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Everything posted by rdrunner

  1. would a black light work the same or does it have to be a full blast of direct white light??
  2. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

  3. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi I'm very late to the game but just bought the VF-2SS HMR set. I haven't had time to open it yet (new, sealed box), but have noticed that there is a noticeable gap between the head shield and the canopy in battroid mode. Sorry if this has already been answered, but is this normal and if so is that going to be an easy fix? Thanks!
  4. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Same here. I wanted only 1 but having seen the Vf-31A debacle and the subsequent price inflations, I knew I had to place at least two orders from separate stores who have a proven track record of delivering the preorders. Mine were with CDJ and HLJ. Think I will continue to use them again in the future, and also try amiami as well if I can get an order in on time.
  5. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Sorry to hear about the HLJ cancellations, but HLJ handled it pretty well from the beginning (email to warn about possible cancellations within a day, to let people hunt down backups while they still can), and was fully apologetic and gave a goodwill 10% discount to those affected, even though no payments have been made upfront. A great example for N-Y but I doubt they care.
  6. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    These days I do wonder how many are made in each batch, for example, in last week's DX YF-19 with weapon set, I'll be really curious to find out if say 10,000 gets made in one batch or is it more like 5,000 or so. The fanbase of collectors is small relative to the big hits such as Gundam and dragonball, but a Macross DX toy is probably more difficult to put together considering the transformation/paint/alignment requirements for a toy that has a 3-state transformation design.
  7. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    That makes sense, but like you said, sucks for us Macross toy collectors...
  8. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    119833xx 5:50am Eastern 119837xx 5:56am i cancelled 119837 a few mins after getting the order confirmations. No more emails from HLJ since Friday.
  9. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I hope I’m ok with my PO too. Phew. It reminds me of this:
  10. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    You’re right it’s only limited to 1 per customer. I placed a duplicate order because I didn’t get any confirmation at first (and their system allowed it at the time). That’s why as soon as I received two confirmation emails for the YF-19, I went in and cancelled the duplicate. Hopefully they saw that and didn’t penalize me for the multiple order.
  11. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I ordered two at about 5:55 and 5:58, got two confirmation emails about an hour later, then cancelled the later order immediately. No email from them yet. Fingers crossed. I have a second order at CDJ.
  12. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    And it was considered an easy preorder already. I hope it’s not going to become a trend going forward.
  13. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    That sucks. Sorry to hear that. But at least they were transparent about it and acted quickly to let you know and try to hunt one down elsewhere. Keep an eye out on all the retailers - they may open PO again temporarily.
  14. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Ah right ok, thanks for pointing that out TBH their POs were gone in a flash, I didn’t even get to see the company name properly LOL. I just call them 1999.co.jp haha
  15. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Updated with some corrections on price and time AA went out of stock.
  16. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah thanks I think that's a sensible approach. I don't HAVE TO get a SP set (and not even sure I will get the 31A anyway). Will just have to jump on a PO party again when it comes out!
  17. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Being overly optimistic here and let's assume that I will eventually get my 31A from NY, and I would like a super pack to go with it, should I order a set of the Messer super parts or do we think that they will release a set for the 31A?
  18. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I think that with all the cancellations of duplicate orders from HLJ, you might expect to see an opening over the next few days. Mykombini hasn’t started their PO yet so you should also check regularly with them just in case. NY is also known to open second round preorders in the past I believe.
  19. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    It was a fun party for those us who stayed up for what we initially thought was the 3am (4pm JPT) opening. I think that most of us who wanted one did manage to get one or more in the end from multiple vendors. Glad to hear you got yours from NY at a great price as well.
  20. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Thanks, that was interesting to know. A Jenius with limited role in the story is quite disappointing. I had some hopes for Delta before I started watching, but I was done when I saw the walkures jump out singing in the middle of the battle LOL. Couldn't even finish watching the first episode.
  21. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Is Mirage's 31 not popular because of the colour scheme, or is it something else? (I did not watch delta). wow. I presume you tried to order on HLJ multiple times (like many of us) and got the wave of order confirmations just now? Hopefully you can cancel the repeated orders and leave just one on the account to guarantee delivery.
  22. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    yeah I would be curious to know how today compares with previous DX preorders, so I can be better prepared for the next round, whenever that may be.
  23. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Thanks! Maybe they have been up for about 30 mins altogether, but I think the site also crashed on a few of us who were in the middle of placing an order.
  24. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Thanks @anubis20! How many did you get in the end? I got one each from HLJ and CDJ.
  25. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    NY was quite messed up but they ended up getting the second wave orders at around 6:30 eastern this morning when most other places were sold out. I'm sure their lower price (cheaper by 3000 Yen at least) helped as well.
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