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Everything posted by rdrunner

  1. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I know, I love the tramp stamp reference LOL I'm not a fan of the emblem myself to be honest, but understand that Delta is supposed to appeal to a completely different generation and I'm just interested in the mecha design of the 31A and not much else really.
  2. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm still waiting. But not ready to give up hope yet.
  3. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    LOL! Then I think the Kai is really for hardcore Delta fans only. I think the "Knight emblem" and the tramp stamp is referring to the same thing... different perspectives I guess
  4. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks. I know that 31J was a lottery special or something, but what's the difference between the 31J and the 31J Kai that makes the Kai more special?
  5. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Sorry I did not see 35k recently - it must have been in the first week of release on yahoo JP or something, and I thought it was expensive back then.. I'd probably jump on it if I saw one at that price today.
  6. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I don't know the VF-31's at all - is that the gun that comes with the 31A? That railgun looks really good!
  7. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ouch. And I'm starting to think 35k is not such a bad deal anymore...
  8. This^ THIS!
  9. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow - how long will it take for Bandai to release all the mecha in the bottom picture under the HMR scale??
  10. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Nice one sir congrats on securing a YF-19. I have a feeling that this may yet turn out to be another very sought-after item upon release like the 31A, because of the extensive weapon set included, many of us appear to have ordered at least a duplicate if we could get it on the PO night.
  11. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Guess the first PO wasn't quite exciting enough LOL!
  12. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I hear you and I'm also annoyed about the after-market prices of the DX super parts as well. Just look at the crazy prices for the VF-25 add-on's (especially the armor parts) these days. For the 31F that I just bought, I'm still unsure about getting the super parts for it. I like the aesthetics of the VF-31 design (31A to be exact), but think that the super parts kind of ruin the beautiful streamlined look of the fighter mode, so I'm ok with the 31F going "naked" and wait for the 31A super parts, if it ever happens. And before that, of course, IF Nippon Yasan actually delivers my bloody order.
  13. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks @Krunc, I think 18k is a good price for those of us who didn't pre-order. I got mine also from the SAHRA Mandarake store, apparently an opened but unused, resealed copy of the 31F for 20k Yen. Fingers crossed mine will arrive in good shape, can't wait.
  14. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I’ve recently ordered two items from them but haven’t received yet. Others seem to have bought from them without many problems. I found a 31J for 25000 yen on Mandarake, box damaged but unused https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1058009614&ref=list
  15. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I caved and ordered a VF-31F from Mandarake to soothe the long wait for the 31A. The 31F was the next acceptable colour scheme in the series and I can just about ignore the two purple blots on the chest...
  16. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Hi and congrats on securing a preorder on the much sought-after DX YF-19 When I saw your username, the black and gold coloured VF-1 is the first thing that came to mind...
  17. Thanks Lolicon, yes I have heard good things about Japanese Airbnb so will definitely give that a try. I was fortunate enough to have worked in Tokyo for 3 months many years ago, and frequented Akihibara and all the second hand toy shops during weekends. Too bad Macross toys wasn't in abundance at the time (this was when the 1/60 V1 just came out). I think I'll probably blow all the cash on Valkyries within the first couple of days...
  18. I was just thinking of going to Japan some time after the summer peak season. Have spare air miles to use as an excuse. I'll have to check out that hotel for the dates that I had in mind, thanks for the suggestion!
  19. Guys - thanks very much for your replies, this is all very helpful info. I can't wait to get my hands on the 171EX Alto (never watched Macross F but will probably get to it at some point). Also ordered the 25F renewal and armour set, used, which was not cheap but would be a nice addition to my new collection beyond VF-1's. I think I will also get that super parts set for Alto's 171EX soon if they still have it in stock at that price.
  20. I've always liked the 171-EX's design and so recently bought a sealed Alto's version. Quick question please, what's the going rate for a decent ish second hand super pack and what's the use of the spare wings in the package? Does this mean we have to do parts swapping when putting on the super parts? Thanks!
  21. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks - and that mod is probably the least intrusive...
  22. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Very nice. I hope NY will get some new stock and start filling those orders for all of us who are still waiting. But great news, congrats.
  23. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    some sellers on taobao has been advertising about a batch coming in in May as well. (I can't find the link now, so take this with a huge grain of salt) But I'm still somewhat hopeful that Bandai is still sending out the 31A orders slowly and hopefully more of us will hear from NY after the Golden week holiday in Japan.
  24. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for the suggestion, I didn't know you can do that - did you share your mod in an earlier post already? I would love to learn how. Thanks!
  25. Absolutely gorgeous pics! I passed on this one in the hope that a TV version will come out some time in the future, but I wish I had bought one after seeing your pics...
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