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Everything posted by thereal9thdoctor

  1. For the life of me, I could never tell one Spidey suit from the other. But then, I actually thought the Mark IV suit from IM 2 was a repaired Mark III. The one from the tv series starring Nick Hammond is the standard design, but the eyes, gloves and boots, along with the external(and one) webshooter make it unique. Especially in the first few episodes, with the silver disks with holes punched in for the white parts of the eyes, and the sewn on boots poking out over the red leather boots. It got better looking after that but still never looked great. But it has a charm for me, and is the only live action version of that suit that looks like a teenager could have reasonably made it.
  2. More Monsterarts! I apologize for the NECA Heisei Godzilla appearing, but it's the only action figure of that Godzilla I have other than my vinyl figure.
  3. As soon as I saw the designs for both Ninnager and this new Ranger show with the fricken Lego mecha, I decided that the Sentai series needs to sleep. Rest up, get the cobwebs/alcohol/drugs outta its system, then maybe try again. Ultraman X looks kinda cool, but not a fan of the whole gimmicky crap they started with Ginga. More interested in the new TOS Ultraman reboot film coming in July.
  4. The reissue. Alot of my Gfan friends warned that the wings will break if you look at them, but I think they were ham fisted. From what I've read they re engineered all the joints EXCEPT the wings, but from messing with it (and the diagram on the instructions) you easily get a feel for the limits. So I have no issue with the wings. I don't like the graviton beams being colored like Mecha Ghidrah's though. I will say this is currently my favorite Monsterarts/Ultract/figuarts figure.
  5. That's what I've read previously on HT. My Black Widow had her belt buckle break(my fault cos I had put her in civvies for a while and forced the belt on when putting her back in costume). Otherwise no problems. The Medicom Ultraman is my only option for my custom project, unless I wanna pay $300 or more for the Project BM one. And the main reason I might get the HT ASM2 figure... cos it looks kinda like an updated Nick Hammond Spidey.😆
  6. I get that, but I'll have to read some more reviews on Medicom stuff. I wouldn't really care as I love my Black Widow, except I've been splurging on stuff for a while and really gotta cut back. So I'll watch the video and more reviews. I hear mixed reviews.
  7. Me again, guys. Got a question. I want a 1/6 spidey, preferably from the Sam Raimi films cos I just like that suit better(though I like the ASM2 suit), but I am not gonna pay more than $250 for a Hot Toys figure. I have found on Ebay a Medicom Spidey3 and a HT ASM2, both at reasonable prices. Are Medicom figures good? I like what I see, but as I occasionally geek and mess with my collection I wanna know that it won't fall apart after I pose it a few times. I love the quality of HT(though Black Widow is my only one for now), but the medicom is cheaper. This also will impact a custom project of making a Medicom TOS Ultraman into my OC Ultraman Zenith. Thanks!
  8. Dunno if anyone is interested, but here's Sparky's Angels! Black Widow, Crimson Angel, and Kamen Ninja. (Sparky is my despised by me nickname >.<)
  9. I have issues with it, mainly the missing skin, but I do like it. I'd have gone with something more like this, though:
  10. Its cool. I sometimes unintentionally come off like some kind of "expert" on Godzilla, when I am far from it. So if I come off like that to anyone here I apologize. I am ok with the design if he does end up looking normal by the end - I DON'T want this look to be it. I have no problem with the scars or deformities really, but the missing skin is just too much, at least for a "final" look. I've never seen Evangalion so I don't know how this story will come across but I read he seems to set up a solid stories and characters but then they kinda falls apart as they go... if so then I am slightly worried. Attack On Titan seems to get flak but Higuchi sure delivered quality fx in the Gamera Trilogy. Although I am concerned at the unfinished look of the sculpt on Godzilla. Like they rushed it or something.
  11. Again, I am not saying three "forms", I am saying like in The Fly that we see Godzilla at multiples stages along the regeration process - and Ragone DID say he will be continuously regenerating. Taking that statement, it means that each time Godzilla appears he will be more healed up. That doesn't not mean different forms like Destroyer, but he is progressively more normal looking. And I went to his site and reread the article - he is contradicting himself a bit, as he says that Godzilla "May have different forms or mutations." And I doubt he says that in a vacuum. Considering that Toho were VERY upset at the photo leaks and have been complaining to people giving out info(I have a friend on Deviantart who knows Ragone who posted the pics and was told to pull them) it seems likely they told him to not give any more info out. Regardless, I am in agreement that there won't be different "forms". They may like just add the regenerated stuff onto the existing "suit". We'll have to see.
  12. I don't know the numbers but from my Gfan friends who have Japanese friends it did pretty well, though as over here opinions are kinda mixed as far as the movie's story ect. Though the hate for the design is apparently nowhere as large as people tried to make it out. From what I have gleaned from my friends it seems more people here in the us dislike the design than there. One thing that has been commented on in a documentary shown at G fest last year by japanese college students is that there is apparent disappointment at the lack of tradtional fx.
  13. Not what I mean. We will see 3 stages of a continuous regeneration. Not 3 forms. Like in the remake of the Fly, where we saw Brundle at different points of the mutation, but it was ongoing. August Ragone has said that there will likely be more than one stage of regeneration. He wouldn't suggest that if he didn't know something. And he knows far more about this than he's let out so far. He correctly described this design months before these leaked pictures appeared.
  14. For all you guys: This Godzilla is going back to the original idea for the 1954 design. He had keloid scars, burns and tumors from the radiation that mutated him. This Godzilla WILL be regenerating throughout the film. This is stage one of three. He will supoosedly look like a more realistic '54 by films end. And except for the Godzilla in G2k and Godzilla X Megaguirus, he has NEVER been green. And he isn't a lizard. He is a mutated dinosaur. Zilla ('98) was a lizard.
  15. You won't regret it. They are a bit pricey IMO, but the quality makes up for that.I can't wait to get more.
  16. Sadly the only HT figure I have right now is Black Widow from Winter Soldier. I would LOVE to have the Han and Chewie with Falcon cockpit... but yeah, WAY outta my price range. I really don't have interest in just the SW figures alone though.
  17. Thanks! I am pretty happy with them. This is the first custom figure I made for quite a while that I am proud to show off.
  18. Not to spam yall with Crimson Angel, but I finally got her display stand in the mail today, and couldn't resist doing an in midair shot...
  19. I WISH they were 3d printed! I was going to sculpt them from epoxy putty or sculpy, as on my old customs I'd done years ago of this character that's what I did, but they looked like crap. Then I noticed my old, damaged and in poor shape Bandai Gamera 3 Irys figure on my Kaiju shelf... the legs were pretty much the same as how the gauntlets look. So since I have a much nicer Rocket Pro Irys figure, I just cut the lower legs off the Bandai one, trimmed them, added the red crystals and painted silver! The design as I draw them or in my 3d version has metallic blue "scales" on the undersides of them but I ike this better. In reply to the War Machine, love the overall design. I don't have an issue with the faceplate having panelines per se, but GU-11 is right. The way they did them is sorta odd here.
  20. Hey all. Just wondering if anybody here is at all interested in these three upcoming films. Godzilla Resurgence is the new Toho Godzilla film, Gamera is supposed to release sometime in 2016, and the Ultraman reboot is a film moderization of the original Ultraman coming next June or July for his anniversary.
  21. Awesome! Ok. She is an original comic character I created called Crimson Angel.
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