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Everything posted by rdrunner

  1. Nice find on the GBP 1J! Did you get it at a reasonable price? These are quite hard to find nowadays.
  2. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Nippon-Yasan Received: wm cheng, Not Yet: no3Ljm, Kinzoku, spacemanoeuvres (x2), funkymonkeyjavajunky, Boobytrap, Tallman (x2), Sanity is Optional, ChaoticYeti, Guyffon, neoexcaliber (x7), rdrunner Refunded: Vortech, psychodynamix (x2, closed my account as well) Anime Export Received: Vortech (x3), neoexcaliber (x3) Not Yet: Random Ebay Seller Received: Not Yet: Sanity is Optional
  3. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Congrats! Hope you will get it soon.
  4. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah the colors from the M&M fastpacks match the VE-1’s boosters nicely.
  5. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    That is a good deal indeed. How do you find these things? Did you use keyword alerts on these websites or something similar?
  6. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hahaha that sums it up pretty well actually and they should be able to understand it in English, lol.
  7. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Congrats! I ordered 1 on 10/7 but because I chose Eco SAL registered shipping, I don't think mine will be high priority. But good to know that there is still hope, thanks!
  8. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks for letting us know and best of luck - I'm a 10/7 US single order as well and am doing the same, just keeping my fingers crossed
  9. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    A glimmer of hope for those of us with 10/7 PO dates! Is anyone else still waiting for single orders made on 10/6?
  10. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Nice! Just curious - do you live in Japan or Hong Kong where you can actually walk into a local shop to get this from?
  11. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I have never owned a Bandai VF and this would be my first. 35k to me seems a bit steep to invest into a unit that I’m not sure I am going to love. I think I’ll be happy if NY delivers, but if not I will just put the $250 somewhere else in what I’ve now realized is the bottomless money pit called Macross toy collecting.
  12. Now that we have our first third party company making add-ons for the valks, what would everyone like to see more of from a 3P? I wouldn’t mind seeing things like gun straps, missile effect parts, hands with individually articulated fingers, and the claw support stand to name a few. Hopefully these things are generic enough to not be subject to any copyright issues and someone will look into after seeing the positive reaction from us on the FEXT hobby offerings.
  13. Hmm so if Bandai raised the prices of their DX Chogokins to similar levels, we wouldn’t be having any PO parties at midnight anymore? Lol
  14. Thank you! I bought this off a fellow member here and am glad I finally took the plunge - passed on the opportunity twice when I had the chance to get this. Oh well better late than never. If they ever reissue the 0-D I will surely stay up for the PO!
  15. my first valk from the Macross Zero series. This 0-S is a thing of beauty. Thanks very much to @anubis20. Now I’m gonna speed home and take this out of the box!
  16. Thanks very much - should have looked first Too bad it's sold out on madarake.
  17. NICE - I'm heading out to the USPS to pick up my 0-S now...
  18. Thanks - I haven't gotten into the enemy or non-VF1 side of the HMR line yet. What's a sensible price to pay for a Glaug these days?
  19. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Sorry I am very old school when it comes to Macross anime - I have tried, but just could not get into any of the OVA or TV series after DYRL...
  20. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I rolled my eyes hard when I saw the Walkures jump out to the battlefield, that was the end of it for me. Not a fan of the main characters' Valkyrie designs either, with the toy-like color schemes, "tramp stamps" and forward swept wings and such. The 31-A had none of that and was a pure unadulterated design that I found appealing. Too bad this has now become the holy grail and I am afraid that I may never get one at "reasonable" prices.
  21. I think I might get another plain set (similar to 000 or 101) when the 1-60 scale comes out, assuming the specs and options are the same as for HMR. Would be nice if they ventured into 1/48 though since the 1/48 GBP is now very hard to come by and I missed my opportunity to get one 10 years ago.
  22. 12240 Yen for Roy is not a bad price at all today.
  23. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    nice! Where did you get that gun strap from or did you make it yourself with a 3D printer??
  24. Glad to hear! Good sign that they are responsive too.
  25. I was able to get to the “compete order” page with the 101, shipping to the US. have you tried other options?
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