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Everything posted by rdrunner

  1. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Same here actually. That was my “aha” moment.
  2. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I agree - it's just personal preference really. I still bought the -31F and -31S in my collection and I like them *almost* as much as the -31A, haha!
  3. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think the entire VF-31 series would have been soooo much better if they dropped the forward swept wings altogether.
  4. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Agree, and the delta wing design makes it one of the best looking Valkyrie in fighter mode as well.
  5. Thanks @borgified, I actually checked mine straight away when I saw the pics above with the broken shoulder peg. Thankfully not broken, but scary nonetheless.
  6. Yeah sorry I was talking about the 1/48 Yamato missile sets that came with *every* 1/48 valk they released. I have 3 sets of regular missiles and 2 sets of reaction missiles that I hardly ever use anyway. Having recently bought KO VF-171 EX missile sets on Taobao, I won't be surprised if the missile and hands sets will eventually get KO'd. That's why I am buying one set at most, and only if the price is sensible.
  7. I think I will just get one for the sake of completeness, if prices are not crazy expensive, just in case they do a missile effects set (ala HMR) for the line later.
  8. From the pics it seems like the attachment points on the missile sets are shaped almost identical to the Yamato design. But, knowing Bandai, I am sure the tolerances will just be off *a tiny little bit* so that the Yamato ones (which we probably have many spare sets of) will not work.
  9. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks @Shizuka the Cat as always for the useful list. I woke up 10 mins ago in panic, but managed to snag 2 from Amazon japan thanks to your link.
  10. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    No early start POs for the -1D yet. Seems like we have to wait until 2am Eastern...
  11. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    I had hoped that the HM-R VF-1D would have the option to detach the cockpit for the scene in episode 2 or 3 when Focker rescued them. But that might have been too much to ask for on a 1/100 scale model. I am still very excited about this release - bring on the HM-R Virgin Road VF-1D, Bandai!!
  12. Beware that the quality of the KO isn't on par with the original - there are some differences in the mold/parts and clearance issues. This will also not work with the GBP armor, but I doubt anyone getting a KO will be doing that anyway.
  13. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks! Alarm set - see you at the PO party
  14. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Sorry if this has been posted, but when is the PO date for the HMR VF-1D? Thanks!
  15. Nice haul. What are the known issues with the VF-27?
  16. I was messing around with the OWL set and the armor rack, and remembered seeing a pic on FB showing that it is also compatible with the original Bandai GBP armor. The instructions of course will not show this, but I was wondering if anyone has that pic or can show me how the GBP should be mounted on it please?
  17. Yes that was my first reaction too (dark grey + yellow = urban camo-esque scheme) Not sure which valk's colour scheme will best match this though.
  18. I wish my pink-ish VF-1S and VF-1J Arcadia remakes used the same off-white color as the original Yamato versions...
  19. I googled for taobao shopping guide, and thought that this page offered a fairly detailed and clean step by step explanation. Take a look and let us know how you get on, but I have only started shopping on TB about 8 months ago, and most of the time the experience had been smooth. Happy shopping! https://www.sassyhongkong.com/sassys-guide-to-taobao-style/
  20. Hi @Sildani, happy to help. I don’t suppose you’ve bought from taobao before then have you?
  21. Found them on taobao recently. Sorry not sure if its ok to post links here or not.
  22. KO missile set... got two of these
  23. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I have been wondering the same thing - if the draken can go on the old 31F release with the same set of clips, then in theory someone can make a set of 3D printed clips and we'll be done, no?
  24. Wow.... the stack of VF-1A low vis! I see like 7 copies, two still MISB??
  25. Thanks! I remember visiting your guide to check the inside of the nosecone on mine to see if it’s v1.1, when I got my 1/48 around 10 years ago!
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