cos the paper would buckle. I would almost have to glue the plastic on before folding the parts together if I did that... yeah will probably stick with super glue.
  19. Huh. Well, now I have yet another reason to love Tamashi stands! Very nifty idea. Thanks! Oh yeah, are you just supergluing the plastic sheet to the paper or do you use another glue for that? I was thinking maybe epoxy myself but would need to rough up the glue side beforehand. Again thanks!
  20. This is amazing! I bought this thing, and was planning to just build it and paint some resin on or in the parts. But yeah... gonna do at least some of what you are doing. No stranger to modding a kit, kitbashed the old amt ENTERPRISE kit into my own design. But I would like to make this able to transform(well, partsform) via magnets, which would also give the shoulders movement. Any suggestions on making the elbows movable?
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