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Everything posted by rdrunner

  1. I've been having problems as well - have 5+ packages I'm trying to track
  2. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks @technoblue - and congrats on your shipment! My order number is 4890xx so it would be intertesting to see how long it takes to get through 200 order numbers after @Sanity is Optional!
  3. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That’s really encouraging to see two new shipment notifications today, after, what, 4 weeks since the last one?
  4. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    *GASP* this is the first 10/7 preorder shipment on here... will they get to my 10/7 9am order within the next couple of weeks??!
  5. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I’m actually embarrassed to post a pic of my messy detolf setup, but just to show the effects of a vertical light setting, here it is...
  6. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yup. Typical Bandai really...
  7. Very nice display! Did you add a reinforcing plate between the two detolfs to strengthen the display without the middle partitions? I would like to set up 4-6 detolfs later and am thinking about taking out the sides as well to widen the range of display. I suppose it's quite strong once you add the metal plate, and you don't have to worry about losing the support of the side glass panel? Thanks!
  8. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks very much, right now I have two detolfs and use the dioder strip lights tied to the sides of the metal frame vertically (if you know what I mean), but still seems a little dark to me, so I may have to reconfigure them the way you did. I love the way you have organized your collection and it feels spacious and uncluttered. Mine is an overcrowded glass prison right now, where everybody has to stand up to occupy the least amount of space available, LOL.
  9. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    @Saburo, would you mind telling me how the lights inside your detolfs are set up? The display looks gorgeous and I’m hoping to try and set up an array of detolfs for my small but growing VF collection in the spare room. Thanks!
  10. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Very nice. I wouldn’t mind getting a set of this after I have seen the Messer 31F in hand...:D
  11. rdrunner

    Uta Macross!

    Great! I'm at the end of rank 16 but can't wait to get to 18 to unlock 天使の絵の具 from FB 2012. Seems that 0-G love was an event download but I wonder if there is a way to get that if I have joined late and missed the event in March? Some advice please - how do you guys practice for hard/very hard/extreme levels? I can manage to clear some of the hard mode songs with sight-reading but it is hard not to have a way to recap a song and practice individual sections. I know there is a simulation live function that you can use items to listen to a song once, but these are limited. Do I really have to record a song in S-live mode and watch the video in order to practice??
  12. rdrunner

    Uta Macross!

    I found the following from a Hong Kong website (https://www.hk01.com/科技玩物/110441/歌macross-超時空要塞音樂手遊-聲畫靚絕) and so far the order of the unlocks have been correct for me. Is this what you're looking for? Sorry for the raw Japanese text but I think you should be able to google translate the page fairly easily. Thanks. 《Marcoss》 愛・おぼえていますか(Rank 8) 天使の絵の具(Rank 18) 小白竜(Rank 26) 《Marcoss 7》 Try Again(Rank 28) 《Marcoss F》 アナタノオト、ダイアモンド クレバス(Rank 1) 星間飛行(Rank 2) アイモ(Rank 6) 私の彼はパイロット(Rank 10) ねこ日記(Rank 12) What’bout may star?(Rank 16) トライアングラー(Rank 20) ニンジーン Loves you yeah!(Rank 22) インフィニティ(Rank 24) Welcome To My FanClub’s Night!(Rank 29) 《Macross Delta》 ルンがピカッと光ったら(Rank 1) 不確定性☆COSMIC MOVEMENT(Rank 4) いけないボーダーライン(Rank 14) 一度だけの恋なら(Rank 30)
  13. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I’m still a bit scared to transform this thing LOL. I may need to get a spare Messer unit MISB...
  14. rdrunner

    Uta Macross!

    Ah thanks. My rank is probably still too low (11). I don’t have 0-G love yet. But silver moon red moon is another of my fav and so I’m glad to have it. Must level up faster!!
  15. rdrunner

    Uta Macross!

    Thanks! I’m almost a week in and only at BE4/ rank 10. Love the songs from the original Macross series but I hope they will release more over time. Can’t wait for them to release “Ai wa nagareru”
  16. Thanks @borgified, that would be a good outcome, but I guess we’ll see. It won’t be long before I buy something from them again I’m sure. Ordered a set of Alto super parts from them but they were out of stock...
  17. Thanks, yes that’s right. It’s the KO version of the super strike parts set that someone had talked about in the other thread. The only difference is that mine came with the clear parts. Quality is ok but this is really meant to be an extra set for my VF-1A and I won’t feel bad about putting the Kite logo on the boosters. FWIW these aren’t that cheap compared to the super parts set in the market if you have the patience to wait for the right price. I was merely curious about the quality of these and wanted them for the clear parts.
  18. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think you’ve done a tremendous job sanding that down. Good save sir!
  19. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh wait I’m not sure now - the brownish mark in the arm in the first pic?
  20. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Very nice!! I just got my messer but haven’t transformed it yet, noting Jenius’ comment in his review that this valk seems to scratch very easily...
  21. Yeah there's always going to be a small risk that this might happen with "opened box" purchases. I wrote back with the hope that they might address the issue, but I won't be surprised if they stick with the "as is" clause anyway. Hoping that they'll recognize this and give me some "goodwill" considering the amount of purchases I've made over the last few weeks...
  22. Just received an order from Mandarake (YF-29 Ozma), and found out that the valk is missing one of the intake covers (it was supposed to be unused, but opened, with no mention of any missing parts). I have another used YF-29 coming that I think can provide the spare cover if I need, but am still cheesed off about getting a flawed item. Has anyone had any similar issues with Mandarake in the past and were you able to get to a resolution with them? I'd love to know. Thanks!
  23. just curious, is this the same listing that kicker777 was referring to last night? Is it possible to set up alerts for new listings like this?
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