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Everything posted by rdrunner

  1. Multiple copies of the 31A always excites me, even if these are the non-transforming version... nice!
  2. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Are we sure it’s a bright white with a pink tint, not bright pink with a white tint?
  3. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks Jenius that’s a great comparison picture clearly showing the different “whites”. I wonder what the Arcadia (2015 reissue) VF-1J in the GBP set might look in the pic. I am guessing it will have a white that’s closer to the VF-2SS?
  4. Very jelly from an amiami preorder customer... happy new year guys!
  5. That’s a great 1/48 collection especially the non standard colour schemes. I have had my eye on the woodland VF-1A for a long time, (as @borgifiedcan probably verify lol), and that paint scheme in fighter mode is absolutely gorgeous.
  6. Thanks Everyone!! That makes much more sense now because I was struggling to remember seeing the leg fins folding inwards. The Earth reentry scene (Ai wa nagareru) is one of my favorite in the TV series; but, to this day I still can’t associate the “airplane tire touchdown/skidding” sound with the Gerwalk’s metal feet hitting the gravel.
  7. Where in the original TV animation can we see the folding leg fins? I am ashamed to admit that I don’t recall ever seeing that and had always thought of it as an unnecessary gimmick that was first added by the 1/60 v2...
  8. Same here. Even without the limited supply fiasco. It is simply a great design and color scheme. I know I will only buy one 31J but I will buy as many KO 31A’s as I can afford...
  9. I have found that sizes of missile attachments are not always consistent between the same scales. Take the VF-171EX reaction missile (1/60) compared to the size of the VF-31S (1/60) reaction missiles for example... the latter seem tiny in comparison.
  10. It also looks as though the size of the VF-1’s missile hard points are slightly bigger (looser fit) for the Yamato missiles - I wonder if we could somehow make the Yamato missile points thicker (nail polish or cement) to make them somewhat compatible? After all we have spares lying around and the goodness of fit doesn’t really matter for missiles. And if it “breaks” it is just the spare missile sets anyway...?
  11. Thanks very much @tekering for trying out the crazy things that I was gonna do! But it’s great news that the YF-19 missile mounts fit! So does that mean also that the VF-171 and VF-31A’s missile sets would fit too? Thanks!
  12. I was also a bit disappointed but it was Saturday afternoon local time when the payment requests went out. Oh well I guess I could have gone with cheaper shipping if my EMS shipment arrives when I’m out.
  13. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Right I see, thanks for the dimensions info. Maybe the shipping cost is justified for the monster after all...
  14. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow... and lol! I haven’t seen this video before and I am more used to Jenius’ more serious reviews, so this one is very, erm... refreshing. Please consider asking Mrs Jenius to do the upcoming VF-1 DX review, it’s the biggest Valk issued to date after all (but it doesn’t come in black yet).
  15. Yes!! The VF-1J wallet gif that I’ve been waiting for!! Thanks @no3Ljm!!! This is another classic along with the focker VF-0S wallet gif..
  16. I love the GBP for the Yammie 1/48. Out of all the GBP releases so far, it was the most imposing looking IMO. Can’t wait to add a fifth GBP set to my collection...
  17. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks, that helps. It might be a bit of a squeeze to fit into my luggage, and knowing how they handle luggages, it probably won’t survive. It will have to be hand carried somehow - I may have to resort to packing contents and box separately.
  18. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    I have no idea how big the box is, will it not fit in a regular suitcase?? Or worst case scenario I will have to roll it up in bubble wrap in my hand luggage and fold the box, pack the accessories separately....
  19. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Good to know, I would prefer to fit it in the detolf. Many thanks! Now the hard part - finding one in store at a reasonable price, *and* it surviving three flights from Tokyo to home in the US....
  20. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi Jenius, will it fit in an ikea detolf or are the cannons too long? Thinking of getting a box damaged one in person from Mandarake or Jungle when I’m in Tokyo in a couple weeks. I had wanted to order one before but the hefty shipping scared me off.
  21. Oh it’s for 2... then 7860 yen EMS for 2 seems quite reasonable!
  22. May I ask which country it’s going to? Mine was 5,480 yen EMS to East Coast USA
  23. I just received payment request from amiami minutes ago and paid for my order. Base price 16480 yen + 5480 yen EMS = 21,960 yen total shipped to the US. But the holiday schedules plus EMS shipping speed may mean that I won’t get it before I leave on the 9th... will see.
  24. My list of things I’d like to try with the DX so far: - see if the 1/48 Yammie missiles fit (and if not, how different is the fit) - see if the YF-19 FSP (1/60 scale) weapons work with this - check the goodness of fit of the VF-171 style missile packs on he DX 1/48 - skeptical that it will even work at all, but at least take a look at how the 1/48 Yammie GBP set and the strike packs could fit the DX.
  25. Yeah I think I may have to get one from Manda when I’m in Akihabara. Will be hard to resist if it’s right in front of me.
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